SONG ALL (or something) on 10/26/2010 01:53 AM CDT
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Currently (and I didn't know this until i tried it)
SONG ALL shows you all your Enchantes, Spells, and Scroll songs.

What I thought would be MORE USEFUL, would be to determine what songs ALL the bards in the area are playing. Right now you have to do this individually, and it's annoying to have to do it more than say, twice. But if there's several bards in the room I have to spam each one of them with "You see Ysselt check to see if you are playing a song" (or whatever it says)

Just thought it'd be nice.
AIM: Ysselt
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Re: SONG ALL (or something) on 10/26/2010 07:11 AM CDT
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Seconded. This would be useful especially because PERCEIVE doesn't tell you who is performing what I don't believe.

P.S. I hope the whole "song along" stuff goes away with Magic 3.0. Or, if you think you can rewrite it into something actually cool that doesn't harm the Bard more times than not, please go for it :)

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Re: SONG ALL (or something) on 10/26/2010 07:35 AM CDT
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Tentatively I'll look at fixing up any of the stuff like this after the other projects I've mentioned and magic 3.0 are done.

Magic 3.0 is likely to get some of them, and the rest is just a case of having bigger fish to fry.

Also on that list of "maybe after The Plan is done or if I can sucker someone else into doing some code work" would be rewriting Sing in general (It's woefully out of date, as is apparent every time it fails to parse emotions properly), figuring out something sane to do with song scrolls, instrument bonding and I'm sure a number of other projects I'm forgetting right now.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: SONG ALL (or something) on 10/26/2010 08:07 AM CDT
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Cool. I thought I had also put "But maybe we won't need this after Magic stuff", but clearly I only said so in my head so thanks to Leilond for mentioning it.


AIM: Ysselt
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