I've had this thing for years and recently discovered that it is supposed to hide your features like the Stiltskitter helms, and doesn't. Spoke to a GameHost who said that it looked like it was indeed supposed to hide features, and that I should bug it because he couldn't do anything for it himself(I already bugged it in game).
You tap a lion's-head visored helm that you are wearing.
> look my helm
Surrounding this helm is an actual lion's mane. The faceplate is cunningly enameled in tawny gold and black, completing the image of a fearsome beast. When it is opened, however, the expected vicious fangs are nowhere to be seen -- unless, of course, a crafty lion, is wearing the helm!
> study my visor
You study the black visor and believe you could TAP or SLAP the visor (or faceplate) and WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, or CLOSE the visor.
> tap my visor
You tap a gold and black visor formed in the shape of a roaring maw atop your visored helm.
> slap my visor
> wear my visor
Wear what?
(You can also WEAR LEFT or WEAR RIGHT)
> remove my visor
Remove what?
> open my visor
You can't open that!
> close my visor
You can't close that!