Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/17/2012 05:44 PM CST
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Just wondering. I'm from San Jose myself. My hubby (who also plays) is immigrating from Canada to live in SJ. I also know at least two members of my Order who are in the area which is rather cool.

But anyway I wondered if there are any semi-regular Bay Area DR get togethers, or any at all. Does not have to be a con (though we would LIKE to go to Simucon one day.)

- player of Talliska
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Re: Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/17/2012 05:58 PM CST
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Can't speak to the Bay area, but...

>>though we would LIKE to go to Simucon one day

You definitely won't waste your money from going! It was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had and I intend to go again this year. Don't miss it!

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/17/2012 06:43 PM CST
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>>though we would LIKE to go to Simucon one day

>You definitely won't waste your money from going! It was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had and I intend to go again this year. Don't miss it!

We actually hope to go THIS year, but that depends on schedule/money. :) Immigration is a money drain as is college (I returned to finish my degree.)
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Re: Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/17/2012 07:20 PM CST
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I am a San Josian as well and I know at least one other.

I wouldn't be against getting together once in a while to reinforce our unhealthy addictions.... err... I mean talk about DR.

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Re: Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/17/2012 08:42 PM CST
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There is actually several of us in the area, we used to have get togethers a lot I hosted many of them. Unfortunately I don't know about now and haven't done one in a while.

I wouldn't be opposed to throwing a geek party again if everyone can stomach big dogs and newark.

Ryan (aka Arctuniol)
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Re: Do Bay Area DR players ever get together? on 01/18/2012 11:07 AM CST
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Ha, I don't mind big dogs all that much. My husband's been around plenty.

That's neat, I'm glad there at least WAS something, if nothing else. I'd be open to a get together some Friday or weekend.

I'm not a heavy drinker though (its not out of any snobbery--I just have a poor constitution for it and have gotten hospitalized before!) but I like meeting folks and seeing who's behind the character.
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