Dead Guild? on 12/02/2019 07:55 AM CST
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Returning from a few years hiatus. Things that make me want to NOT stick around:

- Barbs have effectively devolved into a joke guild.
- Big Barbs all have sold and left due to above.
- Development has waned, we don’t even have a Guild guru apparently.
- Not much of a future in sight.

Any thoughts on any of this? Please don’t sugar coat anything I’m busy now with life, other games, etc. and I KNOW how much of a time commitment DR is. I need the real skinny before I dip back in. Thanks fellow barbos! Keep the fire alive!
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/03/2019 05:39 AM CST
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Hello friend! Welcome back.

- We're not a joke guild. I agree it's depressing we haven't gotten development in many years, but what's funny is that Barbarians were OP as heck back in 2.0. Subsequent releases over the years, like nerfing disablers and magic 3.0 and capping BMR, have gradually made what Barbs do less and less special, but we're still not a "joke guild." We're middle of the pack. Real joke guilds were Traders before magic and Paladins before Armifer started doing some good work on them in 2018, I'm not sure there's a guild in the game anymore that's actually a joke.

- All max-level characters (or at least most of them) sell. I can name dozens of HLCs over the years and maybe like 3-4 who never sold, it's not unique to Barbs. These tend to be power gamers who enjoy the metagame of building scripts and maximizing efficiency, watching the numbers climb ever higher. Now we've reached a point where the skillcap is hard-coded and we can't physically go any higher, really, so they sell and leave. It happens. If you want to last long-term in this game, you need to find fun like roleplay.

- Guild gurus don't really exist anymore. To use the example above, Armifer was the "moon mage guild guru" but he hasn't done heavy work on moonies in years iirc. Instead he's been doing great stuff like releasing Trader magic, Smite and glyph rewrites for Paladins, etc. Simu's development headcount is just too low these days to have specific GMS dedicated to specific guilds. They just develop what they have ideas for, think needs developing, etc.

- Not much of a future in sight. Oh boy, yeah, honestly you're right about this one. Someone vaguely mentioned that a Warstomp rewrite was on the horizon, like it was being conceptually QC'ed, but that's about it. This is my one big complaint. I don't think we're a joke guild or a dead guild, but I'm not going to pretend like I'm happy. We used to be a top-tier guild, the bad boys/girls everyone complained about, and now we're just kinda mediocre, and nothing we do outside magic barriers (which themselves aren't even that OP) is particularly special.

This guild really needs a conceptual rewrite from the ground-up. We need some kind of alpha strike, we need something like instant-leap-to-melee or a pulsing aura that prevents retreat, the barrier rewrite that's been discussed for years needs to happen and our barriers reviewed to make them strong enough for mages to complain about again... a bunch of stuff.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/03/2019 11:34 AM CST
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I accept the critique that Barbarian development has been stale. We have more guilds than GSL-writing developers at the moment, and more demands on our time than just guild development, so this has been a particularly hard set of plates to spin.

I know this isn't the most reassuring message to end on because I can't promise you X Y Z project is going to go through in A B C timeline right now, but I can say we are aware that the problem exists and that you aren't screaming into a vaccum.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/03/2019 03:55 PM CST
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Thanks Armifer, even hearing someone - especially you - verbally acknowledge that Barbarians need help is actually the biggest development news this guild has gotten in some while.

While I have your ear momentarily, it's not a matter of stale development. Core guild identity needs some real help. Our identity used to be OP combat buffs (now capped to be in line with all guilds), OP disablers (remember when immobilize set evasion to 0? Yeah, I know you loved that!), and magic resistance (mostly passive, which is now gone, and the litany of magic barriers we have really don't mage mages sweat much). On top of that the penalty for being an NMU has steadily increased, sorcery is now ubiquitous and awesome.

Couple suggestions for quick-ish releases that don't involve a complete rewrite that would seriously help: damage-dealing and missile-range Warstomp based on Expertise that works like heavy TM (also with cooldown), conceptual Serenity rework (take away IF hits and strengthen the barrier, if that means roars need to be completely disabled vs. heavily penalized, so be it), expensive esoteric berserk that draws targets to melee or heavily contests attempts to retreat so melee combat can be hypothetically meaningful.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/03/2019 04:56 PM CST
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Barrier review is a thing we're trying to push but is encountering some difficulty just due to the scope of the project versus the time of any one person to dedicate to it. It's happening slowly, just... yeah, slowly.

Sorcery's ubiquity is one thing Lyneya and I recently had a heart to heart about. While I think it is legitimately too easy and awesome, I think the answer is less "nerf sorcery to the ground" and more "create an awesome alternative that people dabbling in sorcery can't participate in." I have an idea for it that is Paladin-themed but could become a global release instead, but again, no timeline.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/04/2019 12:22 AM CST
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Thanks for your thoughts Armifer
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Re: Dead Guild? on 12/08/2019 02:19 AM CST
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In the spider event the critters flexed in such a manner that Barbarians were completely helpless trying to combat them. The Broodlings were instant kill and the Spiders took a long time to kill one and it got bad if more than one came in the room. Is this going to be the rule for flex critters from now on? Yeah we could hide like ugly step children behind big strong Paladins or Clerics Or War Mages and throw something at them. All in all it was demeaning as a Barbarian!
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Re: Dead Guild? on 04/19/2020 03:58 PM CDT
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As of 4/19/2020 They are not working on anything for us. Despite having posts from GMs about post thief rework like adjustments to the guild, mention of a combo system or something to make us less than attack commanders, no adjustments to the bad slot costings, no fixing of Mastery skills that do nothing, nothing on the nonexistent path system, no warstomp that was mentioned not long ago, no offensive abilities/alpha strike, no reworking of the path trees themselves to make them more accessible, tied for last with least amount of skills for TDP generation, and to top if all off current MT trends are relying on Arcana to use new items effectively, requiring Barbarians to learn a Magic skill to keep up with the power creep.

Guild isn't dead only because of anti-magic barriers. Once this barrier review thing hits us, the guild is going to be in a laughable state.

If you want to enjoy DR to the fullest, just roll a Cleric. Their Oathborn is better weapon buff than our Dragon anyhow.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 04/19/2020 07:16 PM CDT
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It really sucks to hear it but I anticipated it.

We're functionally fine besides the stupid empty abilities. We're nothing spectacular, but we're functionally fine. Paladins need some major help.

Hopefully once they get a couple other guilds going they will give us some serious love, though frankly I don't think that will be this year.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 04/22/2020 11:47 PM CDT
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A couple of fixes are sorely needed.
Get rid of guild masters sending barbarians on dancing quests that haven't existed for many years.
Open up our store.
Convert a couple of the old forge buildings that are still around to new forges.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 04/23/2020 05:22 AM CDT
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>Get rid of guild masters sending barbarians on dancing quests that haven't existed for many years.
>Open up our store.
>Convert a couple of the old forge buildings that are still around to new forges.

Yes, yes, and yes.

Also, remove the ability to learn Dervish and Juggernaut masteries. They don't do anything.
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Re: Dead Guild? on 04/26/2020 10:13 AM CDT
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I still say allowing us to manage our own IF be choosing how many forms and meditations we want to run at once would be a good move in the right direction. The five form (make it so you can't push the IF regen hash below 10% or something) and three meditation (minus Staunch and Dispel) max limit is just plain stupid, and no other guild faces these restraints. Also, we have to be able to stop individual berserks and meditations instead of all or nothing. It's an IF tanker when you need to swap out stuff for low to mid level barbs.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
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