Face-Hiding Masks? on 06/03/2011 12:34 PM CDT
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Is there such a thing as a face hiding mask?

Typically when you look at someone you would see...

He has pointed ears and thick-lashed stormy grey eyes. His deep purple hair is long and fine, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by a length of undyed leather. He has fair skin and a brawny build.
He is average height for an Elf.
He has a tattoo of a darkened shadowy dragon that appears to be burned into the skin on his back.

Is there any kind of mask which would hide the facial features such as nose/eyes/mouth/etc and yield something similar to...

His facial features are hidden beneath a scarred and hardened mask with two narrow eye slits. His deep purple hair is long and fine, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by a length of undyed leather. He has fair skin and a brawny build.
He is average height for an Elf.
He has a tattoo of a darkened shadowy dragon that appears to be burned into the skin on his back.

I would love something like this, especially if it was head armor.

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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 06/03/2011 12:48 PM CDT
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I haven't seen any masks like that, but there are masks that alter your features.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 06/03/2011 01:00 PM CDT
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One of the Hallow's merchants had feature hiding masks if I recall. I think it was http://elanthipedia.com/wiki/Behind_the_Mask

I'll have to rummage my vault to find mine, I remember getting it for it's feature hiding originally.

Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson

AIM - RykenDR
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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 06/03/2011 01:30 PM CDT
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Hmm, interesting. If you get a chance and can send a third person LOOK of your character with one of those masks on that would be awesome!

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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 06/06/2011 01:48 PM CDT
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I have a couple of feature hiding masks, but they don't work the way you described them. They work like the feature hiding cloaks.

-Reverend Gidien

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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 07/28/2011 11:28 AM CDT
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I'm going off memory, but some of the stuff sold at Masquer Aid did more or less that.

<name's> features are hidden behind a mask of a Dwarf whose leering face above the beard is lined and seamed, crisscrossed with cracks as if it were about to crumble.
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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 07/28/2011 12:32 PM CDT
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>> <name's> features are hidden behind a mask of a Dwarf whose leering face above the beard is lined and seamed, crisscrossed with cracks as if it were about to crumble.

Has anyone ever tried to get one of these masks altered? I'm assuming it would be a big fat No, but you never know :P

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Re: Face-Hiding Masks? on 07/28/2011 04:47 PM CDT
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Actually we got Sionyl's altered and she uses it as her Pethian blindfold thingy.

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