Visions on 07/15/2006 12:08 AM CDT
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I appreciated the event visions. It was great to get them when they are usually ommitted. Just wanted to pat the GM responsible on the back and say thanks for not forgeting us.

The Swamp Shaman
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Re: Visions on 07/15/2006 01:16 AM CDT
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Yea, and it was like totally freaky since we were in the jackals belly at the time. Had me completely spooked as I was being indoctrinated into the swamp shaman ways.

The Bopper
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More Visions on 10/10/2008 08:58 AM CDT
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I apologize that don't have proper log of last nights events. Here are some of the visions that were observed. I'm missing a couple due to the crash if anyone else has a log or the other visions saved please post them.

It started in the Crossing Cleric guild.

Gentle Hissing sounds flood the room as you are bathed in soft silvery light. The gods are apparently pleased by your untainted devotion.

High Altar:

Something brushes softly against your cheek. You gaze upward and notice a myriad of delicate white daisies showering down upon you from above. As each blossom touches your body, a warm tingling sensation runs through your veins and touches your very soul. You close your eyes briefly and reopen them to find the falling flowers merely a pleasant dream. Glancing at the floor once more, you notice a memory of the vision lying at your feet.

Daisies were dropped.

At The Altar of Foresight:

The world in front of you blurs, and you can barely make out the glowing silhouette of slender man standing before you. While his form radiates with a soft silver essence, his features radiate with an inner aura of divinity. The hazy image leans forward to touch each member of the group upon forehead, flooding your soul with warmth and leaving your face with a tickling, tingling sensation. "Go, my children," he whispers knowingly. "Let them know that only devotion to me and the other Immortals will restore the stars to their former glory. You will be rewarded in time. Go, now, and spread the word. Beware of nonbelievers, and your devotion will restore the brightness to the sky." With a wink, he fades away into your former surroundings, and you know that the god has blessed you.

A gentle, masculine voice whispers into your ear as if carried on the breeze. "My child, the stars, they plummet from the sky. Take heed, the mortals must plan a glorious celebration, the likes of which Elanthia has never seen. Spread the word, and Tamsine's tears will again flood the sky with dazzling brilliance." The words drift around your mind like shadows swimming in the night, and then drift away with a soft sigh.

Jaelia, Exiar, Patre, Paschien and myself were there to see these if you have any questions.

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Re: More Visions on 10/11/2008 12:19 AM CDT
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In a related vision, I saw the following while in combat:

The glowing image of a tabby cat prances through the area. It winks at you and wiggles its whiskers, and then saunters away out of sight.

I sang a brief prayer to Tamsine and felt warmth spread through my soul, as though it had been touched by the gods hand briefly.

Nifty fun. Looking forward to the fest.

Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?
-Saint Augustine
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New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/20/2009 11:19 PM CDT
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Some of the New Clerical Visions I'm receiving. I'd love to discuss this stuff with anyone. Especially the one related to the Temple Defense System in Xings.

Obviously this is an OOC reference for anyone who cares:

Your vision is completely obscured by a sheaf of misty whiteness. A deep tingling spreads throughout your body, and you suddenly feel as if you are soaring upon a warm, comforting cloud high in the air.
The shroud of satiny, alabaster vapor swirls away from you, revealing The Crossing stretched out far beneath you. Your spirit soars like liquid through the air, your fingers outstretched toward the massive orb of the High Temple below. Expanses of pruned trees and lush foliage skirt the majestic monument. A warm feeling tingles through you, ending the vision.

You feel the infinite outrage of the gods in your very bones, resonating through plane and time. The sensation seems to empower you with purpose.

A sense of desperation settles over you as you perceive the lingering energy of a dark force marring the Plane of Abiding. It stirs as if slumbering fitfully, on the verge of awakening.

A silvery shape of lined light manifests itself as a mongoose. A tall woman with pure white hair flowing nearly to her feet whispers to you, "Defend the gods always, and may they guide and guard your soul in return." A gust of wind lifts her hair to flutter softly as the vision fades.

