Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 11:50 AM CDT
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It is directly east of Riverhaven and as soon as I enter the Deer Trail it changes to nearby.

The map has a large 'X' marked in the middle of it. Near the marking, you can see several dotted lines forming a square. Contour lines drawn along the map indicate that the destination is located above sea level, and large angular boulders surround the 'X'. Straight lines have been drawn from the center, pointing northeast and southwest. From other markings on the map, you guess that the destination is somewhere nearby. Judging by your surrounding environment, you will not find the treasure in this province.

Thought it might be in Maelshyve's Fortress so I scurried my little 24 Barbarian through there. I found two rooms on the map that fit the exits but it wasn't any of them, so I used that mapsearching tool and found three more rooms in the Murky Caverns and Charred Caverns but it wasn't any of them.

Anyone have any ideas? I don't know the area well and according to the map searcher I've hit every room with those exits in the Zaulfung area that I can find.

I'm not entirely sure what the large angular boulders surrounding the X mean, though. Does that mean its in a cave?
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Re: Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 03:35 PM CDT
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First thought: it could be out the Riverhaven north gate. There's three potential rooms on that map.

Any chance it's in Throne City? That's also east of Riverhaven, and there's at least two rooms there which are candidates based on the cardinal directions on the map.
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Re: Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 05:02 PM CDT
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My default answer for maps is 'assist and make sure it's viable' because I've literally never once gotten one that was on the first try.
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Re: Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 06:02 PM CDT
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Its east of the north gate area and west of Throne City.

I won this map in the monthly premium raffle like a year ago then promptly canceled my account and never got around to it.

Guess I'll assist.
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Re: Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 08:55 PM CDT
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Finally found it very, very, very far from where the map lead me to believe it was because (presumably) of how province borders work on the back end.

>rum my trunk
You rummage through a gold-etched wooden trunk and see a treasure map, a treasure map, a treasure map, a treasure map, a medium clear garnet, a huge cinnamon lapis lazuli, a large blue moonstone, some platinum coins and a Dwarven war hammer with an anvil-shaped kertig head.

Now I just have to figure out if I really want to hunt down four more treasures or make some plat.
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Re: Need help with a map! on 07/24/2018 09:20 PM CDT
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Wow nice! Let me know IG or look me up on discord if you do want to sell?
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Re: Need help with a map! on 08/01/2018 11:23 AM CDT
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>Finally found it very, very, very far from where the map lead me to believe it was because (presumably) of how province borders work on the back end.

Curious, where was this? I'm trying to learn the borders for various reasons, so I'm interested. Thanks!
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Re: Need help with a map! on 08/01/2018 11:26 AM CDT
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Never mind, I see your other thread (North Roads, Lava Fields).
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