Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/27/2015 03:10 PM CST
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Recall Warrant doesn't show any active warrants for Siksraja. I went around getting warrants in each justice area to see what criminal titles I'd get and Siksraja didn't show up with recall warrant after I got an active warrant. Elanthipedia lists it as standard justice, plus I got the normal report to the guards message so I thought it should show.

An arisen graverobber zombie softly mutters, "I once managed to wrestle a massive red diamond from the grasp of this rich widow who was just recently buried, but when I pulled it from her hands she awoke as a zombie, as if she was just sleeping!"
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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/27/2015 10:49 PM CST
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I believe Sikraja's justice defaults to Therenborough, the closest location of a jail. I could be wrong, though.

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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/30/2015 05:03 PM CST
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Having just been arrested in Siksraja, I can provide some clarity.

I had a warrant in Theren Keep for disturbing the peace from playing Pyre accidentally, no warrant specifically for Siksraja, and was arrested by a Siksraja Defender. Technically, I think I got the warrant for playing Pyre in Langenfirth, but I can't recall exactly. It definitely wasn't the Rakash town in any case. I was placed in a jail in Siksraja and had my trial there and was released into Siksraja after failing to plead innocent. My sack of items was on the desk in the jail there. Just for the sake of experimentation, I got charged again while in Siksraja for casting Pyre, and it showed up in my warrants as "Theren Keep: endangering the public". Using Pyre again in Langenfirth resulted in no change to my warrants, so it appears linked to Theren Keep in the same way but without the jail or guards.

So, Siksraja does appear tied to Theren Keep justice enough in order to trigger an arrest for warrants from Theren Keep and be charged in Theren Keep for arrests in Siksraja, but it is separate enough to have it's own jail and guards.

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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/30/2015 05:12 PM CST
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That is really bizarre.

I've never understood why Langenfirth (or El Bain's even) is tied to Therenborough justice at all given that the city is several hundred miles away from either location. Given the kind of city it is, it seems like it should be clan justice if anything, or at least have its own kind of guards.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/30/2015 06:12 PM CST
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>>I've never understood why Langenfirth (or El Bain's even) is tied to Therenborough justice at all given that the city is several hundred miles away from either location. Given the kind of city it is, it seems like it should be clan justice if anything, or at least have its own kind of guards.

Typical Therengian micromanagement.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/31/2015 12:45 AM CST
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The technical answer is that there are only so many justice jurisdictions in the system. It's possible to add more, but it's a fairly significant undertaking compared to adding a new area to an exiting justice system.

And some of those divisions are a bit odd and I can only assume were set up that way due to legacy reasons (I'm looking at you Upper and Lower Ratha).

This is why when I set up Taisgath justice it's linked to Upper(?) Ratha, but Throne City is independent.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: Recall Warrant for Siksraja on 12/31/2015 01:59 AM CST
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Interesting stuff. I wasn't sure if it was mechanical, IC, or some mixture of the two. Thank you for explaining!

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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