warpaint on 11/28/2007 08:36 PM CST
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hey anyone know where Osgeth went? any info would be appreciated
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Re: warpaint on 11/28/2007 09:41 PM CST
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Him and that shark tooth d00d went the way of the dodo when Niamah n crew left .... of course TF never saw 1 of them and the other was merely a flash in the pan experiance in TF


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Re: warpaint on 11/29/2007 09:56 AM CST
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I've got warpaint and sharksteeth in TF.
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Re: warpaint on 11/29/2007 10:19 AM CST
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I think it'll be a long while before we see those again now that the best GMs in the game are gone.

No offense to the remaining GMs, but those two were great.

Re: Life mana Spell preps

You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
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Re: warpaint on 11/29/2007 04:09 PM CST
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<<I think it'll be a long while before we see those again now that the best GMs in the game are gone.

<<No offense to the remaining GMs, but those two were great.

Yeah, I'd been hoping to get an altered roar helm eventually but I don't see Scynn and Asmara making appearances any time soon and you can't LTB alter them :(

SEND[Lirrak] I've got permaconsent on you and Im gonna find you now
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spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 11/11/2008 08:46 PM CST
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Posting here per Gamehost request.

I purchased enough of the cheap paintsticks to find my "spiritual warpaint." Today I did not get the "The warpaint pattern fires you with confidence!" message. I tried applying it without helm or cloak on just to make sure features werent hidden.

Also, maybe it's related:

Is this new for dancing cobra?:

[You're mighty, incredibly balanced and overwhelming your opponent.]

I've never seen the "mighty" part before.
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Re: spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 11/11/2008 09:07 PM CST
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Well the "mighty" message remained after cobra wore off. Maybe the paint is working now.
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Re: spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 11/18/2008 05:05 AM CST
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You may have better results if someone else applies it.

Magic is not a crutch. Its just something Mages need to get through life.
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Re: spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 11/18/2008 05:22 AM CST
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I got the impression you only saw the message once myself. I made a note of what mine was on my DR notepad.
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Re: spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 12/06/2008 09:07 AM CST
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Wait wait. Certain colors may have "better" effect than others? And the only way to find out which one is by testing? Do we each have one "spiritual" color or more than one? Cause if mine is fuschia or peacock I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.
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So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/06/2008 05:15 PM CST
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Title explains itself.

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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/06/2008 05:17 PM CST
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This should about cover any questions: http://phiiskeep.homestead.com/Warpaint.html

Denstimar Dustyfoot
Idon Raider - www.idonraiders.com
"Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?" - Walt Whitman
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Re: spiritual warpaint messaging bug? on 12/07/2008 01:48 AM CST
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>Wait wait. Certain colors may have "better" effect than others? And the only way to find out which one is by testing? Do we each have one "spiritual" color or more than one? Cause if mine is fuschia or peacock I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.

You always struck me as a passion fruit type of person... maybe pastels?

Magic is not a crutch. Its just something Mages need to get through life.
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/07/2008 07:40 AM CST
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Thanks Den. Phii's site mentions that body location and shape play into the "spiritual" messaging, but didn't mention the color being a factor. Has it been confirmed that the spiritual messaging comes only from one color? To use Phii's example, if she paints boars on her cheek with rainbow brite pink or with smurf blue, does she still get the spiritual bonus just from shape and location?
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/07/2008 01:38 PM CST
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I can't answer that question myself, hopefully someone else can. I just wanted to say that I'd love to have rainbow bright pink and smurf blue warpaints added to the system at some point so that I can use them to tag people with a stamp.

GMs, please consider some more humiliating color choices for basic warpaints. Thanks. ;)

Denstimar Dustyfoot
Idon Raider - www.idonraiders.com
"Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?" - Walt Whitman
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/07/2008 05:15 PM CST
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Color never seemed to make a difference from my experience.


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

- Sima Yi
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/07/2008 06:59 PM CST
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>GMs, please consider some more humiliating color choices for basic warpaints.

Next time Osgeth is out, you will absolutely see some humiliating colors.

~GM Aurdun
Barbarians' Guild Advocate
Gor'Tog Co-Champion
History Guru

"Don't use logic on scientists. That's just mean." ~ GM Zeyurn
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/08/2008 06:41 AM CST
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You're the man Aurdun.
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Re: So I've been gone a while. What's the lowdown on warpaint ? on 12/08/2008 10:16 AM CST
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>To use Phii's example, if she paints boars on her cheek with rainbow brite pink or with smurf blue, does she still get the spiritual bonus just from shape and location?

I'm fairly certain that if Phii had rainbow brite pink and smurf blue warpaint on, the spiritual bonus would be rendered moot. She'd launch into a combination of every berserk + dance in game and her head would explode.

