Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 01:26 AM CST
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Concentrate is now working properly. Enjoy.

Gamemaster Iayn
Barbarian Liaison
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 02:28 AM CST
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Sweet. So what does it do? <hums>

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 02:43 AM CST
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<<P>concentrrate war
You concentrate on the patterns of your warpaint, steeling your mind and body against fear.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Intimidation defense bonus.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 02:48 AM CST
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From messaging and limited testing, I think...

P>scream war
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
Your eyes flare and your face contorts to emphasize your warpaint.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
(Intimidation attack bonus)

P>concentrate war
You concentrate on the patterns of your warpaint, steeling your mind and body against fear.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
(Intimidation defense bonus)

P>meditate war
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
(No clue. Stamina bonus?)

>>stare warp
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
(No clue. Reflex/balance bonus?)

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 06:51 AM CST
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You are correct on SCREAM and CONCENTRATE.

Gamemaster Iayn
Barbarian Liaison
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 07:13 AM CST
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<<You are correct on SCREAM and CONCENTRATE

Now to figure out MEDITATE and STARE.

Speaking of Iayn, would it be possible to increase the duration of warpaint? It's a fantastic tool and very cool-looking, but wearing and re-applying it constantly is both slightly troubling and somewhat expensive. I can totally understand the verbs making it peel quick, but does it provide some sort of blanket bonus and, if so, is it really that great? I'd like to be able to walk around for an RL day or two before having to repaint myself, as opposed to... like 3 hours. Or, if possible, could it be made so that the basic stuff (the kind that doesn't do anything) lasts much longer/slash indefinitely? Between forehead gems, facepaint and warpaint I'd definitely want to walk around decorated with warpaint. Forehead gems are permanent and facepaint only fades when you depart. Up the price of the decorative stuff and quadruple its longevity so I can walk around looking all cool?

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 07:51 AM CST
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It looks like stare gives an offence boost and maybe meditate makes you not need armor as much.

Gilvore Sneaksie-Sasiknak.

Pitmatic and prood urv it! Howay the lads!

Divvint gan upaheight man!
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 08:10 AM CST
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P>meditate war
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
(No clue. Stamina bonus?)

Now to me this sound liek something that would help me when berserking or an anti stun effect.

>>stare warp
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

And this positioning myslef in a dance, or to begin dancing.

Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 09:29 AM CST
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<<It looks like stare gives an offence boost and maybe meditate makes you not need armor as much.

Yeah. What would make you not need armor as much? Stamina bonus, but that's not right. Maybe defensive ranks. Can't think of what else it might be.

<<Now to me this sound liek something that would help me when berserking or an anti stun effect.

Hmm. Possibly. I would think that the 'meditate' command would help with dances and the 'stare' would help with berserks, but the 'stare' command definitely seems to indicate something to do with agility/balance, or dances, etc. As per Iayn, it does not directly affect dances, and it does not give a reflex bonus. Any other ideas?

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 11:21 AM CST
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You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
--Why couldn't this be just an enhancement of armor/defence?

You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
--To me this sounds like reflex. Muscles warmed up and all that to dodge faster.


Gyfford says, "Maulem your wife is giving me a headache."
Maulem says, "Well, at least I'm not th' only one she does that to then."
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 12:32 PM CST
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<<--To me this sounds like reflex. Muscles warmed up and all that to dodge faster.

Sounds to me like it is, but it isn't. Iayn said my assessment of SCREAM and CONCENTRATE were correct; however, by antithesis that means that STARE and MEDITATE were not correct. My assessment was a reflex bonus, so it isn't that. Maybe one's a +armor or +shield ranks defense and another is a +evasion and/or +multi defense.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 12:56 PM CST
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I'm watching how everything is working, including duration, and may be adjusting things.

There are factors that make your warpaint last longer already, depending on how it is applied.

Gamemaster Iayn
Barbarian Liaison
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 01:15 PM CST
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I know it gets longer, so I tried having bigger Barbs with more mech apply it. The duration seems quite fine for the warpaint that does stuff (maybe could be tweaked a little) but I'd like the decorative, non-functional kind to last almost indefinitely.

