In Need of Beads on 01/18/2010 09:21 PM CST
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Calling all Carvers of the Faith:

At the Keeping the Faith events, we try not only to offer roleplay of a spiritual nature, but also to introduce, explore, and expand the knowledge people have about the Immortals. Many people become so used to the "favorite" Immortals that they do not realize how many we have and how many are out there. We try to also shine some attention and light on the lesser known Immortals.

Additionally, we like to supply people with devotional and spiritual objects to help with roleplay and getting favors.

I am looking for some clerics to carve beads for people to use to build prayer chains with and to use for favors. While it is easier to just carve 50 panther beads and be done with it, I'm really looking for some variety. I would like to be able to have a myriad of bead choices attendees can select from when putting together their prayer chains. Not only can they use it for RP, they can also carry around a variety of beads so if they are in a new place, they can explore some of the other altars for other favors.

If you wish to carve beads, I would love to take some donations of beads for these events and for people to have. They would be strictly donations. There is no monetary compensation for your time or materials, however, you will be publically recognized. I would ask for no more than 10 beads per specific Immortal from each time you donate. If you are willing to toss some beads at me for this purpose, please look for Jaelia in game or IM: nightengallery.

Thanks so much!

PS If anyone has some spare prayer chains lying around, I'd love to take those off your hands as well. It will save me from having to stock up as often!
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Re: In Need of Beads on 01/19/2010 01:24 PM CST
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Looking for just the Kermorian pantheon or accepting beads from the other religions?
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Re: In Need of Beads on 01/19/2010 09:36 PM CST
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Any Bead for any Immortal that might have any implication on Lyras. So Rakash, prydaen, and standard Thirteen Pantheon. Don't have anything against the Gorbesh or other Gods, just, they've yet to have much of an impact or opinion on Lyras that I am aware of yet.
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