Teaching on 05/12/2008 06:09 PM CDT
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"TIP: don't teach a class on Teaching or listen to one on Scholarship, and don't listen to something you're already training. Each skill can lock easily enough at most ranks if you're doing the appropriate actions, and dumping more bits onto the pile is just wasteful."

When our teaching requirements were changed, I successfully avoided Teaching Teaching for months, if not years, but ultimately it comes to your audience. Hanging around empaths and clerics, often Teaching is what benefits my audience the most, so I can more easily gather a full class, or in the case of empaths, just foster a better relationship.

One of the first things I do when I enter a room is assess teaching, and if I am there for more than a couple minutes I try to initiate a class- either teaching or listening. Listening to a teaching class from a high level cleric or empath can be wonderful. If I can get someone to teach me perception I get very happy. If hunting with another cleric, we usually trade off teaching something- I will listen to anything (go medium edged!) so my hunting partner can learn teaching.

Scholarship I pretty much agree with since a) compendiums are just so easy and b) we have no hard requirement for Scholarship anyway.

"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
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Cleric Teaching Night - Pilgrim Badges on 07/05/2010 08:45 AM CDT
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This evening, during Cleric Teaching Night in Crossing, we'll be stretching our legs and visiting the local shrines and altars that are part of the pilgrim badge system. I'll have some badges to hand out for folks that don't already have one.

Clerics that have extensively traveled the lands, visiting shrines and altars around Elanthia, are encouraged to join us and tell the stories of their journey.

See you this evening, 9pm EST at the Crossing Cleric Guild Chapel.

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Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 07:37 AM CDT
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Magic is changing! Spells are changing! OMGOMGOMG! What do I do?! What do I do?!

For starters....

Leave your panic at the door, and gather up for a nice chat about the upcoming changes tonight at the Crossing Cleric Guild Chapel, 9pm EST. As promised, we'll have a little bit of trivia and some token goodies as well.

See you there.
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 08:21 AM CDT
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Isn't it a little early for that?
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 11:30 AM CDT
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<<Isn't it a little early for that?>>

For specifics, certainly. But for those needing help understanding the benefit of splitting a skill set, it's never too early to discuss :)
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 01:46 PM CDT
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>For specifics, certainly. But for those needing help understanding the benefit of splitting a skill set, it's never too early to discuss :)

While I don't really care, it can be too early to have 'a meeting' about something.

We know no details really. The only thing you can distribute is the handful of posts GMs have given.

You are more likely to generate and spread false information at this point than to honestly help people, regardless of your intentions.

Better to wait for GMs to decide what they are doing, and why, before you try having town hall meetings about the changes.
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 01:50 PM CDT
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Grumpy Ucu Speaks True :D
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 05:31 PM CDT
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"You are more likely to generate and spread false information at this point than to honestly help people,"

You say this like its a bad thing.....
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 08:01 PM CDT
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>Grumpy Ucu Speaks True :D


>You say this like its a bad thing.....

Flavo, you know I'm one to publicly humiliate myself.

But given how drastic and sweeping the changes coming are, I see no way players getting together and chatting about them can lead to anything positive. We have 1-3 posts about the 'general nature' of the changes. We have 0 posts about actual facts.

Players getting together to talk about it can lead to nothing short of lavender level mythos at this point.

We do not have details to share because there are no details, because the GMs are still writing the blasted systems, so even they can't 'share' details.

Wait for the GMs to tell us what is actually going to happen. Anything before that is really nothing more than fearmongering.
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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - What's ahead? on 07/19/2010 09:14 PM CDT
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>Anything before that is really nothing more than fearmongering.

I'm all for that though. Maybe it was just coincidence, but in this last week, I got to claim 2 premie homes that I would consider very hard to get as these are high in demand due to their upper urban status.


Fear away! I need a tree house now. Thanks.

But all joking aside, I agree with Ucu as prior experience has taught us all that speculations done in a group basis in a setting like you suggest (i.e. teaching night - SEMI formal environment) will lead people to rage insensibly for no reason whatsoever because they take what others say as "fact".

let's just sit back and see where the ride takes us. Keep the raging on the forums.
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Cleric Teaching Night - Weddings 101 on 02/21/2011 12:21 PM CST
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At Cleric Teaching Night this evening (9:30pm EST, Crossing Cleric Guild Chapel) we will have a few short presentations on various ways to perform wedding ceremonies/handfasting ceremonies for your friends and family. Ethnic considerations, guild considerations, and personal preferences will be discussed.

Some information on traditional weddings will be provided and we will have a demonstration of preparation of Saemaus and Be'ort roses.

Hope to see you there!

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Re: Cleric Teaching Night - Weddings 101 on 02/21/2011 12:39 PM CST
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How wonderful!

Clerics are just so cuddly you can't get mad at them, until they try to rip your soul out and chew on it like a candy bar.
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