I'd love to see what others are getting.

- Sister Jaelia Evensong
Messenger of Phelim, Child of Damaris,
We're still working on Dergati.
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/21/2009 12:52 AM CDT
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I will add these new visions as well from different altars.

A shower of comets swirls through the inky night sky as millions of vaporous living spirits sift off unto their origin.

You feel a warmth run through your skin as you touch the altar, and sense a deep connection with something much greater than yourself. The feeling is brief, and your vision clouds over....
You see the corpse of yourself rise to its feet, your skin falling off along with decayed chunks of your flesh.

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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/22/2009 06:29 PM CDT
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You feel a warmth run through your skin as you touch the altar, and sense a deep connection with something much greater than yourself. The feeling is brief, and your vision clouds over....

A silvery shape of lined light manifests itself as a mongoose. A tall woman with pure white hair flowing nearly to her feet whispers to you, "Defend the gods always, and may they guide and guard your soul in return." A gust of wind lifts her hair to flutter softly as the vision fades.

This was the last vision I have had from the Altars. I will let you know what other ones I get aswell. I'm based up in Theren if you wish to talk to me about them.

Mother Chinoa

Sorry... tell me again, what do you mean you had no time to get favours?
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/22/2009 06:44 PM CDT
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The woman in the vision almost certainly was Tallis: She has hair like that.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/24/2009 10:38 PM CDT
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By far the creepiest..

You find yourself nestled comfortably under a warm quilt, burrowing deeper under the soft cover to cuddle up to a still form lying next to you. As you snuggle closer, a feeling of dread begins to permeate your consciousness before you realize that the body is ice-cold. Your eyes widen in revulsion as you pull back the covers to reveal a rotting corpse, its mouth open in a silent scream. You desperately try to push away, and the vision fades.

And this one

A faint sense of worry washes through you as a vision of some mountainous wilderness flashes into your mind. Fleeting twinges of dark energy stab into your spirit, but you cannot discern their cause.

Tired of these endless games,
Time to end the darkened day
To raise the sword
To kill the light
Because there is no reason left to fight..."
-Night Oasis
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/25/2009 10:06 AM CDT
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Sweet Jesus! that would practically make me log out!
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/25/2009 08:45 PM CDT
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Funky new vision while I was hunting:

A pale shimmer materializes in front of you. It gradually intensifies until it is a solid-looking wall of blinding gold, unfurling vertically as far out as the eye can see. You notice greasy, invasive veins pulsating within the glare, and soon the entire surface is consumed by their taint, the golden hue shifting to an ichorous crimson-streaked black. Just as several grotesque silhouettes begin to emerge, the vision blinks out of sight.

We perceive holy mana as gold and arcance is like greasy ropes of fat according to Armifer.

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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/25/2009 09:01 PM CDT
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Interesting vision, thank you for sharing that.

I'm certain, given the most recent events (in the last 30 minutes) that this is a vision about Lyras breaking through the barrier.

She moves..

~ Terra
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/25/2009 10:11 PM CDT
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That made me think of "Bloody Fun Day" and the whole Death vs. Cuties thing.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/27/2009 11:24 PM CDT
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Some ones I haven't seen before:

A vaporous Human form manifests in the air above the altar, his skin glowing silver and starry black. He regards you gravely, and an unearthly voice speaks, "Smite down the abominations of Life and Death, XXXXX, whenever and wherever they are found."
The wraith touches a wispy finger to your forehead, then vanishes.

The image of a stately Rakash woman coalesces before you, shrouded in a cloak of bitter ice and frost. The frigid mantle soon melts away, seeping into the ground below. Your sight suddenly grows weak, frosting over like a window pane under Asketi's breath, and the vision fades.

