Item bug - sleek circular arm quiver on 12/25/2016 08:45 PM CST
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The 'sleek circular arm quiver' from Jhiskar's Provisions (Hollow's Eve, this year) appears to be flagged to not hold crafted bolts. The message I get is:

"The arm quiver is not designed to carry anything like some ice-adder bolts."

Store-bought bolts from Milgrym's don't work, either. The e-pedia page is also tagged indicating the quiver seems to only hold arrows.
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Re: Item bug - sleek circular arm quiver on 12/25/2016 09:48 PM CST
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some quivers are meant for arrows, others for bolts, others for both. It's stupid, because realistically they are the same size. but there you have it.

Monster Elec

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