Help me spend my TDPs on 03/13/2017 07:10 PM CDT
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Hey all. I am trying to figure out what do spend my TDPs on. I am starting to focus on combat a lot more than I have in the past. So it is a newer system to me. Any thoughts on where I should put these points? I wear chain armor, use a medium edged weapon. Thanks a lot!

Circle 102 Human Moon Mage

Strength : 35 Reflex : 30
Agility : 30 Charisma : 30
Discipline : 50 Wisdom : 60
Intelligence : 60 Stamina : 35

TDPs : 3365
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 03/13/2017 07:25 PM CDT
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strength, stamina, agility and reflex

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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 03/13/2017 07:56 PM CDT
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I recommend heavily focusing on physicals as well. In particular Reflex and Agility. Reflex is the king of defense, especially as a Moon Mage, and Agility will help you hit with those tert weapons.

Also be sure you get IOTS and use it to boost Ref/Agi for combat!

- Navesi
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 03/15/2017 05:57 PM CDT
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Depending on your ME if you get strength to 40 then leave it alone and focus the remaining points on what everyone else has said so far. Considering you'll be using a lot of magic in combat you shouldn't need stamina much beyond 40 either with the chain. Dump all the rest equally between reflex and agility.
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 03/31/2017 02:25 PM CDT
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since the F2P era began
crafted gear and any barrier spell
all you need is WISDOM and REFLEX
all the other stats are for PvP. in my opinion
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 03/31/2017 03:05 PM CDT
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Spoken like someone who truly does not understand the importance of other stats.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 04/12/2017 05:53 PM CDT
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Your mentals are good for a while. Train those physicals for combat, especially Reflex. Discipline too if you do Stealth.

- Navesi
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Re: Help me spend my TDPs on 04/14/2017 11:46 PM CDT
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My stat suggestion will vary heavily by guild or personal goals.

Personally I'd first get everything to 30, because like most people I'm irrationally drawn to nice round multiples of 5 or 10.

After that I'd suggest bumping up strength or stamina until your you can enjoy carrying around some spare equipment (extra weapons, ritual foci, herbs, whatever) with little to no burden, or without having to run back to the vault thrice a day.

I'd generally suggest keeping reflex among your highest stat tiers. Discipline could probably be added to that list, but doubly so for magic and survival primary guilds.

If Bard, charisma should be among highest.
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