Zaulfung Temple Complex on 08/22/2012 12:24 PM CDT
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I am sure I am not labelling it right- the jackal temple in the middle of the Zaulfung. Everytime I go there, I am very, very impressed by how this was designed. Simply one of my favorite places in DR, and should be for any cleric.

The addition of the short cut to Cinder Beasts just added to it. Any cleric who has not taken the time to fully explore it, I encourage to do so. There are so many nifty things about this place.

I have a request though- the 'slab'- back in the day i can remember linking up there with Shalade or Crory or Lagerby and learning teaching and scholarship. But the slab now is rather an anachronism. It has very long roundtimes and teaches almost no scholarship(at least at my level).

I think the slab should continue to teach scholarship at any level, or failing that have the RT reduced by skill. It is such a wonderful relic from cleric past, I would really like it to be useful- and desired as a tool.

Cinder Beasts aren't perfect for teaching right now...barely teach TM....but they do teach skinning well...I am going to be sad when Flavius outgrows this area completely.
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Re: Zaulfung Temple Complex on 08/22/2012 03:24 PM CDT
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I have to agree. The Jackal temple is one of the best shrines in all the provinces (quite possibly the best in all of P2).
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Re: Zaulfung Temple Complex on 08/22/2012 04:01 PM CDT
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Chimeric temple since it has parts from all 3 avatars of the death deities :p

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Zaulfung Temple Complex on 08/22/2012 08:06 PM CDT
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The swamps and the temple have always been my favorite spot in DR. Love all the stuff you can do there. Love diggin up the artifacts, the rituals are cool and the whole area is great. I agree with flav about the slab. it used to be the thing for scholarship and the only way i could stand teaching. now it is all but outdated. Flav how do the hierophants teach you? Personally i don't ever see my character outgrowing the swamps. I just like it to much to leave.

The feeble old swamp shaman
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Re: Zaulfung Temple Complex on 08/23/2012 02:55 PM CDT
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I have to try out Hierophants- I suspect they will be a quick death warrent for Flavius but I admit I have been too lazy to work my way to them. I really, really like the short cut to Cinderbeasts, and then being able to pop out and work secondary weapons and skinning in Greater Slaughs.

I know I would be training better down in Zombie Maulers and such down in Hib...I just am really enjoying being back in the Zaulfung right now- especially since I can bypass everything to get to Cinderbeasts.

Yeah- this area is really a Cleric playground- but it is old- so that many of the really cool items don't teach particularly well compared to other options.

The thing about the artifacts and being able to trade for stuff is a really cool concept but again being able to trade for herbs that now are common treasure drops makes it not as interesting as it once was.

If I had the time and energy- i would love to go through room by room and put together suggestions. But I don't- and I suspect until after 3.0 is fully implemented no one has anytime to update this area.
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