Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/15/2010 04:13 AM CDT
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Because of this war and surge of roleplay activity and events, I don't think anyone has really had time to do anything in regards to making extra roses to donate. I would have made more myself but have only had time to turn out three so far due to all this. So to add some incentive to get some more roses so I can offer weddings and divorces in honor of the Triad of Glythtide, Saemus and Be'ort, I am offering to buy Kiss and Tear Roses.

I am offering a maximum of 4 plat per rose, however, if you would be willing to charge me any bit less, I would be most grateful since this is all coming out of my pocket. I only want a maximum of 12 more Tear, 15 Kiss. I really don't want to do more than 15 of each rose because I think that is more than enough of any requests I may get.

Also if you are willing to perform weddings/divorces for reduced price, free, or that the person do some act or offering in exchange for this service, please let me know. I am going to start advertising this on Tuesday to hopefully give everyone a day of downtime from the Death of Lyras event.

Thanks again to every cleric who takes the time to carve beads, ask what I need, offer to attend and speak, or just the kind words that they appreciate this kind of event being done to bring more attention to Religion and Faith in Roleplay in Elanthia. It really means a lot to me and I do not really thank you all enough.

If you wish to contact me, my email is or IM nightengallery . Thanks again!
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/15/2010 10:25 AM CDT
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I can provide some roses, probably turn out some beads if you still need them.

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/15/2010 10:43 AM CDT
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Are roses normally going for that cheap now? I haven't made roses with my clerics in a few years. They used to go for at least 10 plat.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/16/2010 03:44 AM CDT
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Thanks, Kars. Yes, I could definitly use some carved favor beads of the avatars of the Glythtide Triad too. These roses are not for market sale. They are for a one time special event use to promote worship of Saemus and Be'ort. Its a freebie to those who ask and do a little bit of roleplay. I'll probably spend a good amount of time cooking up some tomorrow. I have plenty of petals and rue, so if thats an issue for anyone, I'm glad to provide those for free.

All the clerics I have run into have been really great about this event. From taking the time to carve up beads and check on what I might need, to attending and promoting events, and just general good will towards the idea of seeing ongoing religious and Immortal themed events, I owe a huge thanks all my Guild Brothers and Sisters, so - thank you muchly!

Also, the Keeping the Faith series would not be possible without the ongoing people who continue to attend each week. Terra, Celitha, and Exiar each individually make contributions that if it were not for them, they would not be able to happen. Also, the Order of the White Rose has been really great about promoting and being around for these. I've enjoyed meeting the people in this group and look forward to continue working with them in the Zoluren area.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/16/2010 08:33 AM CDT
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>>These roses are not for market sale. They are for a one time special event use to promote worship of Saemus and Be'ort.

You're marrying and divorcing people to promote worship?
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/17/2010 08:13 PM CDT
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I roleplay and do events to promote worship and world domination. I hope that helps to clear up any confusion.

Since the Lyras Celebration is going to continue to overshadow the Glythtide extra stuff until the Ball, I'm probably going to extend my offer of buying up kiss and tear roses through early next week. Also, if anyone is willing to carve up any of the avatars of these guys too, I could probably use a few more.

Thank you to the clerics who've already been donating to help me stock up for this. I forgot to ask one week for bead donations and the few I had every one got grabbed and people wanted more. So I really appreciate the effort even though it may seem small.

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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/18/2010 02:55 PM CDT
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I, among many, appreciate you work and efforts in helping to enlighten Elanthians to the nature of the gods and the need for a continued faith. To be honest, I haven't read up on all your events but I've been trying to catch up things going on around me and so here I am...

As a cleric, when I look at what you've been promoting to date for the Glythide event, I feel a do I explain? Like I'm seeing a commercialism of faith/religion. IMO (only), Kiss and Tear roses to be used en mass like this take away from just how very special they are.

I've helped with weddings and divorces in my day, though less and less over time because of the ridiculous amount of "I love you, I hate you, Go way, Never leave me" I see more and more, but anyone who's known me can attest I will not perform either without 1)knowing the pair 2)knowing the situation 3)making sure someone's not looking to screw someone OOC (yes it happens). And I try to make sure everyone is RPing at the time.

That all being said. Could you reconsider the use of the roses for this?

Again this is just my few cents regarding this ONE event, so please don't think it applies to your overall outstanding efforts for our guild and the religions of Elanthia.

Cleric of Aldauth
- and her player
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/22/2010 09:32 PM CDT
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I am very confused how this is commercial as I am not making any money on it. Perhaps you mean to use a different term? When something is commercialized, it is to boost profits and revenues at the expense of something else. As no one is making any money here, I am only confused. Nor is there any thing related to this in any way that makes money. If anything, I invest a lot of money into these things. Thats why I occassionally ask for donations of items at free to cheap costs since I'm shelling the expense.