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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/28/2009 11:32 AM CDT
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Got this at the high altar in the Temple of the North Wind:

Your sight is suddenly devoured by a pitch-black darkness, and soon small fingers accompanied by an unholy stench start touching you. Just as they find a way through your clothing and the cold, pulpy flesh meets your skin, twin rays of blinding light blast through the blackness. The fingers immediately retreat, and you glimpse a very short humanoid in the remaining shadows.
After a few moments, you realize that the light is emanating from your own eyes -- a manifestation of your blessed soul. You sweep your gaze through the area, but the creature crawls frightfully from one dark corner to another. The rays catch it at last, sizzling the body of a dead Halfling as its wretched scream fills the air.

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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/28/2009 06:35 PM CDT
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White Face! She burnses us!

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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Re: New Visions Differing Between Altars on 03/28/2009 06:56 PM CDT
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Think this one is new, too -- note the divine outrage:

>You feel the infinite outrage of the gods in your very bones, resonating through plane and time. The sensation seems to empower you with purpose.

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Altar Visions on 06/18/2009 04:09 PM CDT
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Is it possible some of the older, outdated altar visions could be removed from the system? I think by now everyone is aware there is a dark force and Lyras has a warcamp, so visions related to that have served their purpose. However, because these are still in the system, it makes it a lot harder to get or recognize "newer" visions.

- Sister Jaelia Evensong

Catalogs for Buying & Selling
Elanthian Marketplace:
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/19/2009 03:47 AM CDT
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To be quite honest, I'm mainly thrilled that the related GMs (Events and/or Clerical) have taken the time to update the system with fresh visions for the war. While it would be handy to not have "older" visions be replayed, once you've seen them a couple times, it shouldn't be that difficult to recognize them thereby making "new" visions easily noticeable. In addition, it's possible to get several altar visions in one setting which also makes it easier to notice the redundancies that should help identify newer material.
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/19/2009 12:25 PM CDT
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Maybe we just need a screaming headline "NEW VISION!"

Luckily there is a backup- any cleric can post their vision here, and if its not new, someone will be sure to post "oh god that one has been around for years"
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/19/2009 12:39 PM CDT
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You can receive up to 10 altar visions at one time before your receptivity needs to recover.
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/19/2009 12:50 PM CDT
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I really had no clue- I don't think I have tried more than once at a time- good to know.
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/20/2009 12:45 AM CDT
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I wonder if this is Disc or something based, because I have only been able to do up to 4 Visions before it cancels out on me.

Sister Jaelia Evensong, Temple Scrubber of Shard

The Real Reason I Protested the Court Cleric:
Liurilias says to you, "The floors and altars are dirty again too."
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/20/2009 12:47 AM CDT
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I can get 2 visions on my Cleric.

Rev. Reene

Szrael says, "I may deliberately do pretty awful things to my body, but you moon mages let terrible things happen right inside your own skulls."
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/20/2009 04:37 AM CDT
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I honestly have never paid attention to how many I can get up til I checked before I posted that.
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Re: Altar Visions on 06/20/2009 01:43 PM CDT
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Its circle related- Flavius got 7 or 8 at 80th Circle.
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New Altar Visions on 10/09/2009 01:05 AM CDT
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Haven't seen these posted yet:

>The altar suddenly becomes deathly cold under your touch, causing you to reflexively yank your hand back -- but not before you experience a momentary fright where you feel bereft of divine favor. As you watch, the cold metal altar shrinks into a mere fragment, yet it still emanates the malevolence of thirteen gods with unabated intensity. Trickles of midnight-hued purple and blue blood drip from its edge, bursting into flame as they spiral downward in a dark void.

>You see a plain woman in the distance, towering above thousands upon thousands of unholy creatures. Your gaze strips away her illusions to reveal her ghastly appearance, and her armies turn to dust with so much as a thought. She, however, stays maddeningly out of your reach. From behind her, a tremendous unearthly presence reaches out toward you, shredding through the planar barriers as if they were nothing more than sheer veils.

>The image of a dagger with a carved bone hilt fills your mind, seeming to interrupt the vision from the altar. Though a simple weapon, it seems to exude a malevolence of its own, and moves to stab itself into your heart. Just before it reaches you, a twisted paw knocks it aside, and it clatters to the ground, vanishing in a haze of red-tinged corruption.

