Someone has to plan something in the city. Not it!
Li Tumbra Mir
"If it ain't drunk, Drink it."
WOW!! People in Northern DE!! I thought I was alone here in New Castle!!! IM me at tropicdude or email me or respond here :-)
Where in Bear? We're right next to the Airports - the civilian and military.
Andrew player of Bantem
"Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off."
Where in Bear? We're right next to the Airports - the civilian and military.
Andrew player of Bantem
"Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off."
We're right off Rt 40, near Porter Rd.
Katrenos' player goes to UD - I haven't seen him post lately so I have no idea if he's still playing. Last I heard Darthiel was in Dover. No idea if he's still there. Former GM Cadaya lives near Prices Corner, I think.
Excepting Darthiel, we're all probably no more than 20 min drive away, with traffic. It is Delaware, after all.
Katrenos' player goes to UD - I haven't seen him post lately so I have no idea if he's still playing. Last I heard Darthiel was in Dover. No idea if he's still there. Former GM Cadaya lives near Prices Corner, I think.
Excepting Darthiel, we're all probably no more than 20 min drive away, with traffic. It is Delaware, after all.
Awwhh frick,
Cadaya is in DE? I knew something was stinking up the state but wasnt sure if it was the flippin tourists or not. (J/K about Cadaya)
Seems like I am the only one in Suckit County, err Sussex County. You all the ones that the idjuits down here are saying elected Minnor back to another term? <glances your way> Word is from WGMD foolhosts is that NC wants to become part of Philly &/or Jersey.
Me, I'll just go back to CT or maybe move to NC, lots less idjuits either way then fools down here developing every square inch of eastern land.
Who lives in Suckit County but isnt from here, only been here 20 years now.
Cadaya is in DE? I knew something was stinking up the state but wasnt sure if it was the flippin tourists or not. (J/K about Cadaya)
Seems like I am the only one in Suckit County, err Sussex County. You all the ones that the idjuits down here are saying elected Minnor back to another term? <glances your way> Word is from WGMD foolhosts is that NC wants to become part of Philly &/or Jersey.
Me, I'll just go back to CT or maybe move to NC, lots less idjuits either way then fools down here developing every square inch of eastern land.
Who lives in Suckit County but isnt from here, only been here 20 years now.
Sorry but personally I wont set foot in reho during the summer, specially now the frickin state has screwed up the entrance in it with their "great landscaping" project <snorts>
Not even Dogfish brewery, the Frogpond or the Blue Moon will entice me, nearest I would have gone is the 'Gade (Renegade) but thats been torn down for a bit now. Frickin rednecks couldnt destroy it even through 3 attempts but sell it to a "developer" & they accomplish what no one else could, destroy it. Oh well.
And nothing against you so please dont take this personally but if I wanted the beach I'll go jump on my boat & zip out near Cape Henelopen & jump over the side to go swimming. <g> With my looks (true redhead & fair skin) I burn way to fast & am way too jumpy to sit on some sand for hours on end crisping my skin <g> No offense to those that do but I think the medieval people had it right, only the workers had tanned skin, nobility & such had pale skin & flaunted it, heheheh
Not even Dogfish brewery, the Frogpond or the Blue Moon will entice me, nearest I would have gone is the 'Gade (Renegade) but thats been torn down for a bit now. Frickin rednecks couldnt destroy it even through 3 attempts but sell it to a "developer" & they accomplish what no one else could, destroy it. Oh well.
And nothing against you so please dont take this personally but if I wanted the beach I'll go jump on my boat & zip out near Cape Henelopen & jump over the side to go swimming. <g> With my looks (true redhead & fair skin) I burn way to fast & am way too jumpy to sit on some sand for hours on end crisping my skin <g> No offense to those that do but I think the medieval people had it right, only the workers had tanned skin, nobility & such had pale skin & flaunted it, heheheh