Cleric shop suggestion. on 05/10/2007 08:25 AM CDT
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If this doesn't exist somewhere yet I think it would be a great addition to a cleric shop to have very inexpensive cambrinth statues or rings depicting the different gods. Affordable enough that fairly young clerics could afford one.


Knowing who else I am. 2 kronars.
Knowing who else someone else is. 2 kronars.
Knowing and not telling... Priceless.
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Re: Cleric shop suggestion. on 05/10/2007 08:31 AM CDT
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I think it's well overdue for one of our cleric shops to be able to make customized cambrinth rings/bracelets/armbands. There's already mechanics for customized Immortals jewelry in the Shard shop, I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to set something up for cambrinth items.

It's a drag dealing with rotating inventory that isn't even all that comprehensive.

Cleric of Ushnish
Tallis takes a sip of her brandy.
Tallis jumps back a few feet and lands on her rump, looking dazed!
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