Prayer Mat? on 11/17/2010 07:27 PM CST
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Hey guys! A friend just gave me a prayer mat of black lava samite. I been kinda playing with it and I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to do with it other than roll it out and sit on it? Any help would be much appreciated! Here or on IM (ArnamentiaDR) THANKS!

~Your Neighborhood TF Cleric,

* A fiery phoenix soars into the heavens as Halia's spirit arises from the ashes of death.
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Re: Prayer Mat? on 11/17/2010 09:38 PM CST
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These wonderful things can basically be used in place for actual altars for devotion rituals.

Not near an altar but want to bolster your devotion? No worries you have a portable little altar that lets you show the gods you are lucky/wealthy AND pious.
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