BMR question on 08/01/2006 08:50 PM CDT
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Curiosity Quesiton.

Does BMR stack with multiple barbarians in a room or does each barbarian make a BMR check individually? I mean if we each influence the flows of mana so it's harder to bend, I would think a room full of barbarians would be darn near impossible to cast a spell in!

4 out of 3 barbarians have trouble with fractions
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Re: BMR question on 08/02/2006 12:42 AM CDT
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>>Does BMR stack with multiple barbarians in a room or does each barbarian make a BMR check individually? I mean if we each influence the flows of mana so it's harder to bend, I would think a room full of barbarians would be darn near impossible to cast a spell in!

The amount of BMR a mage needs to overcome does seem to increase accordingly with more, higher, dancing, barbs in the area. I've only noticed them fail spells when casting AoE spells. I can't say if it would be any more difficult to cast a TM or any other spells.
Even MR of non-barbs seems to contribute to the overall MR in the area in a not insignificant way.


"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
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Re: BMR question on 08/03/2006 11:02 AM CDT
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MR stacks for area of effect spells, but the MR the area spell contests against is not as high as the combined MR of everyone in the room.

Only the target's MR counts for spells that only affect one target.

There are some bugs, though. <g>

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Re: BMR question on 08/03/2006 01:01 PM CDT
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Then there are bards. We don't talk about barb->bard interaction.

I am --- Navak
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Re: BMR question on 08/03/2006 01:36 PM CDT
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>Then there are bards. We don't talk about barb->bard interaction.

The mere mention makes me sad.

Huldah: *hums the tune to 'Final Countdown'. Me: Stop that! Huldah: What? Me: STOP HUMMING THAT! Huldah: I don't know what you're talking about. Are you hearing things? (humming). Me: Only 45 more days of this? Right?!
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