Roses for Be'ort and Saemaus on 03/12/2010 09:18 PM CST
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Along with the week of the Traders offering sales to help promote not only the Jade and Yellow Ball, but to also promote religious items for the upcoming Glythtide Triad Vigil (which will be held the Sunday after the Ball on March 21st at 7:30 EST to allow people enough time to attend the Temple Charging, and still be able to catch the upcoming play in Shard if they wish), I figured, why just make it one Vigil and help make it a week long celebration in ways clerics can contribute.

So I am going to create a bunch of Bond and Tear roses and to anyone who asks I am willing to do a free ceremony for them. (It wont be 100% free because I'll probably make them do something to honor the God who is giving them this gift, but thats an aside.)

To prep for this, I need a bunch of roses. I figure 15 of each will probably do me. I dont mind doing these by hand, but its a really slow process. If anyone has a script they can give me to help speed this up I'd be very grateful. Also if anyone has some extra roses lying around or doesnt mind taking a little extra time to make a few and throw them my way, I'd be super grateful. You can drop me an email or IM Nightengallery (all this info is in my profile).

Also if any other clerics would like to join in and offer either no price, fun price, or low price divorces and weddings to join in on this, please let me know ASAP and I'll add your name when I start promoting this as an addon to what the clerics are doing.

Also, anyone who'd like to speak on thie Triad, tell a story, sing a song, or do whatever, let me know and I'll make sure we get you as a primary participant in the Vigil. Remember this Vigil is for all aspects of the Triad, but you dont have to honor the entire Triad. You can just honor your favorite Immortal in the Group. If you have any ideas of fun things to add to the Service as well, please send em my way and I'd love to get them incorporated.

Also, I'm gonna need a few extra favor beads carved up for this event, but really no more than 5-8 each. I really do appreciate all the people who have taken the time to carve up bead for me in the past.

Jaelia and her Player.
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