Wisdom on 10/17/2007 10:22 PM CDT
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Is there a huge different for having wisdom at 40 as opposed to 30? Are there any high characters (90+ circle) who are doing just fine with 30 wisdom?

I'm asking because right now my character has 30 wisdom and I'm wondering if he'll be fine like that for awhile. To keep from completely neglecting it, I was thinking about raising it to 35 sometime in the distant. It just sucks to have the +2 penalty for being Prydaen.

I'm thinking about evening all my stats out a bit more except wisdom. But once I start pushing them to the 40's and 50's, I want to know if it'll be worth it to ignore the penalty and hammer wisdom to 35, or 40 maybe.


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

- Sima Yi
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 07:03 AM CDT
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Speaking strictly from a learning stand point, I found that 30 wisdom was not enough for me to see the pulses I wanted on magic (tert, ~350) and HE wall ranks (secondary skill, need 5/circle, this holds me back from circling, ~250). I raised wisdom over the last 3 times I circled from 30 to 36 and do not regret it. I have been getting less bang from my TPD buck, so I'm switching Intel to my leading mental stat (it's now at 40). I'm pretty pleased with my pulse sizes, now I want bigger pools.

That's not exactly advice, but maybe my experiences can help you decide how you want to train. Oh Han's Kaldar, so +1 to Wis/Int.

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
Keeper of the CEC
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 07:33 AM CDT
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I could barely take it learning primary weapon in my 80's (circle wise) at 30 wisdom. I immediately pushed it to 40 and found it to be much easier. Whether or not math back this up I do not know, I just know it seems easier.

-Galren Moonskin

!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 11:17 AM CDT
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I remember calculating the difference between 30 and 40 wisdom for my character with primary skills at a few hundred ranks. The difference in an 8 rank cycle was something like 4 hours over the course of 8 ranks. It is harder to justify with a racial penalty, but there is certainly a benefit.
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 12:29 PM CDT
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I think the benefits of raising it gradually to 40 will be well worth it if you play a decent amount.

As far as timing goes: I was mentals heavy for a long time on my empath, and I don't think I had wisdom to 40 until my mid 80's with no penalty, so if you have it mid/high 30's by 75th or 80th, I'd say your in good shape as a combat character with a brutal penalty.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 12:35 PM CDT
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Of course, if you stay in combat for extended periods of time, you'll benefit the most from higher wisdom. My ranger didn't train much wisdom because he rotated different training routines for all the survival skills.

PS - Wisdom : 82, anyone have more? I know someone in TF has 90. Hopefully I'll be the first to 99.
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Re: Wisdom on 10/18/2007 02:04 PM CDT
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Thanks for the advice!

What I'll do is gradually raise it to 35 between now and when my character hits the 80-90'ish circle range. From there I'll probably gradually raise it until it reaches 40 and see how things go from there.


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

- Sima Yi
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Re: Wisdom on 10/24/2007 06:11 AM CDT
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I would assume that with drain upon re-entry it would be more intelligent to just build up HUGE pools of exp in everything you could then either move on to another player or go outside. I rarely have more than an hour or 2 to play so this is probably what I'll be experimenting with in the near future.
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Re: Wisdom on 10/25/2007 12:25 AM CDT
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<<I would assume that with drain upon re-entry it would be more intelligent to just build up HUGE pools of exp in everything you could then either move on to another player or go outside. I rarely have more than an hour or 2 to play so this is probably what I'll be experimenting with in the near future.

Just remember that the skills you can gain in 2 hours of active training is greater then what you would gain from going ML to clear.

- Maje
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Re: Wisdom on 10/25/2007 02:41 AM CDT
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i had a friend point this out to me. I guess I'm back to just trying to keep a good balance :)
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Re: Wisdom on 11/02/2007 01:56 PM CDT
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<<PS - Wisdom : 82, anyone have more? I know someone in TF has 90. Hopefully I'll be the first to 99.>>

Semantic has 80, but I'm about to train it again soon. I'm sure there's a MM with 99.
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Wisdom on 11/16/2009 01:06 PM CST
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Well I've trained my physical stats to where I want them to be for now and am moving on to mental stats. I was wondering, is it worth putting TDP's into wisdom after 30? I know in the past that it didn't scale very well after 30 but don't know if this is still the case.

-Guardian Lord Alaxndr Durnovaria, Advocate of Therengia

"A knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His words speak only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked."
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Re: Wisdom on 11/16/2009 01:30 PM CST
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I'd say definitely. I wouldn't say it should be the first stat to move past 30 but eventually you'll benefit more from it. I'm actually contemplating moving my wisdom to 45 or 50 (currently 40) even though strength and stamina are at 40 and I have a +2 racial penalty to wisdom.

Wisdom not only affects experience, but it plays a role in perception, MR, and SvSp contests. Not sure if it does anything else but for the experience alone it's worth moving past 30 IMO.

Lots of combat changes are coming 'soon' so it's probably a good idea to save some tdps in case you need them.

Vinjince Rexem'lor
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Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/13/2010 07:10 PM CST
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Simple question. What is the setup people tend to use under this experience system? Keep them the same, Widom higher than Intelligence, or Intelligence higher than Wisdeom?

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Re: Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/13/2010 07:13 PM CST
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Supposedly (According to the GMs) you should keep them about even for best results with ties going to intelligence.

SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
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Re: Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/15/2010 09:32 AM CST
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Hrm, I thought I remembered Zeyurn specifically saying intel was better for learning, point for point, under the new system (until intel was close to double wisdom, or something like that).
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Re: Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/15/2010 09:35 AM CST
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On my way out the door so I didn't have time to find the quote I wanted, but I did find this one from Z:

>- Statistics have a much greater effect on the experience system. Intelligence and Wisdom are the ways to go here, and both provide the same bonus amount to different things.

SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
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Re: Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/15/2010 03:45 PM CST
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I thought it was better to have a little higher Intel than Wisdom but I could be remembering wrong too.
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Re: Intelligence vs. Wisdom question on 02/15/2010 04:57 PM CST
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I think it depends a lot on your play style, Intel gives you bigger pools while wisdom helps you drain faster.

You only play for a few hours and what to lock everything up and get the 100% log in drain. go Intel.

You grind for hours, go for wisdom.

Discipline is supposed to be no longer in the exp formula.

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
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