It's meant to be both an rp tool (for everyone) and a functioning tool for Barbs. Right now though the rp aspect isn't very viable without considerable cost and some annoyance. Making the basic (decorative) kind last like facepaint would make it much more viable for both Barbs and non-Barbs. I want to incorporate warpaint into my character's rp, but right now doing that's really annoying. I feel like I have to re-apply my mascera every three hours. Make the decorative stuff last until you die/get arrested or something.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 02:40 PM CST
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so there is an appy careful command?

Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 02:41 PM CST
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<<>apply paint careful
I could not find what you were referring to.

I guess that's a 'no.'

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 06:22 PM CST
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>>It's meant to be both an rp tool (for everyone) and a functioning tool for Barbs. Right now though the rp aspect isn't very viable without considerable cost and some annoyance. Making the basic (decorative) kind last like facepaint would make it much more viable for both Barbs and non-Barbs. I want to incorporate warpaint into my character's rp, but right now doing that's really annoying. I feel like I have to re-apply my mascera every three hours. Make the decorative stuff last until you die/get arrested or something.

As you can wipe it off, this would make perfect sense, but I would love a way to get better-colored ones that last a long time, even if they don't give any bonuses.
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 08:06 PM CST
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meditate war
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Sounds like a Discipline bonus

stare warp
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Sounds like a Strength bonus
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/04/2006 11:34 PM CST
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(stare warp
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.)

Sounds like a Strength bonus

I thought that this was possible as well but with testing it I found it isn't. Or at least if it is it's a smaller bonus than bear dance which is free and can be danced anytime.

Still testing..

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 12:20 AM CST
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I didn't show an even 1 point strength bonus from that, and that was with getting the regular messaging.

Warpaint downtime is somewhere between 3.5 and 5 minutes to get the full effect even if fully removed and re-applied. I haven't felt like tying it down anywhere closer than that.

Fully removing warpaint will immediately end the effect, if one is active.

Can't have multiple effects active at one time.

Haven't been able to tie down any bonuses yet.

Did not notice a change in dance time, power, berserk length, power...

I am --- Navak
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 02:01 AM CST
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>stare warp
>That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
>You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
>Roundtime: 3 sec.

>Sounds like a Strength bonus

Has anyone tried testing stare for a position bonus?
I'll try testing it in the morning if not.


"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up."
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 10:28 AM CST
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might be agility.

Why kill anything when you can kill mages
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 01:46 PM CST
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On the subject of having to reapply warpaint all the time... this makes sense. It's warpaint. You wear it into battle, not all the time. I know this will be argued, saying that you can remove it, but some people would run around with Warpaint on 24/7 which simply doesn't match the historical examples of warpaint. Otherwise, it would be a tattoo.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 02:12 PM CST
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stare warp
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.)

Anyone try staring at someone after doing this or anything mundane like that.Or try the
That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped.
You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

with no armor on and test and see if it give ya some protection like armor with none on
"Words become actions.
Actions become habits.
Habits become character.
Character becomes destiny."
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 02:36 PM CST
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<<On the subject of having to reapply warpaint all the time... this makes sense. It's warpaint. You wear it into battle, not all the time. I know this will be argued, saying that you can remove it, but some people would run around with Warpaint on 24/7 which simply doesn't match the historical examples of warpaint. Otherwise, it would be a tattoo.

Facepaint doesn't last forever either. You put it on, you go to a parade, it comes off. In DR facepaint lasts indefinitely until you depart. There are anthropological instances of cultures wearing decorative paint every day 24/7, but it's no so much warpaint. You have something of a point. But in this instance I don't believe the RL application should be a limiting factor. I am only suing for the 'basic' warpaint to last almost indefinitely. The real warrior stuff makes sense. Just, as character fluff, the warpaint is a lot cooler then forehead gems or facepaint. And if it doesn't happen, I'll go back to Horse Clan facepaint.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 02:50 PM CST
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Maybe Meditate and stare are group intimidation attack and defense bonus?

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 08:38 PM CST
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Although basic warpaint does not have the barbarian abilities that other warpaint has, it is not just fluff. In the future it may do more than it does now, as well. So there are no plans to make basic warpaint last near indefinitely. I am, however, watching the durations for all warpaint and may adjust them.

Gamemaster Iayn
Barbarian Liaison
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/05/2006 09:00 PM CST
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<<Although basic warpaint does not have the barbarian abilities that other warpaint has, it is not just fluff. In the future it may do more than it does now, as well. So there are no plans to make basic warpaint last near indefinitely. I am, however, watching the durations for all warpaint and may adjust them.

