High Priest Brivibas raises mana on 07/19/2009 06:18 PM CDT
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We had the pleasure of meeting up with High Priest Brivibas in Crossing earlier today. He came by request of the guild leaders to address the fallen mana levels in various locations caused by the horrific mana storms. Using ancient magic, he corrected the mana in the Crossing guild gathering hall, the Triage Hall in the Temple and at the High Altar itself.

The process is very painful and takes alot out of him. We we first came upon him, he was suffering from much nerve damage. Luckily there were some very kind empaths (Teilan, Meeshka, and Mythangony) sitting in the gathering hall that helped tremendously. He is to travel to Shard to work on some of the areas there as well. Hopefully he will be able to attend the prayer vigil for Urrem'tier when he is down there.

Following is a more detailed account of the intial raising of the mana in the guild gathering hall for those wishing to see how he accomplished everything. His scepter held until he finished his final task at the High Altar, then it crumbled. I offered him the pendulum given to me by Verese after assisting with the defeat of the Banshee years ago. When we meet in Shard he will see if he can use that instead of getting an Asketi relic from Denizuelva. It was all VERY incredible to behold...

Cleric of Aldauth

You say, "Seems fairly strong to me (regarding the mana in the gathering hall)."
>Brivibas says, "Still, Esuin felt there is need for some redirection."
>Brivibas gazes out.
You say, "Esuin...indeed."
You say, "I'd worry more about the chapels and altars than in a gathering hall."
You say, "But...that's just me."
>Brivibas smiles.

[Clerics' Guild, Gathering Hall]
Pallets of clean rush-filled linens lie about the perimeter of the long hall, available for the bodies of fallen souls in need of healing or new spirit. Lamps holding lit beeswax candles hang from the open beam ceiling, shadows spilling over the dark stone floor. Although bloodstains upon the floor attest to both death defeated and souls lost, this is a place of gathering to celebrate life and respect death, where clerics come together to work and to exchange information and inspiration. You also see a wash basin, a disposal bin and a porcelain water pitcher.
Also here: Solace Meidori who is shrouded in ghostly flames, High Priest Brivibas, Caretaker Meeshka who is sitting, Trauma Prodigy Mythanogony who is sitting.
Obvious exits: west, out.

You see High Priest Brivibas Annu, an Elf.
Brivibas has pointed ears and silver eyes. He has thinning grey hair, with pale skin.
He is an Elder for an Elf.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.

He is holding an ornate holy scepter of bloodwood covered in labyrinthine carvings in his right hand.
He is wearing a deeply-cowled monk's robe, a gnarled wooden cane, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a battered leather satchel, some worn Elven chain, a frosted onyx cambrinth ring bearing the crest of the Clerics' Guild, a rope belt, a silver-inlaid willow spellbook case and a pair of hand-tooled sandals with frayed straps splattered by melted candle wax.

Brivibas says, "The guildleaders preferred to focus on the gathering halls. I will honor that."
>You nod to Brivibas.
Brivibas says, "Let's see."
>Brivibas appears to be concentrating intently on something.

You ask Brivibas, "So you are traveling to all the guildhallss to test the mana?"
Brivibas says, "I visited Surlaenis and Ratha so far. Shard will be my next destination."
Brivibas says, "Jelna, Eydtha and Vecuto indicated their guildhalls were fine."
You say, "I hope you would be able to spend a few days in Shard. There will be a prayer vigil to Urrem'tier in a few days."
Brivibas says, "I can try."
Brivibas says, "If I survive this."
>Brivibas clears his throat.
>Meidori looks with concern at Brivibas.

You say, "I think the presence of a High Priest would be inspiring to everyone battling the scourge undead."
Brivibas says, "This one is a relic of Meraud. I am told it can have unpredictable results."
>Brivibas taps an ornate holy scepter of bloodwood covered in labyrinthine carvings that he is holding.

Meidori asks, "Your health is being drained from this journey?"

You ask, "Should we cast protective spells?"
Brivibas says, "But it will be necessary to bind the mana streams after the redirection."
Brivibas says, "If this relic is depleted out of its power before I arrive in Shard, I may need another relic collected from the Temple of the North Wind."

