Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/20/2015 10:29 AM CDT
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On the topic of Otherland... it's been years since I last read it, but I remember enjoying it. It can certainly get a bit strange, starting out fairly cyberpunk, but then getting a lot of influence from things like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Although the main thing I remember is really wanting to play the MMORPG that gets a fair bit of exposure at the start of one plotline.

- Miskton
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Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/21/2015 05:54 PM CDT
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>>Otherland - No idea if this was planned as 4 books or not. (I admit, this is the only series on this list I haven't heard. It's been collecting dust on my shelf for a few years).

I could have sworn that this was planned to be just one massive book and then he decided to break it up. You really have to keep it in mind when reading the series, cause the story just kind of pauses at the end of one book and just picks right back up with the next - no resolution in anything until the last book.

A shadowy black death spirit says, "Give us the annoying one, and the rest of you shall live."
* Mudge was just struck down!
The cackling continues. "The Darkness is pleased with your sacrifice."
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Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/21/2015 10:36 PM CDT
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I don't he would have had a choice but to break it up if his plan was one book. It would be the same problem that memory of light had. They don't do bindings that big.
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Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/21/2015 11:04 PM CDT
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At various times Jordan said A Memory of Light would be the final book, even if it was 1500 pages (or 2000. Depends on the quote).

It ended up ~3000... and Sanderson's pace is vastly faster than Jordan's.


"The trouble with atheism, is that it offers a limited range of curses.” - Two Serpents Rise
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Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/21/2015 11:09 PM CDT
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>At various times Jordan said A Memory of Light would be the final book, even if it was 1500 pages (or 2000. Depends on the quote

Sanderson said he was going to respect that wish but TOR said they can not bind a book that large. That's when it was decided to split it. Pretty sure that info is still in the archives of Sanderson's blogs.
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Re: Raesh's Author of the Month [July] on 07/21/2015 11:27 PM CDT
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Yup. That's why the split between The Gathering Storm and the Towers of Midnight is kind of weird - the bulk of them was written before they decided to do the split.

That's also why the name for The Gathering Storm is kinda weak, it was a last minute decision.


"The trouble with atheism, is that it offers a limited range of curses.” - Two Serpents Rise
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