Satfiki wipes a bit of Rmel's spittle from her arm.
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Getting warpaint on 01/17/2009 10:48 AM CST
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I have a few questions about where I can get warpaint. I know that their is a tent somewhere that you can buy it from but the exact location im unsure of. Just wanted to see if someone could inform me on where the tent is, how often it is open, and if there are any plans to open it permanently. I have a few sticks I bought a while back from a trader but I dont use it much because, well, I only have two sticks.
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/17/2009 03:17 PM CST
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It seems to come around whenever there's a festival. I don't think it's open anywhere right now.

I certainly wouldn't complain if a small selection of them were stocked in the guild shop though, since I tend to not use it often for similar reasons.

Denstimar Dustyfoot
Idon Raider - www.idonraiders.com
"Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?" - Walt Whitman
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/17/2009 06:20 PM CST
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What does everyone think about the warpaint system for the way it is now?

Just some overall benefits/things that could use improvement off the top of my head:

The system can offer:
Adds a role-playing tool to Barbarians to fit their motif
Allows for increased intimidation with SCREAM
Allows for increased fear resistance with CONCENTRATE
Allows for a small benefit to charisma with STARE
Allows for a small benefit to discipline with DISCIPLINE
Able to mark PC's in a helpless/dead state as a role-playing tool
Able to have variety with different patterns and locations

Things that could use improvement:
The system relies too much on randomness
The system allows for negative decline for charisma with STARE and discipline with MEDITATE
The boost for charisma with STARE is minimal and the duration for this boost is too short to make it worth while
The boost for discipline with MEDITATE is minimal and the duration for this boost is too short to make it worth while
The duration for fear resistance with CONCENTRATE is too short
Having someone else apply warpaint onto a Barbarian for a maximum effect should be removed: fun and gameplay > realism
Allowing the Barbarian to choose their OWN spiritual pattern/location would be preferable
Expand the system to allow marking to dead/helpless creatures for additional affects would be a nice feature
The system relies on items and not something manufactured by the Barbarian with enough foraging/mechanical lore, so the warpaint system is consumable with risk of non-replenishing
The system requires coins and to be in Hara'jaal or wherever and whenever the Warpaint tent is opened

- Simon
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/18/2009 09:18 AM CST
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>The boost for discipline with MEDITATE is minimal and the duration for this boost is too short to make it worth while

I wouldn't say it's minimal. Sure it's not long lived, but 10 points isn't what I would consider minimal. The boost is long enough to do what I believe they had in mind when it was developed. That is to dance.

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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/18/2009 09:47 AM CST
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<<I wouldn't say it's minimal. Sure it's not long lived, but 10 points isn't what I would consider minimal. The boost is long enough to do what I believe they had in mind when it was developed. That is to dance.>>

Ok, than question for you. When your concentration changes after the increase in discipline from warpaint as planned and the discipline boost wears off, doesn't the dance re-align so the duration is back to lessened?

- Simon
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/18/2009 11:25 AM CST
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As far as I know, discipline/concentration is checked once at the beginning of the dance. Hindrance and encumbrance are checked at the beginning and at some intervals during the dance. The strength of the dance is not recalculated as the length of the dance may be if your hindrance or encumbrance change.

If the power of the dance did change, then I would agree that the discipline boost would be much much too short. I don't believe that is the case.

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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/18/2009 11:38 AM CST
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Ok, thanks Gavyn.

- Simon
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/18/2009 05:39 PM CST
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A large but short-term boost to charisma/disc for stare/meditate seems to me like the best route to go on those commands.

Player creation of warpaint would rock, and make it a far more widely-used system.

Perhaps the "location" messaging is random, or just left over from a time when location did matter?

Choosing your spiritual pattern would be a definite improvement, RP-wise. There's no reason some of those patterns would inspire my character more than any other, but if it's random I could very well end up with one of the odd ones. Unfortunately the low availability of paint has made me unable to actually try the system yet...

I also think it would be a great RP opportunity to have the ability to use warpaint be circle-based (hopefully low circle, maybe 30 max) and upon reaching that circle a guildleader will give you a task/quest to complete to 'discover' (choose) your spiritual pattern.

I assume the mechanical lore component will go away with the lore split... I'd support basing the effectiveness of warpaint primarily off the agility/reflex of the one applying it. This would fit the trend of Barb abilities being based mostly off stats, and in addition make the system more worthwhile because honestly, what barb in their right mind neglects agility/reflex?

All in all I think it's an interesting system and it would be really great to see the weirdness patched up a bit.

Just my two plats.

Pillow versus pillow: Crazy Awsome.
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Re: Getting warpaint on 01/22/2009 05:57 PM CST
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Heh when the test server was up I actually made a chart of every possible location and pattern and tried them all until I got the message(I used all my paintsticks plus the onest people were leaving from the gift bags). But later on it seems I saw the message with other patterns too so I wondered then if that message just really means you applied the paint best as possible and not that I had found my secret pattern/location. Oddly using the same combo I found in test I have never gotten the message in prime. I sort of wonder if test was just wonky and it was intentionally messed up or something.
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