Badges on 03/12/2004 09:44 PM CST
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Zabari, the badges are too expensive. They should be in the price range of the average 10th circle Cleric-played-by-someone-who-doesn't-have-alt characters.

They're not the killer app for devotion (in fact, they cap at a lower level than expected for a quasi-rare or festival item that has to be massaged and cajoled into usefulness). The market on them never would have gotten out of control if this fact were known.

Father Ainandil

Nickels says, "We're glad pictures not."
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Re: Badges on 03/12/2004 09:51 PM CST
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My bad, Iledemus.



Nickels says, "We're glad pictures not."
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Those Delightful Badges on 03/24/2004 09:51 PM CST
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Oh no! Are the prayer/pilgrim's badges all gone? I just made my way up to Theren today but did not see them in the shop, and upon reading the boards it seems they may be out of stock.
How much were they selling for?
(And if anyone purchased a few extra, might they be willing to resell one? My AIM: naturelad)

Apologies if I am incorrect.



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Re: Those Delightful Badges on 03/24/2004 09:58 PM CST
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Sure... 90 plat... Muahahaha! Just kidding. I might have an extra, not sure yet. I will let you know if you don't get another sooner.

>He who angers you conquers you.
Elizabeth Kenny

>A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Bill Cosby

~The mind behind Raydell and many~
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Pilgrim's Badges on 06/30/2004 08:40 PM CDT
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So did anyone find those last 2 or 3 'new' altars that we never found? I know we found 7 or 8 of the 10 'new' ones..

I don't even remember how many I'm missing... it's either 2 or 3.

- Smeg

Smegul says, "Heh."

Smegul, Inc: Correcting idiocy one post at a time since 346.
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Pilgrim Badges on 12/06/2004 10:00 AM CST
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Are these things available in any shops nowadays?

Cleric of Ushnish

You say, "Also, I'm going to hold you to that "Ushnish Priest" title."
Khentimentiu chuckles.
Heiu says, "I said it on your behalf"
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/06/2004 11:03 AM CST
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Don't believe so. Zabs chucked them in the Cleric only section of the clerics shop in Theren for a little while, but they're not there anymore. You could likely find a fellow cleric with an unbonded one though, if you looked hard enough.
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/08/2004 11:36 AM CST
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<<[Syralon]Are these things available in any shops nowadays?>>

I believe I have an extra unbonded one in the vault still. Send me an IM if you still need one.

I'll be in Haven for the next couple of weeks, then headed to Ratha for awhile.

~Fallen Hero
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/08/2004 12:15 PM CST
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>>I believe I have an extra unbonded one in the vault still. Send me an IM if you still need one.

Sounds like a plan. What's your IM?

Cleric of Ushnish

You say, "Also, I'm going to hold you to that "Ushnish Priest" title."
Khentimentiu chuckles.
Heiu says, "I said it on your behalf"
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/08/2004 09:38 PM CST
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My bad, I thought everyone knew my IM by now, as I seem to post it at least once a week.


Time online thursday through saturdays are tight. Usually around between 7:30ish to 9ish, CST. Otherwise Monday or Tuesday I'm around off and on all day.

~Fallen Hero
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/08/2004 09:44 PM CST
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ps I did check, and the badge is still safe and sound in the vault. Just don't mind the dust. Been in there for a bit now.

~Fallen Hero
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 12/08/2004 09:53 PM CST
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Drop me a line at SyralonDR when you're around - I'm home most evenings after 6 EST. I'm in the Haven area now, so it should be easy to meet up when you're in-game.

Appreciate it.

Cleric of Ushnish

You say, "Also, I'm going to hold you to that "Ushnish Priest" title."
Khentimentiu chuckles.
Heiu says, "I said it on your behalf"
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Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 01:17 PM CDT
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I'm somewhat confused. There seems to be at least a 2.5 to 3 hour timer on my badge for praying. I have gone as long as 6 hours and I still can't gain either devotion or experience. I can pray on my badge, log out an hour later, log back in three days later and still wait 1-2 hours before I can successfully pray on my badge again.

Additionally, I've noticed that I need literally days in between adding altars to gain devotion. Is this normal? It didn't work this way when I first bought it.

I could understand either a real world time limit (i.e. 1 hour) or an in-game timer (i.e. once a day), but there really seems to be no rhyme nor reason to this now. Could anyone give me some information on how this is supposed to work?

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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 02:55 PM CDT
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I've noticed wonkiness as well, but have yet to really flesh out anything specific. Looking at your post, could the timer only be drained when you are logged in game?

player of Celeiros

-At the cleric meeting-
DARTENIAN says, "I think we all need to get down and pray for bit-based experience."
>DARTENIAN clears his throat.
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 03:11 PM CDT
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Yeah, it sounds like an in-game timer to me.

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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 03:33 PM CDT
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I think Hero or someone else posted it at roughly 6 hours in game- thats just off the top of my head- but its pretty long. I have given up using it on a regular basis and pretty much only use it when I accidentally push my old macro for it.

"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 03:45 PM CDT
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Thanks for the info.
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 04:02 PM CDT
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>>I think Hero or someone else posted it at roughly 6 hours in game- thats just off the top of my head- but its pretty long. I have given up using it on a regular basis and pretty much only use it when I accidentally push my old macro for it.<<

Timer was changed some time ago and is no longer set at six hours. It is based on in game time though like most other timers.

GM Lirrak
Cleric Guru
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 06/21/2007 04:06 PM CDT
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The only way you should not be gaining devotion from using your prayer badge is if your devotion is higher then the pool size, which can happen, or the timer hasn't expired.

GM Lirrak
Cleric Guru
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 07/05/2007 08:57 PM CDT
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Is there anywhere to purchase these now? When I was last playing they were at some sort of Theren Festival I believe, but I heard rumor about being able to still buy them somewhere. Hopefully True?? :)

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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 07/05/2007 08:58 PM CDT
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Back room of the cleric shop in Crossing.

Rev. Reene

Idon: "Hey, is it just me, or does this new dock here look a little off?"
Me: "I built it."
Idon: "Oh. Heh. That explains it."
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Re: Pilgrim Badges on 07/05/2007 11:05 PM CDT
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Fantastic, thank you

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