After having hosted numerous fight nights in the Crossing pit, and a few in other pits (official and not), I've a few ideas to share for a rewrite of the Pit system as it stands. Disclaimer: I have no idea where a Pit rewrite stands in the scheme of things, if it is being considered at all. But, regardless, I thought I'd share.
-Make the fights viewable from the recovery rooms. One of the biggest "beefs" I get is that the empaths and clerics want to see the fights AND help out the fighters.
-Keep entry into the pits free, but make the pits "Open combat capable" with a pay to play system. Follow along before you get up in arms...
Normal house rules (no magic, ranged or thrown) remain the same. Anyone wanting to play by those rules need to pay nothing.
For the addition of any 1 of the three normally banned styles, someone pays X per style per fight. For example, if I wanted to have one fight where magic was allowed on top of the normal house rules, I would pay X and my opponent and I would fight it out.
Additionally, a payer could pay Y and be granted "fight coordinator" status for a given amount of time. As a fight coordinator, I would have the ability to turn on or off various attributes of the pit for free during that time.
-Institute an IG announcement system with a set of pre-written IG announces that go system wide for a price. Limit this to 2 per person per event to prevent spamming/misuse.
-Rewrite the boards so that at least one fight, win or lose, is required in, say a 30 day time frame, in order to avoid having your board points zeroed out. This will help encourage more folks to try and get more points, and clear the boards of deadwood fighters who don't actively take steps to defend their standing.
~Mammoth Rider Maulem Akavame, Death Dealer in training
Some ideas to consider for a Pit "rewrite" on 03/15/2009 10:40 AM CDT
Re: Some ideas to consider for a Pit "rewrite" on 03/15/2009 02:33 PM CDT
Great ideas.
>>Rewrite the boards so that at least one fight, win or lose, is required in, say a 30 day time frame, in order to avoid having your board points zeroed out. This will help encourage more folks to try and get more points, and clear the boards of deadwood fighters who don't actively take steps to defend their standing.
I agree with this only if the rest of your post takes place so that we have a way to allow magic and other banned rules. Outside of your pit nights (which I am sometimes unable to make) it has become extremely difficult for me to find a pit fight. Opening up the rules a bit would help tremendously.
>>Rewrite the boards so that at least one fight, win or lose, is required in, say a 30 day time frame, in order to avoid having your board points zeroed out. This will help encourage more folks to try and get more points, and clear the boards of deadwood fighters who don't actively take steps to defend their standing.
I agree with this only if the rest of your post takes place so that we have a way to allow magic and other banned rules. Outside of your pit nights (which I am sometimes unable to make) it has become extremely difficult for me to find a pit fight. Opening up the rules a bit would help tremendously.
Re: Some ideas to consider for a Pit "rewrite" on 03/19/2009 05:10 PM CDT