Brivibas says, "Denizelva promised me one, but that may not be necessary at all."
Meidori asks you, "Isn't that Temple out in Hib?"
>You nod to Meidori.
>Meidori shivers.
>Brivibas puts his scepter in his leather satchel.
You say, "Nice climb up to it."
>Brivibas opens a silver-inlaid willow spellbook case.
Brivibas says, "Marvelous place really, if a bit cold."
>Brivibas gets a cerulean velvet-bound spellbook from inside his spellbook case.
>Brivibas opens a cerulean velvet-bound spellbook.

Meidori says, "I have yet to make that pilrimage."
>You grin at Meidori.

Meidori asks, "By changing the mana levels in the guild halls , will the help of that staff, will that anger the immortals or the unnatural?"
Brivibas says, "Blessing of the gods are required for every step."
>Brivibas smiles at Meidori.
Brivibas says, "There it is. I will be using a modified pattern of the Anlaesmir spell. Only a few elders even know of this."

Meidori asks, "Oh?"
>Brivibas carefully studies his spellbook, murmuring soundlessly as if memorizing something.
You ask, "Should we not speak of it then?"
Brivibas clears his throat.
Brivibas says, "You can speak of it."
>You nod.
Meidori asks Brivibas, "It is this you are using that is helping the mana ?"
Brivibas says, "What it does... is merge oneself with the mana streams. Near completely."
You say, "Ooh."
You say to Meidori, "Sounds almost like something the moon mages would use."
Brivibas says, "In turn allowing us to affect the still 'loose' streams."
>You nod to Brivibas.
Meidori says, "Very nice."
Brivibas says, "Now, this kind of exposure to mana..."
>Brivibas pales slightly.
Brivibas says, "Well, let me just say I hope it has no permanent consequences to oneself."
>Brivibas glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.
>Brivibas closes his velvet-bound spellbook.
>Brivibas tucks a cerulean velvet-bound spellbook into the spellbook compartment of his spellbook case.
Meidori says, "I can understand then why so few are knowing of this spell."
>Brivibas bows his head and chants a prayer.

>Meidori says, "It takes tremendous devotion and strength and knowledge for it."
>Brivibas outstretches his arms in a grand sweeping gesture.

>Brivibas's body grows pale and nearly transparent as motes of golden light sparkle around him.

>You stand near Meidori.
>Meidori gazes at Brivibas in awe.

[Clerics' Guild, Gathering Hall]
Pallets of clean rush-filled linens lie about the perimeter of the long hall, available for the bodies of fallen souls in need of healing or new spirit. Lamps holding lit beeswax candles hang from the open beam ceiling, shadows spilling over the dark stone floor. Although bloodstains upon the floor attest to both death defeated and souls lost, this is a place of gathering to celebrate life and respect death, where clerics come together to work and to exchange information and inspiration. You also see a wash basin, a disposal bin and a porcelain water pitcher.
Also here: Summoner Somalacae who is sitting, Solace Meidori who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Caretaker Meeshka who is sitting, Trauma Prodigy Mythanogony who is sitting.* all of a sudden there is no sign of him *
Obvious exits: west, out.
You say, "Wooo."
>Meidori blinks.
Meidori says, "Oh my goodiness."
You say, "I can't even sense him."

>Like leaves on a spectral wind, pale golden motes continue to flurry in large swirls throughout the room.

You say, "Ack."
You ask Meidori, "Feel it?"
Meidori says, "I do feel it and see it."
Teilan says, "Ow. what was that? I feel funny."
You say, "It's an ancient clerical magic."
Meidori says to Teilan, "His Holiness is doing an ancient clerical spell."

>The swirling golden lights suddenly coalesce to form the body of Brivibas! In a brilliant flash they disperse, leaving him looking quite dazed.

You exclaim, "Ack!"

[Clerics' Guild, Gathering Hall]
Pallets of clean rush-filled linens lie about the perimeter of the long hall, available for the bodies of fallen souls in need of healing or new spirit. Lamps holding lit beeswax candles hang from the open beam ceiling, shadows spilling over the dark stone floor. Although bloodstains upon the floor attest to both death defeated and souls lost, this is a place of gathering to celebrate life and respect death, where clerics come together to work and to exchange information and inspiration. You also see a wash basin, a disposal bin and a porcelain water pitcher.
Also here: Mindwart, Cultivator Olel, Doctor Teilan, Freyjah who is sitting, Solace Meidori who is shrouded in ghostly flames, High Priest Brivibas who is lying down, Caretaker Meeshka who is sitting, Trauma Prodigy Mythanogony who is sitting.
Obvious exits: west, out.

