Baltimore on 11/16/2006 11:07 PM CST
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Um...Baltimore sucks.

I know.

I live here.

Thats about it.

"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
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Re: Baltimore on 11/21/2006 02:07 AM CST
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It's not all bad. There's the Walters Art Gallery and the Baltimore Museum of Art--both free now, the National Aquarium, plenty of good restaurants and bars in Mount Vernon, Federal Hill, and Fells Point, cultural events in Mount Vernon Park including the Book Festival and Monumental Occasion in two weeks, and a thriving theatre community.

That said, I'm planning to move to DC next year.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Baltimore on 11/21/2006 07:46 AM CST
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>>It's not all bad. There's the Walters Art Gallery and the Baltimore Museum of Art--both free now, the National Aquarium, plenty of good restaurants and bars in Mount Vernon, Federal Hill, and Fells Point, cultural events in Mount Vernon Park including the Book Festival and Monumental Occasion in two weeks, and a thriving theatre community.

Not only that, but a little-known fact is that Baltimore also has a subway! Not many people realize it, but you can take the subway (one line only) from Owings Mills to Johns Hopkins Hospital. That being said, might I recommend not taking the Baltimore Metro Subway.

~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Baltimore on 11/22/2006 10:11 PM CST
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Heh. Get shot in owings mills and you've got a direct line to the hospital! Nice feature.

Yeah, the Inner harbor area isn't bad if you ignore that it's insainly overpriced. Don't try visiting the Edgar Allen Poe house though. Seriously. Don't.

I duno, been here about a year and i'm just amazed by the lack of...well...anything. The art Museums are cool, but theres only so fast they can rotate exibits. Same with the aquarium and i'm already tired of "going out to eat" being the feature of the week. Yeah, some good restraunts but ugh. I can only eat so much.

"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
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Re: Baltimore on 11/24/2006 09:29 AM CST
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>>i'm already tired of "going out to eat" being the feature of the week

No joke. There's live music, too, but the Baltimore music scene is extremely sub-par. Add in the price of drinks and I'll rather be buying a 6-pack and watching a Led Zeppelin DVD.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Baltimore on 11/24/2006 10:58 AM CST
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if yer single, get a girl. it'll take up all your free time and you'll never even have to leave the house.

if yer married...well...yer in a bad way.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Baltimore on 11/24/2006 06:25 PM CST
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Can I just dress you up in a skirt Ragran?


"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
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Re: Baltimore on 12/31/2006 07:06 PM CST
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Orioles Games are not that bad, Boog Powell's BBQ is ok, but a tad overpriced. Inner harbor is a once you seen it, you seen it attraction. Pimlico Racetrack is great, just dont go on Preakness day. Ravens games are pricey, but the crowd there is a little more mellower than NY or Philly crowds. I do not live in Baltimore but I do visit there about 5-10 times a year. I have never had a bad experience there, good people, good food, good sports.
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Re: Baltimore on 01/01/2007 02:13 PM CST
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>>I do not live in Baltimore but I do visit there about 5-10 times a year. I have never had a bad experience there, good people, good food, good sports.

It's all about what street you're on. One block from the stadiums in almost any direction but the waterfront and I've personally seen several recently dead bodies as a result of violence, and I only go through the area once a month at most. However, despite normally having the highest per capita murder rate in the US, it's mostly drug or gang related violence. It's rare that an innocent gets killed in Baltimore, aside from the normal couple a year wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time murders.

Ah, Baltimore.

~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Baltimore on 01/08/2007 03:59 AM CST
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I lived in Baltimore between 1976 and 1981. I was in college at Goucher for 4 of those years. I lived downtown for one. I remember baltimore before the inner harbor, and I remember them building it. There were lots of things I liked about living downtown. I actually lived near the train station...wasn't a good neighborhood, but I lived there and I was young and I wasn't afraid. I used to take the buses down thru North avenue and roundabout to Reisterstown Road to work 5 days a week. The ballpark was near Homewood at the time, too. Memorial drive? We used to go to the games a lot. Fells Point, Peabody Bookstore, The Pink Hippo, seeing the Grateful Dead at memorial auditorium, concerts at Hopkins, the markets, powerhouse sandwiches, Bud Paolini's, the restaraunt in Towson that some football player owned, The Colts using my campus as a training camp....ahh the memories.

