Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 08/25/2006 10:19 PM CDT
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Alright, well, I have hit a pretty bad financial bind. Almost had to cancel DR, but managed to struggle through for the time being. Unfortunately though, this means I can't afford the Ren Faire in October. I've talked to most everyone I know is going, and they've agreed its ok to postpone it, since n one else wanted to take ove rthe planning LOL.

So. We are changing the dates to November 18 and 19. Depending on the weather, we may get a hotel, rather than camping, but that will be decided last minute, and it may be that we split up.

I think this means that we will actually, in effect, have a bigger turnout, so hopefully it works out for the best!

Thanks for all y'alls understanding and patience! I'll update again soon!

*Oh and I still wanna do the Haunted house in October as planned..... maybe a different date though, any suggestions?

Solstitia from DR-Plat

Peperic says, "oddness follows you Sols."
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 08/28/2006 04:14 PM CDT
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I may actually be able to go with these dates. I won't be dead broke then.
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 08/30/2006 05:23 PM CDT
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A week after me birthday, will see about going :-)

As to where folks are, still in the DFW area.


"You say to Alvy, "You, madam, are a peevish, rude-growing jolthead!"
Alvy says to you, "You, sir, are a lewd gnome-cruncher!"
Alvy laughs!
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/08/2006 02:44 PM CDT
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Was bored at work today, found that tents are not anywhere near as expensive as I thought they were. And it's looking like I'll be free to go on November 18th and 19th (may even have the 17th completely off so I can go stake out an area during the day assuming weather cooperates).

And if anyone is in Houston, I'm now living there rather than in Austin. Long story...

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/09/2006 12:30 PM CDT
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>>And if anyone is in Houston, I'm now living there rather than in Austin. Long story...

I'm sorry...I mean welcome to Houston!

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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/09/2006 01:13 PM CDT
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Hey, Houston isn't that terrible. After all, I'm there.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/09/2006 09:46 PM CDT
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So what goes on at a Renfest? I've only read about such things in books. And I'll hopefully be in texas next year so maybe I can see one for real :)

It's in the Bag! catalog available at: http://ellusionz.cjb.cc

Youth and Beauty are my only defense... too young to know better, too cute to kill.
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/09/2006 11:14 PM CDT
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>So what goes on at a Renfest?

Buncha people in medieval garb who are at almost as geeky as we are, talking to other garbed people with fancy accents and pretending we live a long time ago. Lots of shoppes and shows and jousting and ... and .. and .. Elephants!

This Ren Faire in particular is great because theres also camping, and a bonfire. So get those people in medieval garb around a bonfire, and give about 60 of them drums... and alcohol .. and let it go from dusk to dawn. Its seriously surreal.

It's fun to step back in time once in a while.

Solstitia from DR-Plat

Peperic says, "oddness follows you Sols."

Zadraes tucks his arms under his side, quickly waddles up to you and shouts, "BEGAWK"! Woa!
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/13/2006 06:59 PM CDT
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I will be at TRF at some point... looks like possibly (hopefully) the 18/19th but I'm not sure. If I'm there, look for me at Authentic Wardrobe- that's where I'll be... drinking a lot probably. :D

~Leah, player of Coryne
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/13/2006 08:53 PM CDT
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Whats really scary.. I found a deal on a tent, 2 sleepin bags, a cooler, and a halo lamp..

The scary part is me tryin to put up a tent


Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at Mod-Pomae@Play.net, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at dr-annwyl@play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@Play.net
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/18/2006 03:21 AM CDT
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I totally forgot that Drongol lives in Houston. Lived here all my life. I love it, humidity and lovebugs and all.

November 18-19 is the last weekend, isn't it? I went the first weekend and will likely go again November 4th. Supposed to go the last Saturday as well but I'm not 100% certain about that.

-- CR.
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/18/2006 05:50 AM CDT
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Well, technically, Drongol lives in Elanthia, Drongol's Player lives in Houston :)

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/18/2006 10:31 AM CDT
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Looks like that's the last weekend.

I'm iffy for that weekend. I know I'm going one more time this year, and I really prefer the last weekend for any shopping, but RL hubby's schedule might mean I have to go a few weeks earlier.
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/19/2006 01:42 AM CDT
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>really prefer the last weekend for any shopping
Thats why we picked that weekend!

Let us know if y'all decide to go that last weekend, so we can be sure to meet up! I'll post last minute details here in a couple of weeks.

Solstitia from DR-Plat

Peperic says, "oddness follows you Sols."

Zadraes tucks his arms under his side, quickly waddles up to you and shouts, "BEGAWK"! Woa!
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Re: Texas Renfest Gathering **UPDATE** on 10/19/2006 10:28 AM CDT
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I may decide to sneak in without him, it all depends on the pocketbook.

If you shop at the pirate ship, they're in two locations now - The pirate ship, and a shop on the same side of that road/aisle/whatever as the theater Dead Bob performs in. Their auction and raffle now stretches all the way across that area and halfway down that road.
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