>Brivibas shudders.
>You rub Brivibas.
>Brivibas shudders.
>Meidori winces.

You ask Brivibas, "Sir, are you alright?"

You see High Priest Brivibas Annu, an Elf.
Brivibas has pointed ears and silver eyes. He has thinning grey hair, with pale skin.
He is an Elder for an Elf.
He is clean shaven.

He has partial paralysis of the entire body.

Meidori says, "He needs healing to his nerves again."
You say, "Empaths, please tend to him."
Brivibas says, "No... this is too taxing."
Meidori says, "Please."
>Brivibas inhales a great swallow of air.
Meidori says, "I sense a change in the mana in this room , your Holiness."

>Brivibas stands up shakily.
>Meidori curtsies gracefully to Brivibas.
>Brivibas appears to be concentrating intently on something.
Brivibas says, "Excellent..excellent."
Brivibas says, "Now, to make the change permanent... Settle the mana streams for good..."

>Brivibas gets an ornate holy scepter of bloodwood covered in labyrinthine carvings from inside his leather satchel.
Brivibas says, "This may be dangerous, so some of you may want to leave. But you are also welcome to stay if you so wish."
Patre asks, "Dangerous? Wow, I walk in on some fun?"
Freyjah asks, "Ummm dangerous how?"
>Meidori blinks.
You ask Meidori, "I'm in this to see the end...you?"
>Meidori says, "I am."
>Meidori nods to you.
>You smile.
Brivibas says, "I don't know, I haven't used this one before."
You say, "Protective spells if you have them."

>Brivibas brings the holy scepter close to his lips, murmuring an incantation.
>Brivibas gazes at his scepter.
>Flailing tongues of green and violet flame suddenly erupt from Brivibas's holy scepter, surging outward and blasting off Patre's left leg!

Brivibas exclaims, "Oh Meraud!"
>Brivibas screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

Meidori exclaims, "Oh my!"
You say, "Oh no."

>Flailing tongues of green and violet flame suddenly erupt from Brivibas's holy scepter, surging outward and blasting off meidori's left leg!
>Meidori screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!

Patre says, "Just a leg."
>Brivibas groans.
>Meidori winces.
Brivibas says, "Perhaps this was more of a Kerenhappuch relic rather than Meraud..."
>You chortle softly at some secret joke.
Meidori says, "Ah she is a twitchy one indeed."
>Brivibas mutters a prayer and appears to grow calm.
Brivibas says, "Praise Meraud."
You say to Meidori, "Could be worse...."
Meidori says, "It was something to observe , indeed."
Brivibas says, "I am sorry for your pains, my children."
>Brivibas frowns.

You say, "Your Holiness, to see ancient magic like that....I think was worth a few cuts."
Meidori says, "It is nothing to right the mana streams , your Holiness."

Meidori says to Teilan, "Thank you for the healing touch."

You say to Meidori, "Would be interesting if a simple version of that spell were available for us to gather up mana in an area. Like the paladins do in a way."

Teilan says to Meidori, "Happy to help, my friend."
Meidori asks Brivibas, "Is this the steps you have done in all the guild halls ?"
Brivibas says, "Only Surlaenis and Ratha. I used a different relic before it crumbled."
You ask, "But the scepter seems to be still solid?"

* See the intial information about the scepter breaking later **
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Re: High Priest Brivibas raises mana on 07/20/2009 04:01 PM CDT
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What happened here:

">Flailing tongues of green and violet flame suddenly erupt from Brivibas's holy scepter, surging outward and blasting off Patre's left leg!

Brivibas exclaims, "Oh Meraud!"
>Brivibas screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.
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Re: High Priest Brivibas raises mana on 07/20/2009 04:20 PM CDT
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Quite a few legs were actually burned off during the ritual
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Re: High Priest Brivibas raises mana on 07/20/2009 09:24 PM CDT
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>>Quite a few legs were actually burned off during the ritual

I like this new trend apparent in Cleric magic.

Want moar legs burned, pls.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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Re: High Priest Brivibas raises mana on 10/24/2009 03:52 AM CDT
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glad this did not happen in plat i like my legs right where they are.. ~~ Divine Alchemist Harpiano kin-slayer... drplat
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