Allison, player of Allarsk

The teaching of target has been outlawed by the war mage authorities as knowledge of that skill promotes violence.
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Re: Baltimore on 01/11/2007 06:46 PM CST
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If the Pink Hippo is the bar at the corner of Eager and Charles, it's now just called the Hippo. The bar that is catty-corner to it, which used to be called Central Station, is now called Grand Central, because the owner bought the adjacent space and expanded the business.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Baltimore on 01/23/2007 09:04 PM CST
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One word


Need I say more? My band and I used to play there quiet abit. I grew up out in Ft. Washington, MD. My folks still live out there, reminds me, I'll be out that way in a couple of months, any DR players in the MD area up for some dinner or something say come....May? Or in the DC/VA/MD area. I'll be living out off of Indian Head Highway (Hwy 210). When I get back out there. But yeah, only things to do in MD? Umm.....err.....umm.....again, one word,


Great club. Granted to stage when I was playing reallllly needed to be shorter, playin the first set of your bands material on your backside, wasn't very fun. But the girls lap I fell into was great for the next 4 songs after that...

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Re: Baltimore on 01/25/2007 07:41 AM CST
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I'm pretty sure it's closed, unless they re-opened it.

Went there for Party Gras about 4 years ago. It was, suffice to say, an experience. Not worth driving to Baltimore for, though (and I'm only 15 minutes away).

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Baltimore on 01/25/2007 08:25 AM CST
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>>I'm pretty sure it's closed, unless they re-opened it

Noooooo....:::cries::: I haven't been to Baltimore in 10 years.....been living in Oklahoma City, man I do miss home. That sucks knowing its closed I have some awesome memories of that place. Oh well. I'll still be home in May. There are other clubs, granted all in VA, not many good clubs in MD, or DC. Least good clubs where you can catch a good band. Welp, guess I'll see everyone in May!

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Re: Baltimore on 01/25/2007 09:18 AM CST
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>>There are other clubs, granted all in VA, not many good clubs in MD, or DC. Least good clubs where you can catch a good band. Welp, guess I'll see everyone in May!

Tell me about it. Music in Maryland is...blech. I've been thinking of joining another band since the last one fizzled, but the problem is that I hate all of them. There are a lot of bands that could use a guitarist like me, but they would have to totally change their setlists, and I'm not that much of a pompous fool. I'd start my own band, but there's a dearth of good drummers, and that's very important to me (especially if we're doing any Zeppelin).

Le sigh.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Baltimore on 01/25/2007 10:35 AM CST
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There's a guy out there named Ryan, lives in Waldorf, one hell of a drummer. Used to play in a band called Nimbus, and went on to play for a band called Floored. They had 1 CD out called Chaos Media. Pretty cool songs on it, my brother in law was their base player. But Ryan was/is one of the best drummers I've ever heard for someone not ever really making it big in the music scene out there. I've played in a few bands out there myself, more fill in type of work of layin tracks down. But Ryan is one hell of a drummer, I know he likes more of the Zombie type/old school Metallica etc etc. There are also other great musicians out there, a guy named Warlock (body piercer by trade) is one hell of a guitarist, same with a guy we called Speedy White.

Heh, I can go on and on about musicians out there. One other guy thats under-rated that works for a music company is a guy named Gene, from Hot Licks Guitar shop out in Waldorf, on highway 301. That guy is just incredible. He's got some work out there on CD, but not sure the name of the label he's under or the CD's he's played on. But yeah, I agree, its hard to find a good drummer, here I am naming off guitarist, and your needin a drummer...::chortles:: ok, I think I'm done rambling now, if you want throw me an IM if you have AIM.


or throw me an email at

ok, I think I'm done

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