Cleric Vision on 01/23/2012 12:34 PM CST
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Happened earlier today.

A shimmer, like heat rising off the desert distorts the air, warping your vision into a spiral that momentarily makes you dizzy. Color bleeds together as you lose track of time and direction becomes meaningless. The chaos begins to overwhelm you, your mind reels and your stomach churns. At the moment you feel as if it will overcome completely, your vision goes black and your senses tell you that you have started falling.

When your eyes adjust, you find that you are standing in a richly appointed, but sparsely decorated room with high ceilings. An ornate chair carved from satinwood sits against one wall with a semi-circular study table in front of it, as if the massive oak table intends on defending the chair from the rest of the room. Heavy curtains have been drawn over all the windows, blocking any outside light in favor of the dim glow emanating from a candle sitting on the table among stacks of tomes and scrolls.

From behind the collected works of lore and wisdom assembled before you, you can hear a beautiful voice humming an Elven children's song, below the table you glimpse a small pair of pale-skinned bare feet, gracefully tapping out the beat upon the hardwood floor. Over the melody you hear a light rapping upon the door, and within the blink of an eye a tall, dark figure wearing white gloves is crouching next to the chair. "Your command mistress?" the figure asks, in a deep voice.

The dulcet tones of the simple refrain are choked short by a retort hissed in anger. "You know my will, weakling!" A milk-white hand and arm arc out from the chair, striking the figure across the face with an audible slap. "Now go carry out my bidding knave, find the half-breeds, and bring the boy to me!" With an evil giggle, the feminine voice says, "Do whatever you wish with the girl, see that she furthers the great work."

Bowing deeply, the figure rises from his hands and knees as he says, "Yes lady, it shall be done." The figure turns from the chair and starts for the door as the young voice calls to him in a singsong voice, "And bring me the books about blood I require!" The thin arm reaches out again, gracefully retrieving a hand mirror from the table as the melody begins again. Your eyes lock again upon your surroundings, you begin to sense time's march as reality crashes upon you with a shudder.
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Re: Cleric Vision on 01/24/2012 10:41 AM CST
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Missed the previous vision, but I did experience this today to add to what you posted.

Your vision goes momentarily black, when it returns a horrid sight is all around you. A pillar of silvery-white holy fire descends from the sky, wreathing the mail-clad warrior before you in a halo of flames. Around you both lie scattered the broken tools of war, ruined and lifeless bodies, and scorched earth. The form before you stands to his full height, the noble bearing of his posture apparent as he raises his spear to thrust downward at you

As he advances with your demise in mind, he shouts at you with a odd, dual-voice almost as if another is speaking for him but both can be heard. "You are an abomination! I cast thee into oblivion!" Looking into his face a final time, you see a ghostly image with hair of flame superimposed over the wounded frame of a young man. Though you stare into a face chiseled with classic Sorvendig features, they are sharpened with Elven grace, but the vengeance burning in those eyes can only be that of Everild's.

Raising his flaming spear high overhead, he stabs downward with an unearthly roar. You scream with a chorus of demonic voices as the spear shears through your rotting rib-cage, tendrils of darkness and silver flame writhe around you and your foe as you collapse to your knees. With a gasp and a shudder, your vision snaps back to the mundane world around you, your pulse racing as you try to grasp the events that unfolded within your mind.

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