buggy Gwererest shell - "whisper shells" on 12/23/2018 06:05 PM CST
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turbinate gwererest shell and spiral gwererest shell


They whisper from your handbag even when un-bonded and no messages are in them.

They whisper a message exists when you have already heard it and cleared it. - so if you listen, you hear the waves.

I have tried clearing the shell bond, and cleared the bond to the couple. Still they message. I gave reported it as a BUG many months ago, no response.

Any fixes? It's an old rare set and ruins the RP with the BUG.

Thank you in advance,
~ Angel Sacredstorm
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Re: buggy Gwererest shell - "whisper shells" on 12/24/2018 03:42 PM CST
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At some point, when we have code-support for "not critical but this would be nice" stuff, it is on the list of things I'd like to have someone take a stab at.

Doing stuff
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