It is very common for there to be a huge rush in the number of weddings around various times of the year. Thats why we have an overcrowding of weddings irl from May - July. In Elanthia, there are special times of year the rest of the common citizenry has more weddings than other times.

That aside, this is mostly for people who wish to have either more discreet services provided, or younger newer players to whom 10 plat for a rose might be a really huge amount of money. Love and Loss do not recognize financial class or status. I would not deny someone a wedding or divorce simply because they cannot afford the cost of it.

Also, while I'm still trying to figure out what appeals to the most players, and what draws the largest response, I'm going to play around with a bunch of techniques. So while I appreciate your concern and opinion, this is simply being done as a test to see how people ICly respond to what. I'm much more concerned about the roleplay that is generated and that people enjoy themselves over OOC philosophical quandries. Unless you wish to present them in an IC fashion. That I highly encourage.

However, I am very excited that people have begun to take note of these events! Because of this, we are opening the Keeping the Faith series more to allow different people to help set them up and facilitate them. If you are interested, please contact me and let me know. Of course, you can always show up to any event and present anything you like without prior approval (as long as it is within the range of 5 mins or less, give or take a bit) and without ramification or judgement other than what might naturally ICly fall out of such an action. (Such as if you were to show up and give an oratory on the sufferage and neglect necromancers must endure and how this is a form of religious intolerance and slavery - You can certainly give this speech, just be aware that you then have to deal with the consequences of such.)

If you would like to help plan, put together, and organize a specific Keeping the Faith, be it on a particular God, Triad, Theme, Light, Dark, Topic, Whatever, let me know and I'm glad to help work with this.

Thanks for your interest and time. Feedback is always appreciated, and if you would like to speak, they are always welcome to any who wish to attend. More than anything, however, I'd most like to see people get involved and get roleplaying!
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 08:29 AM CDT
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>Thats why we have an overcrowding of weddings irl from May - July. In Elanthia, there are special times of year the rest of the common citizenry has more weddings than other times.

I can only comment on the fact that May to July does not exist in Elanthia. Yes, I know you stated IRL.

Since I am on a timezone where May-July holds no special significance, I can only assume you are referring to a North American audience.

Not related to your post but nothing bugs me more than logging in to Kitty Meow yelling "Goooood morning Elanthia" at 7pm my local time and late afternoon ingame time.

Anyway... it's nice you are offering free services. I think in an ingame true to character sense it would be a shame for anyone to take you up on it based on an ooc message and ooc date significance.

I'm sure several prydean might.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 11:11 AM CDT
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You might want to do the Glythtide Triad again during the Holy Week of Glythtide.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 11:45 AM CDT
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I'm so confused with all this. If you're RPing marrying people and spreading the love and all that why do you need Tear roses?
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 12:09 PM CDT
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it's not dedicated to marriage, it's dedicated to the Glythtide triad. Be'ort is the Dark aspect and the Immortal who oversees divorces.

Marriage may be the primary aspect, but all aspects of Glythtide will be honored.

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 04:03 PM CDT
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>>Marriage may be the primary aspect, but all aspects of Glythtide will be honored.

There's other way's to honor the gods that marrying and divorcing people willy-nilly.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/23/2010 06:21 PM CDT
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I have no idea why there is so much OOC chatter about nothing to do with the IC event, and only by people who do not have anything to do with this event. So unless you are going to become involved with this or your own event, or have an IC response, I am too busy being IC and having fun and trying things so others can enjoy themselves too.
I do not care.
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/24/2010 02:18 PM CDT
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>There's other way's to honor the gods that marrying and divorcing people willy-nilly.
Other than meeting in a bar and getting everyone drunk, marriage is probably the best known domain of Glythtide and Saemaus and that would leave Be'ort out since he's not a big party/booze guy. If the only part of the gathering was marriage and divorces that would be one thing, but I imagine there were lectures/speeches and songs concerning the three as well.

I understand that you feel marriage should be small and intimate, but some people are OK with a Vegas style elopement and others view it as "more the merrier".

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Paying for Roses Tear and Kiss on 03/25/2010 02:41 PM CDT
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The point is that if anybody bothered to grasp that the death of Lyras, the market event, the vigil and its message, the rose ceremonies and even the Ball were used as tie ins to celebrate this Triad, there isnt anymore I can say. You should have gone. Or asked someone who went. You might have learned something or at least had something to contemplate IC, even if you disagreed. Its an IC event about made up dieties in a made up world with made up people. I dont justify or even argue IC Stuff with people posing it with questions not even slightly based in Elanthian logic.
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