Scavenger Hunt on 02/16/2011 11:17 AM CST
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I recently indexed every single recall history/perc history in the game and came to an interesting discovery. Specifically that Elanthipedia actually comes significantly short of having every one of them, which leads me to believe a fair number have never been discovered.

So we're going to turn this into a scavenger hunt.

The rules are simple, I'm going to tell you how many exist in each province, and you're going to submit a list of room names (Just room names please). We'll break it up by province to keep the lists somewhat sane.

You can submit your entries to just like the old contests, please title it something like "Scavenger Hunt - P1". As usual, you'll need to include the name of your Bard, your instance, and your account name.

If after a reasonable time no one finds them all in a given province, I'll give some hints if some seem to be commonly missed. Should that fail I'll likely just pick whomever comes closest. (Due to this, don't be afraid to submit a list that's a few shy of the total if you're striking out).

# p1 p2 p3 p4
Recall 21 48 17 33
Perc 3 3 4 0
Total 24 51 21 33

*P5 has no recalls, and there are three perc histories that exist outside of the standard provinces, but I believe those three are fairly well known and are already on Elanthipedia.

Oh... prizes? You mean besides giving you a journey of discovery? I suppose we can arrange something interesting.

The four winners selected (No, you don't get to win by being the first to send me an email for P5!) will each get to design an NPC that will live in one of the new Heritage Halls. This includes heritage association, general appearance, mannerisms, and possibly some messaging if the winner desires.

As a final word of warning... there are quite a few that Recall Area will NOT help you in finding. Remember that it cannot pass through portals due to mechanical limits.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Scavenger Hunt Hints on 02/26/2011 11:39 PM CST
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Time for some hints...

P1 -- Complete
P2 -- Only one is not in Riverhaven, Theren, Muspar'i, or Throne City.
P3 -- No submissions yet
P4 -- Only one is not on Aesry or Ratha


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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