Deja Vu on 02/16/2007 07:10 PM CST
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[19:44] Ardwinn says, "rude"
[19:45] You ask, "Hmm?"
[19:45] Ardwinn says, "yeah you"
[19:45] You ask, "Ohh, did that song get you?"
[19:45] You say, "I'm sorry, I can't really time it."
[19:45] You say, "Feel free to join up to avoid the song's affects."
[19:45] Ardwinn says, "just like an arrow might get your ear"
[19:45] Ardwinn says, "moron"
[19:45] You say, "Excuse me? You have to manually aim an arrow..."
[19:45] You say, "I can't control my songs."
[19:45] Ardwinn says, "watch your back"
[19:45] You ask, "You're kidding, right?"
[19:46] Ardwinn says, "you can if you dont use them in public places"
[19:46] You say, "This is a hunting ground."
[19:46] You ask, "What do you expect me to do?"

So, my question is--seriously, what do people expect us to do? Should we just not use Enchantes? Should I have used my divine power to predict I should have started the song two seconds prior so as the pulse would not get her?

Right now I'm hunting in snow goblins, so the area is a pretty linear path from one end to the other end. I usually hunt somewhere in the middle of the two ends, which is where the best mana is.

~The one who is obsessed with power.
__ - Temporarily down, fighting with Lycos - The Story - Personal Bard Guild Req Sheet
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/16/2007 07:14 PM CST
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You were completely friendly, I'm not sure what else you could do. Bards are uncommon enough that people aren't used to dealing with them. Looks like Ardwinn has an attitude problem if you ask me. What can you do? Ignore...
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/16/2007 07:39 PM CST
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If you walk into a room and someone casts an AOE spell, it's really not rude - just bad timing. It's something you should be prepared for when you are in a dangerous place such as a hunting area. Duh.

I'd ignore them.

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Re: Deja Vu on 02/16/2007 07:43 PM CST
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Thats sort of dumb. If I roar and someone walks into the room I am hunting in. I say oops and maybe sorry. Good thing is I can shoot back.

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Re: Deja Vu on 02/16/2007 08:55 PM CST
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heh... LT-naptha, TM-FB and pyre FTW... "just like an arrow might get your ear..." that would have done it for me.
Yeah, I knock folks down all the time when hunting at level and since my magic is way beyond my hunting level I tend to knock them down a lot. But most are cool with a 'sorry'. Sounds like this one had a chip on the shoulder.

Me 'n the Bard
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 05:47 AM CST
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Okay, let me clarify something. When somebody performs an AOE spell or roar after somebody else arrives, that person was not paying proper attention when they hit the enter key or their macro or whatever (except in the rare case of network lag). However, Bards' magic doesn't "hit" when we press the enter key, it hits when the song first pulses, which is nearly impossible to time or predict. Until they fix enchantes so that we can set them to only affect who we want them to (a la Chain Lightning), grouches out there need to stop whining and understand that they're dealing with a mechanics limitation, not Bard-player incompetence.

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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 07:11 AM CST
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I think the only one giving the bard in question a hard time is the person that threatened him/her. I get caught up in Useff's song all the time. Tanks my balance, but thats MY fault for roaming. Not the bards fault. You use the tools you have and thats one of the tools they have.

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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 09:22 AM CST
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You shouldn't take threats like that.

Legendary Bard Mibe Oyiee, Dead Eye of Elanthia
~ You know I could always put it back to the old roundtimes...
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 09:27 AM CST
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Wasn't she the one who gave Raziaar a hard time a while back? Everyone I drop, throw off balance, or give that prickly feeling on the back of their neck to (yah, gotten comments on that one). They all recover and tell me how cool it was. If she doesn't like it, maybe she should look before she moves. I used to have to do it all the time with Chain Lightening.


Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well
preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate and martini in hand, body thoroughly worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 09:31 AM CST
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It's not worth fighting over. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy for not thinking I did anything wrong.

Here's to hoping the new Enchante engagement fix is moving along nicely.

~The one who is obsessed with power.
__ - Temporarily down, fighting with Lycos - The Story - Personal Bard Guild Req Sheet
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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 06:10 PM CST
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No you didnt do anything wrong the other person is just being an idiot. I know your backtraining up there but is there anything on the island to train at level too?

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Re: Deja Vu on 02/17/2007 06:48 PM CST
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>>I know your backtraining up there but is there anything on the island to train at level too?

Kind of. There are Nightreaver Unyns that are able to be milked for exp til late in the 200 skill level range. If you include Ratha and Taisgath which are a mere moongate away, there are also Eviscerators, Umbramagii, and Dobek Moruryn, which are definitelly more of a challenge.

In my case, I'm not worrying about training stuff at level until I finish this.

~The one who is obsessed with power.
__ - Temporarily down, fighting with Lycos - The Story - Personal Bard Guild Req Sheet
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Re: Deja Vu on 03/06/2007 05:53 AM CST
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You're a better Bard than I, see, I would have just turned the enchante up and surgically removed their face. The cell almost seems easier than trying to explain that enchante pulses are totally not our fault -again-. I think I still have an enemy or two from when I went resolve crazy in black leucros to avoid being destroyed by low multi skill, even though I tried explaining and apologized profusely. I think the problem is alot of people playing, even though many have been around for years, just don't know squat about how enchantes work cause they've never been a bard. Not entirely their fault, really, but sometimes it -is- tempting to show them how pyre and abandoned heart work exactly, or take advantage of some of that tm backtraining to REALLY confuse them.

Pyro Sephirin
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Re: Deja Vu on 03/08/2007 11:02 PM CST
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<<I think the problem is alot of people playing, even though many have been around for years, just don't know squat about how enchantes work cause they've never been a bard.>>

Think you hit the nail on the head with that one.


"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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