Some guild leaders do not respond to 'guildleader' on 12/11/2017 09:03 PM CST
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The 'guildleader' syntax works for most guild leaders I've tried it on. For example:

[Barbarian Guild, Main Hall]
The austere granite walls of this immense great hall tower upward to the full height of the building. A banner hangs from the ceiling far above. Intricately woven carpets soften the polished mahogany floor and provide traction in the event of a fight. Even in his home, a Barbarian remains ever-vigilant and ready for battle. An enormous jeweled steel greatsword glints above a raised podium at the far end of the hall, from which the Barbarian Guild Leader performs his duties. You also see the Barbarian Guildleader Agonar, an arched steel-clad door, a winding black-steel stairway leading upstairs and a large wrought-iron stand with a thick leather tome on it.
Obvious exits: east, south, out.
>ask guildleader about circle
[Assuming you mean the Barbarian Guildleader Agonar.]
"Well, Sheltim," the guildleader says, "You have some work to do before you can advance to circle 125 in our order.
Regarding your weapon knowledge, you should work on 1st Weapon (Large Edged), 2nd Weapon (Bow).
Once you've accomplished that, come see me again."

However I've noticed two for which it does not work (and also used BUG in game):

[Bards' Guild, Commons]
Always a flurry of activity, the guild commons is a place where bards young and old meet to trade tips, tales, and motifs. Thick, ruby-colored carpeting lines the floor while gold-laced red velvet curtains decorate the walls. Padded benches surround the area, a few already in use by travelling musicians resting their tired legs. You also see a renown scroll, a glittering silver wind chime, a sturdy maple display with a broken cutlass on it, a simple brass stand with a guild register on it, a shining mirrorlike portal and the Bard Leader Silvyrfrost.
Obvious exits: east, out.
>ask guildleader about circle
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>

[Warrior Mage Guild, Gauthus' Office]
A pink marble arch connects the office with the foyer of the guildhall, allowing Gauthus to keep a watchful eye on visitors and apprentices alike from his seat behind a bare pine desk. Gazing about with impartial interest, a red-banded hawk moves restlessly on her wooden perch, shifting from foot to foot or ruffling her feathers. Gaethzen spheres sway in the breeze from the high transom windows, providing light for the small room. You also see a marble perch with a red-banded hawk on it and Guildmaster Gauthus.
Obvious exits: none.
>ask guildleader about circle
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
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Re: Some guild leaders do not respond to 'guildleader' on 12/12/2017 04:49 AM CST
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>>Bard Leader Silvyrfrost
>>Guildmaster Gauthus

Neither of these two have the title Guildleader, which is why that syntax does not work for them.

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Re: Some guild leaders do not respond to 'guildleader' on 12/12/2017 08:43 AM CST
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>>Neither of these two have the title Guildleader, which is why that syntax does not work for them.

Ya that scholarship requirement can be a pain.
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