Just a reminder that the group is going to the Texas Ren fest on the 18th and 19th of this month! Just over a week away, Yay! I can't wait.
Looking forward to meeting some new faces! Looks like so far its going to be a good mix of Prime players, plat Players and GMs.
Some are camping, Some are hotelling, so whatever is your preference.
AIM Solstitia or Email my play.net addy for information on where and when to meet!
See you there!
Peperic says, "oddness follows you Sols."
Zadraes tucks his arms under his side, quickly waddles up to you and shouts, "BEGAWK"! Woa!
Texas Ren Fest -- SOON on 11/08/2006 07:06 AM CST
Re: Texas Ren Fest -- SOON on 11/10/2006 04:42 PM CST
Re: Texas Ren Fest -- SOON on 11/10/2006 09:27 PM CST
I'll probably be gettin my tent and sleeper next week before I head out.. Wont be able to leave til early saturday though due to work.
Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at Mod-Pomae@Play.net, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at dr-annwyl@play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@Play.net
Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at Mod-Pomae@Play.net, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at dr-annwyl@play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@Play.net
Re: Texas Ren Fest -- SOON on 11/11/2006 04:32 PM CST
Re: Texas Ren Fest -- SOON on 11/12/2006 08:18 AM CST
Well, my wife and I have Camping gear. I'm just not sure we're going to feel like using it this time haha.. we'll see what the weather is like. If not then we'll probably get a hotel. We're looking to set out early saturday morning, and return midday sunday I think. I'll talk to Sols I guess and see what everyone else is doing, then go from there :P
http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!