Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/20/2005 09:31 PM CDT
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Bunch of DR and DR-Plat players and GMs are getting together on May 8th to go to Waxahatchie for the Ren Faire! Theres 10-12 so far that i know are going for sure, it's going to be a lot of fun, a seriously fun group. <beams>

If you are able to go that weekend and want to meet up with us there, AIM me at Solstitia, or mail my Address and we'll coordinate!

Even have an Okie and a Colorado Party Crasher coming .. so far. Gonna be fun, hope to see you there!

~Player of Solstitia in Plat, AKA Wendye

Shakahn moves Tallnavor's lips so it looks like his lips are moving. In a voice somewhere near him says, "I sorry, ale sat wrong in tummy. No chicken eating, praise the chicken!"
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Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/08/2007 12:59 PM CST
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Yay! I finally got information together for the Scarborough Faire gathering! Sorry it took me so long.

Anyways, heres the info:

DATES: April 28-29

(Get your tickets online now before the end of the month and you will recieve a discount)

I reserved a block of rooms at

If you would like to stay there with the group, call them at (972) 937-4982. If there are no rooms free, give me a shout and I'll get you the information to the room block.

Lots of fun past and present DR and DR Plat players and GMs!

IM or email me to confirm your attendance or need more information!

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

AIM: Solstitia
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/09/2007 09:31 AM CST
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I'd like to go again. I'll even show up for the full day this time.

You all almost had me convinced to join Plat too.
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/09/2007 11:32 AM CST
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We'll work on you some more at the fest, Jhime. We'll meet 10:00-10:30ish inside the gates somewhere around that big Conan looking guy :-)


"This is not a confirmation or denial that it does or does not do either or neither. And if I haven't lost you yet, tough. I lost myself with that last bit." -- GM Dartenian
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/29/2007 12:58 PM CDT
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Who all is planning on going?

XXXX signs, "I got a huge wedgie but I'm embarassed to pick it"

XXXX says, "Whos mark is this? Your sabre is a little awkward, but usable."
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/30/2007 01:29 PM CDT
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Since no one seems to read this folder...

GM Shakahn, Purreliss, GM Vaeldriil, her husband whos character name I can't remember, Renwulf, Flura, Pomae, Me, Barnacus, Ealdgyth, Sindak, Seteria, Maybe GM Obseden? Pomae had a few friends who were going, I'll see if he can drop by and let us know who they are... I'm probably forgetting some


"This is not a confirmation or denial that it does or does not do either or neither. And if I haven't lost you yet, tough. I lost myself with that last bit." -- GM Dartenian
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/30/2007 02:03 PM CDT
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I'm defintely going with a definite probably.

At the moment, we're not looking too terribly busy that weekend, but it's still a month away. A lot of things can happen between here and there.

I will make every effort to make it, if I can't, uhoh.

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/30/2007 11:38 PM CDT
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>Pomae had a few friends who were going, I'll see if he can drop by and let us know who they are...

I found out the main reason they wanted to go was Red... So needless to say they probably wont be going now



Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 03/31/2007 01:23 AM CDT
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<<I found out the main reason they wanted to go was Red

Which Red are you talking about?

I want to say I'll try to make it. But I probably won't know more than a week before.
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/01/2007 11:22 PM CDT
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A picture is worth a thousand words


Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/02/2007 02:29 PM CDT
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I can only think of 1 word.

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/02/2007 11:07 PM CDT
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<<GM Vaeldriil, her husband whos character name I can't remember,>>

Probably best not to mention that kind of info anyhow. ;)

And don't forget the kiddos! The kiddos will be in attendance as well! :)

-Mommy V.

"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/09/2007 11:55 AM CDT
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Hey all,

Just checked my schedule at work and I will not be able to make it on that weekend.

Sorry all, see y'all at Simucon, though.

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/12/2007 06:43 PM CDT
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You'll be missed.


"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/12/2007 11:10 PM CDT
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I'll be there one day for sure. I'm going to try for both if I can work it all out. I'm also going to try to talk another player in the area to go out there with me too.

We'll see if I can't get another "Jhime? You mean like Jhime from Smelly Cat?" welcome. :-p

XXXX signs, "I got a huge wedgie but I'm embarassed to pick it"

XXXX says, "Whos mark is this? Your sabre is a little awkward, but usable."
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/13/2007 06:06 PM CDT
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What days is it and exactly where is it (like directions for blondes)
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/13/2007 10:51 PM CDT
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Especially for blondes....

It is in Waxahatchie, which is just a few miles south of Dallas.

The group is going April 28-29 (both days). Several of us are staying in a Hotel that night to play Curses, get drunk, wreak mayhem, eat mexican food .. (not in that order). We'll plan to meet just inside the gates between 10-10:30 am both mornings.

AIM me at Solstitia if you can't make it at theat time and I'll give you my cell number so you can call when you get there and we can catch up!


"This is not a confirmation or denial that it does or does not do either or neither. And if I haven't lost you yet, tough. I lost myself with that last bit." -- GM Dartenian
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/15/2007 12:51 AM CDT
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I would love to come but my daughter is graduating from Texas Wesylan and all my momey is with her till the end of May. If I would have know kids cost so much I would have sold her to the gor'tog slaves. (J/K)
Maybe next time

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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/15/2007 04:15 AM CDT
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Theres always Texas Renfest


Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/16/2007 01:22 AM CDT
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<<It is in Waxahatchie,>>


Waxahachie. No t.


Can't wait!

-V. (had to be done!)

"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/17/2007 09:25 AM CDT
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>Waxahachie. No t.
NO wonder I can never find it on a map! hehehe

Just a heads up for anyone who might want a hotel room Saturday night ...

I am goign to close my room Block next Monday - the 23rd. I hear the hotel is all booked up so if you want a room, call now!

See ya there!


"This is not a confirmation or denial that it does or does not do either or neither. And if I haven't lost you yet, tough. I lost myself with that last bit." -- GM Dartenian
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/18/2007 10:44 PM CDT
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I got my room!

-Puts some booby traps out-


Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/20/2007 08:57 PM CDT
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If someone doesn't manage to grab a room in Sols's block (or elsewhere in Waxahachie), Red Oak may have some. It's not much farther.

Days Inn and Comfort Inn are both options there.


"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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Re: Scarborough Faire (Texas get-together) on 04/20/2007 09:02 PM CDT
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>Waxahachie. No t.
>NO wonder I can never find it on a map! hehehe

Just as an obscure historical was once spelled with a t, as you did (either that, or we saw an old map with a typo). Quite a while ago (the map still listed Waxahachie as part of Navarro County, before Ellis even existed). You'd not be able to find it on a map these days that way.

-V., married to a history buff who notices these things.

"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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