Sorry. School's had me swamped. I missed this whole thread. When's everyone going this year? I keep saying I'm gonna make it and this or that comes up. ::Mutters something about which world is supposed to take precedence::
Sean, player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer
The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
AIM Beaker326th
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/04/2004 12:16 PM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/04/2004 12:37 PM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/05/2004 10:06 AM CDT
REPOSTING!'s that time again. Time for me to start bugging you all about the Maryland Renaissance Festival. My summer is crazy, misfortunately, so I won't be able to go except for the very last weekend. October 23 & 24. The way things are going, I'll be lucky to make that. Anyone up for some Dragon's Blood?
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker's that time again. Time for me to start bugging you all about the Maryland Renaissance Festival. My summer is crazy, misfortunately, so I won't be able to go except for the very last weekend. October 23 & 24. The way things are going, I'll be lucky to make that. Anyone up for some Dragon's Blood?
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/05/2004 10:44 PM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/06/2004 07:54 PM CDT
What's this? Another Delawarian??
Hubby, toddler and I might make it down... with my father, who is visiting that weekend. We still have not made plans one way or another. If it turns out to be more of a family event, Roxy, I will at least stop over to see you with Madamoiselle Toddler, so you can meet the little bugger. :)
Hubby, toddler and I might make it down... with my father, who is visiting that weekend. We still have not made plans one way or another. If it turns out to be more of a family event, Roxy, I will at least stop over to see you with Madamoiselle Toddler, so you can meet the little bugger. :)
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/06/2004 09:41 PM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/07/2004 10:56 AM CDT
Let's see...that's two Delawarians for sure. Isn't your state getting crowded? I would love to see you all, Spri. It's been too damn long. Let me know what your plans are!
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/07/2004 08:18 PM CDT
>>And what's wrong with Delawarians?! I'm born and raised!<<
Easy, DE sucks big toes!
I'm born hawaiian & raised yankee, yeah yeah, frickin transplant. But suck-it county is the worst, thats why I work down in Wico-mico (snickers) now, got sick of the last 20 yrs getting only summertime jobs to cater to the frickin tourists headed to OC.
I hate the SR 1 bypass now, specially that they want to move it south more.
But anyways, back on topic,sorta... I think everyone was discussing the last day of the fest, have fun, end joust wkend is always good, if crowded. Raise a couple huzza's & hics! hics! for me.
Easy, DE sucks big toes!
I'm born hawaiian & raised yankee, yeah yeah, frickin transplant. But suck-it county is the worst, thats why I work down in Wico-mico (snickers) now, got sick of the last 20 yrs getting only summertime jobs to cater to the frickin tourists headed to OC.
I hate the SR 1 bypass now, specially that they want to move it south more.
But anyways, back on topic,sorta... I think everyone was discussing the last day of the fest, have fun, end joust wkend is always good, if crowded. Raise a couple huzza's & hics! hics! for me.
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/08/2004 07:10 AM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/08/2004 10:29 PM CDT
Fantastic! Great to hear that, Gulph. Dinner Friday night or is that too much? Let me know. I'll be in town by then. If Fuddruckers is out, then suggest something else you all might like. If not Friday, then let me know where we can meet you Saturday morning before the cannon fires.
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/09/2004 12:44 PM CDT
>>Fantastic! Great to hear that, Gulph. Dinner Friday night or is that too much? Let me know. I'll be in town by then. If Fuddruckers is out, then suggest something else you all might like. If not Friday, then let me know where we can meet you Saturday morning before the cannon fires.
I don't really know Annapolis area very well, except that there's a Friday's on Rt. 2 and Rocco's else. Hmm...Friday at Friday's...Rocco's has awesome pizza, but it doesn't strike me as a very gather-y kind of place.
All this thinking about food made me realize I haven't eaten lunch yet, so if I have any clever ideas I'll come back and post later.
~Mike/p.o. Gulphphunger
I don't really know Annapolis area very well, except that there's a Friday's on Rt. 2 and Rocco's else. Hmm...Friday at Friday's...Rocco's has awesome pizza, but it doesn't strike me as a very gather-y kind of place.
All this thinking about food made me realize I haven't eaten lunch yet, so if I have any clever ideas I'll come back and post later.
~Mike/p.o. Gulphphunger
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/15/2004 12:29 PM CDT
Gulph, Found this place. It's nearby and looks pretty good. Check it out and let me know what you think.
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/16/2004 01:29 PM CDT
No worries, Gulph. It'll be nice to see you at all. How about 7 pm on Friday at Adam's? We'll exchange cells there. Come hungry. I'm buying.
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/17/2004 01:26 AM CDT
>>No worries, Gulph. It'll be nice to see you at all. How about 7 pm on Friday at Adam's? We'll exchange cells there. Come hungry. I'm buying.
