the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 11:22 AM CDT
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Ok question... are they undead or not? what is the deal with them? I been away for a long time but I don't have a problem goin to deal with undead which a lot of folks claim they are.

The feeble old swamp shaman
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 11:48 AM CDT
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A few posts in some other folder basically make it sound like they have all the undead penalties associated with them, but are also not 'undead' enough to be effected by cleric undead special effects like HE or PFE.

So basically they're big and nasty and omgwtheckbbq evil or something, but not undead-undead. Or something. They've got too many +statuses in the check boxes.
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 02:32 PM CDT
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They are definitely undead to the point where HE and HH work on them, I've been destroying them with HH whenever they invade Crossing. It could be that your magics are too low, since they do seem to have a fairly high magic resistance.

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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 03:40 PM CDT
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ok thanks Langa I have not tried them yet. Magic is near 600 and TM is push for 400 do I have a decent chance of hitting them?
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 04:05 PM CDT
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>>They are definitely undead to the point where HE and HH work on them, I've been destroying them with HH whenever they invade Crossing. It could be that your magics are too low, since they do seem to have a fairly high magic resistance.

IIRC, some are labeled as cursed (or possibly just undead) while others aren't. It's not been confirmed if this is intentional or a bug, at least as far as I know.

It's possible, lore-wise, that not all Xala'shar have fully "descended" into being uber-terrifying abhorrences of the Immortals (just yet!). Similar to how not all PC Necromancers can be affected by HE.

Meanwhile, it appears that Necromantic rituals don't work on them, even though they normally would unless the target is undead or a construct.

I'm leaning more toward it being an IC lore-thing than an OOC bug, but it could go either way.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 04:15 PM CDT
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As far as actual classification, they may not be true Undead but they certainly respond to our magic as cursed/evil/undead. The only exception I've seen thus far are the vanquishers (I think?), they don't appear to trigger the multi-shot function of FF but for some reason I think they do trigger the flaming portion (nor does HE/HH affect them).
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 08:39 PM CDT
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ok thanks Langa I have not tried them yet. Magic is near 600 and TM is push for 400 do I have a decent chance of hitting them?

Depends Cadderly- the lowest ones are thralls- and they are easy peasy- use HH just to destroy them on the roads with one cast. Thralls are everywhere. Along with them are Magus- harder- you should be able to take them out.

Beyond that- I took out one Conjurer with the help of another guy- this with about 520ish TM, but it took about 3 or 4 casts of Horn (heh and one cast of FOU- I need to remember not to cast that in town during invasions- sorry the guy I killed...) and several arrows to kill it.

Flavius walked out of the empath guild during the invasion- not knowing it was right outside the door- and got stunned and died almost immediately thereafter.

the Big things are killing anything and everyone- saw Madigan go down- Slowdog- don't even know who the big guys are anymore- but I suspect that there are things in between.

But since when have you worried about whether you could hit them?

Get MF up and go for it. Oh and put in an extra supply of orbs.
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/17/2012 09:09 PM CDT
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LOL Good point bro, what is a good HT now? I have my hammer but I don't want to loose it. the spears I noticed I can't use a shield and throw them....
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/18/2012 10:44 AM CDT
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LOL Good point bro, what is a good HT now? I have my hammer but I don't want to loose it. the spears I noticed I can't use a shield and throw them....

Okay- lots of throwing hammers available now- crafted ones that are very good- I happen to use festival ones because I like the look of my clerics hammer but i think the best crafted ones are probably better. I train HT in my second tier of weapons(after HX, HE, Brawling) and I think it is still very viable- but not as good as the "Logs of Doom" were. Those days are gone.

If you are using SOL just shape it to wear, as you can throw spears with an arm worn shield- or get a small shield that can be arm worn. I was carrying spears for awhile just to have a thrown with piercing damage but I kept losing them so I finally just stuck with my hammers.

If you want a cheap HT for dealing with the invasion, a log would still work, or just gweth around the crossing and I bet someone can make one cheap for you.
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/18/2012 04:02 PM CDT
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Yeah there's definitely a super wide range of those undead, with the highest ones being fairly ridiculous. The magus and thralls are the lower level ones, followed by the slayers in difficulty. The middle of the pack ones (in no particular order) seem to be the conjurers, vindicators, lookouts, and I think some other thing that starts with a "v". The high level things are the archers, overseers, and archmagi. I can barely take out an overseer without multiple debuffs (it also has a lame spirit attack) and archers for the most part can take out people with ease. I think I might be missing a few of the ranks, and my idea of difficulty may be off a little. But I figured a general idea of skill wouldn't hurt.

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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/18/2012 06:54 PM CDT
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>>I can barely take out an overseer without multiple debuffs (it also has a spirit attack)
re: spirit attack - is it intended that Soul Shield isn't triggered by this attack?
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/19/2012 02:07 PM CDT
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re: spirit attack - is it intended that Soul Shield isn't triggered by this attack?

that would be rather lame- since Soul Shield doesn't do anything else and hardly any such attacks exist in the game.
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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/19/2012 08:06 PM CDT
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I've noticed this as well, and I dunno if its a glitch or intended that way. You'd figure soul shield would defend from it. Soul shield does defend from one (or some?) of the other special attacks from the other ones though.

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Re: the invasion critters.... on 07/20/2012 12:35 AM CDT
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If anything else comes around that uses these critters I'll try to get in there and update their special attack to work with SoS.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
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