Oh, sucketh. So basic warpaint has that fear effect too (whatever that does). Hmm. Well, I guess that settles that. Oh well. Back to facepaint.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 12:47 AM CST
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think it has anything to do with bmr?

Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 12:52 AM CST
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Girding yourself in it like armor? Possibly.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 01:58 AM CST
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I just like the idea of a Barbarian sitting down and preparing for combat... applying warpaint before he enters into glorious battle, etc.

And if meditating boost BMR.. rock on!

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 10:38 AM CST
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<<And if meditating boost BMR.. rock on!

Would be very nice. I think the duration for a couple of the commands could be fixed though. The meditation offense/defense works fine (enough to attack with/defend against a couple roars), I would like to see the meditate (possible BMR boost) function last a little longer. I'm sure it lasts longer with better stats, but with my current mech I get no error messages when applying paint and all the commands only last ~10 seconds, maybe less. Would be cool if MEDITATE lasted 30 seconds to a minute, maybe long enough for a quick spar.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 11:07 AM CST
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I bet the bards will want this system for theater makup. Remember to make them kneel before they ask.
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 04:30 PM CST
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<<I bet the bards will want this system for theater makup. Remember to make them kneel before they ask.

Sure, give it to them. Theater paint= pure decoration. If a number of Bards wanted another system that was strictly for rp and had no practical application for learning/sparring/hunting though I think they'd be drowning in pretty useless guild 'perks.'

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 07:59 PM CST
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Unless the boost from Concentrate, Stare, or Meditate is in the 1 mana range (which in this test was less than like swan dance) then no.

Also the length of the effect is tied into how often you are trying to use the warpaint. The closer together, the shorter the effects until I get it down to like, 1 second per activation.

Downtime between activations, at least for me, is somewhere between 3.5 and 5 minutes. You can tell if you aren't getting the full effect because it has that line about not being as inspired as you had hoped.

How are you able to check position though if there are no moves being made?

I am --- Navak
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/06/2006 08:02 PM CST
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<<How are you able to check position though if there are no moves being made?

You know real well, you've just forgotten momentarily.


Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/07/2006 12:31 AM CST
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<<How are you able to check position though if there are no moves being made?

>You know real well, you've just forgotten momentarily.


Assess only shows balance, not position, you only see your position compared to someone/something else when attacked or when attacking, and thus balance for at least one of you is changing.

But it's pointless to look at position anyway, because the position readouts in combat are only comparing your balance to the enemy's balance. If your balance goes up (and enemy's stays the same), your position goes up, etc.

So what you want to look for is a balance increase. Start at solidly balanced, type stare warpaint, type balance, and walla. If someone wants to go test this, post the results afterward if you would.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/07/2006 12:54 AM CST
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>stare warpaint
You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You are solidly balanced.
You are solidly balanced.
You are solidly balanced.
You are solidly balanced.
You are solidly balanced.
The inspiration from your warpaint wears off.
Your warpaint dries and flakes a little.

About 1-2 minute duration.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/07/2006 03:23 AM CST
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I tested position using stare and did not notice any change.
Before using the warpaint, I advanced on Sonshi and used alternating dodge, and parry commands to check balance and position. Each time, it was solid balance and no advantage.

I used stare on the warpaint, and did the same, advanced, alternated between dodge and parry. I saw no changes to my previous trial without any abilities at any range.


"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up."
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/07/2006 09:07 AM CST
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Going back and reevaluating my results, I was using parry to check the position, which could have itself flawed the output. So, back to the drawing board I guess.

Gladiator Maulem~

"The truth is that ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more death. However fully thought through, well executed violence never leads to more violence because afterwards, the other guys are all dead." ~Ternith
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Re: Concentrate is working on 02/07/2006 09:30 AM CST
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>>>You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
Roundtime: 3 sec.>>

Maybe it's just me, but I'm seeing the words posture and impressive as the operatives here... It's really a stretch to me to think that paints are for anything directly more than intimidation offense/defense. Could be wrong, but to every question put to him, regarding effects on dances, berserks, IF... seemed like the answer Iayn gave was always "not directly". Just my take.

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