In college, I was one of several Mikes that hung out together. There were three things that we Mikeys did, and the primary one was be hungry. We were always hungry, and we always enjoyed eating. It's something that I've really got a knack for. Adam's at 7 sounds fine to me.
~Mikey G./Gulph
In college, I was one of several Mikes that hung out together. There were three things that we Mikeys did, and the primary one was be hungry. We were always hungry, and we always enjoyed eating. It's something that I've really got a knack for. Adam's at 7 sounds fine to me.
~Mikey G./Gulph
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/21/2004 10:21 PM CDT
It's here! This is the weekend folks. We'll be meeting for dinner Friday night, yes..that's tomorrow, at Adam's. The Chesapeake Avenue location. Then Saturday meeting at the front gate at 10 am. It's nice to get there early to see the opening festivities. If you are interested in joining us, please email me here and I will get back to you with my cell phone number. I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Annapolis, so email early and often. Hope to see you all there! Huzzah!
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges,
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
~Dorothy Parker
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 10/22/2004 04:17 PM CDT
I probably can't make dinner tonight due to a musical obligation with the band. Normally I wouldn't bail on a prior commitment, but it's a guest musician from out of town, so I've kind of got to be there so we can rehearse for a shindig next week.
I'll try to get to the fest as soon as I can tomorrow depending on when the disc golf tournament ends. Since I won't be there tonight, um...I'll just have to wing it, or someone who's going can give a call to my cell at 443-506-8315. If you get a voicemail that sounds like a company message, that's me (I have to have that message on there for when I'm on call). Hope to see someone there at some point tomorrow!
~Mike/p.o. Gulphphunger
I'll try to get to the fest as soon as I can tomorrow depending on when the disc golf tournament ends. Since I won't be there tonight, um...I'll just have to wing it, or someone who's going can give a call to my cell at 443-506-8315. If you get a voicemail that sounds like a company message, that's me (I have to have that message on there for when I'm on call). Hope to see someone there at some point tomorrow!
~Mike/p.o. Gulphphunger
Maryland Renaissance Festival on 08/31/2005 01:12 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 08/31/2005 01:14 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 08/31/2005 01:26 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 08/31/2005 09:49 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 08/31/2005 07:28 PM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 09/05/2005 04:23 PM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 09/05/2005 09:25 PM CDT
~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 09/09/2005 09:17 AM CDT
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 09/09/2005 10:34 PM CDT
>>Okay..looks like Sunday, Sept. 11th, is the day we'll be gathering. I will be at the ATM near the ticket sales windows by 9:45 am at the latest. The gates open at 10:30 am. Hope to see you there.
Ouch...that might be just a tad early. I'm giving blood that morning around 9:15am in Columbia. I should be able to get there around 10:30 or so, depending on the crowd. Typically Sunday mornings are pretty chill, but being 9/11 there might be a surge of people.
Then again, it's still 9:15am on a Sunday. ::shrug::
I'll give a call as soon as I'm done. It should take me no more than 45 minutes to get there from here.
See ya there,
~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
Ouch...that might be just a tad early. I'm giving blood that morning around 9:15am in Columbia. I should be able to get there around 10:30 or so, depending on the crowd. Typically Sunday mornings are pretty chill, but being 9/11 there might be a surge of people.
Then again, it's still 9:15am on a Sunday. ::shrug::
I'll give a call as soon as I'm done. It should take me no more than 45 minutes to get there from here.
See ya there,
~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
Re: ~Maryland Renaissance Festival~ on 09/13/2005 01:32 AM CDT
Thanks to everyone that made the journey to Maryland. I was wonderful to see you. Next time more drinking, less walking!
Roxana Bloodlan
Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/18/2009 06:27 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/18/2009 06:55 AM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/18/2009 09:43 AM CDT
>>>Sunhammer and I will be at the MRF this October...probably the last weekend. We'd love to see you and your infamous bathrobe!
Groovy! I definitely plan on going this year. I'll suss out which weekend(s) later, but I'd love to meet up with you guys again. Just let me know when as the dates get closer and we'll see what we can do!
>>Speaking of, my roommate got a job there this year! I urge all to harass the saucy wench!
I shall. One of my friends got a job there as one of the singers this year, so I already have to go and harass people. Adding one to the list won't be a problem. ;)
~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
Groovy! I definitely plan on going this year. I'll suss out which weekend(s) later, but I'd love to meet up with you guys again. Just let me know when as the dates get closer and we'll see what we can do!
>>Speaking of, my roommate got a job there this year! I urge all to harass the saucy wench!
I shall. One of my friends got a job there as one of the singers this year, so I already have to go and harass people. Adding one to the list won't be a problem. ;)
~Mike/player of Gulphphunger
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/18/2009 05:29 PM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/18/2009 09:12 PM CDT
Re: Maryland Renaissance Festival on 06/19/2009 10:14 AM CDT