My understanding is that the noun of the item you make offerings with is all that matters.
Can this be looked at in that case?
> get hammer
You get a tiny hammer from inside your thigh bag.
> put hammer on alt
You reverently place a tiny hammer on the chrysocolla altar.
> pray
You begin to pray, kneeling before the altar. A sense of peace and tranquility fills you as you murmur softly.
You feel a sense of shame as your offering is thrown violently from the dusty surface of the altar.
Kertigen Offerings on 05/18/2019 06:56 PM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/18/2019 07:46 PM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/19/2019 05:32 AM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/19/2019 07:44 AM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/19/2019 10:25 AM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/19/2019 12:07 PM CDT
Re: Kertigen Offerings on 05/19/2019 05:55 PM CDT