Bug? on 05/01/2006 07:23 PM CDT
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Not sure if this has been said but there appears to be a slight bug is thats what it would be called.. I can't appear to peer W when I have warpaint on. I can peer West though.

I never type it out I usually just ctrl-w
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Re: Bug? on 05/02/2006 04:39 PM CDT
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>>I can't appear to peer W when I have warpaint on.

It's more of a priority issue than a bug. Something similar happens when you try to PEER S and you've got stubble. For now your options are to macro it a different way or if you're using stormfront then you should be able to change your ctrl W so that it types out west.

Tarengail Eahlferend
* Tarengail was just struck down by blind goblin parapaligic!
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Re: Bug? on 05/02/2006 06:27 PM CDT
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Yeah thats what I did.. I changed the macro to spell out the actual directions instead of the abbrevations.
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