Ur-Library on 06/11/2012 07:23 PM CDT
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As part of the Lore-keepers heritage, and possibly a general bardic perk, I'd love to see the creation of some type of omni-library, linking all known texts in DR to one central location. Sort of a DR 'Library of Alexandria'.

Seems like the epitome of lore keeping, to manage every known tome.

I figure it would be nightmarish and cthulu like on the backend though.

Let's save us all some time: I'm a troll who rarely has anything helpful. There.
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Re: Ur-Library on 06/11/2012 09:46 PM CDT
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>>I figure it would be nightmarish and cthulu like on the backend though.

Not really, given that it exists and I already have access too it. However, that's because I'm on staff and the whole thing is rather impractical since there's somewhere in the ballpark of 350 IG books.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Ur-Library on 06/11/2012 10:14 PM CDT
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You asked for events, I think it would make a good one. If the Bard's maybe donated money to have it built and then had some sort of item that would show they went and read through X book which would serve as transposing it to be added to the new library. I think it would be a great adventure and would lead to a lot of players possibly learning a lot of lore they don't already know!
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Re: Ur-Library on 06/13/2012 11:08 AM CDT
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some books though, even bards wouldn't be able to get their hands on.

Such as those in restricted guilds. <thieves, and ... whenever they get the snakes out of the necro guild library...> --0

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: Ur-Library on 06/13/2012 05:28 PM CDT
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I believe you underestimate the sneakiness of survival tert Bards.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Ur-Library on 06/13/2012 06:53 PM CDT
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Infiltration is all about verse.
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