>Dozens of ghostly children emerge from the Void - or are you there yourself? -- and hastily swirl around you with outreached arms. Their mouths are open soundlessly, gushing spiritual waves of warning and import. The apparitions then become bright-winged nightingales that flutter away determinedly.

>You see an image of a lion, sitting majestically at the edge of a completely circular pool. It suddenly jumps and growls at an approaching vulture, but quickly calms as the creature places an offering before it. Both creatures rake their claws at the water's edge, breaking the serene image to reveal the tainted corruption lying just below the mirror-like surface.

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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/09/2009 11:10 AM CDT
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Fascinating vision.

I wonder if the twisted paw represents Tenemlor? This would seem odd since everything else is related to the 39 I think but thats the only twisted paw I can think of

Then Phelim(?) sending a warning.

Then Aldauth(?) appeases Chadatru with an offering, then they both appear to be looking(scrying?) into the pool. What would bring Aldauth and Chadatru together- why these two of the 39? Justice/Truth and Painful Death?

I am not much for symbolic analysis but this one does intrigue me.
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/09/2009 04:09 PM CDT
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I would assume they reffer to the All Hallow's eve fest that Solomon announced earlier today.
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/09/2009 04:10 PM CDT
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A lot of those are fairly old and refer to the Lyras event or else to Necromancers.

Rev. Reene

"Shard by shard she rearranges the world.
It looks the same, she says, but it is not.
It looks as they expect, but it is not."
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/10/2009 01:40 AM CDT
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Some more. Don't care if they're fairly old or not; like I said in my original post I haven't seen them posted here:

>A small metallic shard hovers over the altar, ablaze with a powerful black radiance. It suddenly drops into a deep-looking pool, instantly boiling the brackish water amidst great yowling clouds of sickly blue and purple steam.

I think it's related to the shard Tallis gave Khurek that he keeps in the Red Buzzard Dungeon, perhaps plumbing the depths of necromantic corruption that lie beneath the surface. Go Khurek!

>You are plunged into a deep, cold, unending abyss, the nightmarish nothing spreading out in all directions, void of any life or sound. Despairing, you wander forward, with nothing to tell you whether you are going the right way. Suddenly, several white claw marks rend the air in front of you, piercing the darkness with a brilliant white light. As you step through the rip, gentle hands lift you up, and a voice speaks softly. "Do not despair, my child. Though the darkness seems hopeless, it will not last forever."

Another one related to Tenemlor perhaps?
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/11/2009 01:45 PM CDT
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Keep posting them.
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/11/2009 02:41 PM CDT
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I know you are also big on Elanthipedia so I'd encourage you to make a visions sub-page of your user page for altar visions like I have for moonie visions.

It's really handy having them all in one place.

Rev. Reene

"Shard by shard she rearranges the world.
It looks the same, she says, but it is not.
It looks as they expect, but it is not."
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Re: New Altar Visions on 10/11/2009 07:25 PM CDT
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i've seen 3 seperate visions with my plat cleric. the second one seems to be attuned to the creation of the immortals themselves.

1. a glowing sword appears over the altar, so real and so magnificent that it holds you in awe. As you reach to touch it, however, it vanishes, leaving you grasping at a hilt of air.

2. All is darkness, full and cold, an endless Void of Nothing. And then, out of this - a spark. A shattered remnant of a sun. The coiling magic of creation swirls about you, gathering until it forms thirteen pale, perfect spheres. A ball of fire ignites the darkness, bringing Warmth. The Void is rendered Whole, and thus ceases existence, with its parting, your vision fades.

3. The vision of a blistering sun rises rapidly from an illusory horizon, claiming the day for Berengaria's glory. Several moments pass as you stand transfixed by the brilliant image. Suddenly and without warning, the sun is eclipsed by a shadowy vulture, draping the pall of night over Elanthia once more.

The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
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