So there I was... on 04/18/2006 10:19 PM CDT
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So, I'm not entirely sure what possessed me, but I decided (since I'm on leave.) that I would head back to Groton for a day. Not entirely sure why, but I did. And oh yes, there was much hell to be raised. It was very much fun. And the looks I got from people, the 'hey, didn't you transfer?' and the 'the hell are you doing here?!' looks...were priceless. Absolutely priceless. Never realized going back to a base you used to be stationed at, you run into alot of old friends.

Anywho, just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter, even if I am a few days late. I won't be around for a little while, I'm getting married in a few days and going onto my honeymoon (hooya for 17 days of leave!). Y'all be safe, and don't none of you Marines out there hold hands with each other whilst I'm gone.

Go Navy.


You are wearing a leather cuff embroidered with the words "No Ranger stands alone."
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Re: So there I was... on 04/19/2006 08:19 AM CDT
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Congrats on the wedding!


If it was just a 3-hour tour, why did the Howells pack so much stuff?

[Meerc] "People are irritatesome..."
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