Invasion tactics on 05/20/2013 11:03 AM CDT
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So Liuri and Evo and others.....Flavius showed up for the tail end of the rebel invasion last night in the Crossing and spending the last several months almost exclusively thinning zombie hordes left me spectacularly unprepared mentally for how to take on hordes of living.

Of course there was the usual blur of screen combat which made it difficult if not impossible sometimes to actually tell what Flavius accomplished but...

I had all the usual buffs and wards up.

Okay here is what I am trying to figure out- and am curious what others were doing- I started off with GHS up because I didn't know if there would be any magic users- after awhile that seemed unlikely so I switched to HyH COZ- but would I have been better off using our cyclic TM spell?

Mostly what I was doing was hitting the beasties with DR and knocking them over- which I figured would help everyone else hit them better- but when it came to what TM spells to use on living....well I used AE a couple times but what are people using? I would love some examples of how other clerics approach an invasion like last night.

I am going to have to spend more time hunting some living creatures I think.
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/20/2013 01:45 PM CDT
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Invasion critters are usually evil, if not always. Harm horde works well, but FOU is really effective in invasions. Spirit attacks do work really well on the critters. You can go with most of our cyclics. Ghost shroud is okay against the range users. COZ seems to be what I use most of the time, if I do run with a cyclic. I tend not to, for mana purposes, or just a low cast. AE is extremely effective in invasions as well. Horn works well if you just focusing on a single target. AE, then horn. DR would be okay in that manner as well. Lots of options we have, and there isn't a lot of bad choices.
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/20/2013 03:54 PM CDT
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I use fou on the smaller stuff, and HH on the bigger ones. I don't use a cyclic for mana reasons and have the buffs in my orb 24/7 anyways.
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/20/2013 05:47 PM CDT
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If it'll work, HH should destroy things.

Otherwise, groups, FoU.

Single target, Horn, or FF, depending on impact/puncture resistance, and the current state of multi-shot TM from FF.

But my highest char is still a noob for everyone else so I'm useless here.

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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/20/2013 07:22 PM CDT
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well I am reluctant to use FOU in town during an invasion- I saw at least one person arrested for casting AOE- I admit I am not sure the mechanic that AOE's use in this situation- does it hit everything engaging me? Do I need to do anything to ensure I don't hit other characters?
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/21/2013 12:35 AM CDT
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Default targeting matrix is engaged. You can also target creature. During an invasion, you shouldn't get charged.
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/21/2013 09:36 AM CDT
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I believe the justice command will tell you if the justice forces are too busy to care about aoe's or not.
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/21/2013 02:47 PM CDT
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Does the justice command adjust to when GMs turn off justice during invasions?
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Re: Invasion tactics on 05/21/2013 05:50 PM CDT
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These days, I've been using AE (with HF cast) and PS, or if the room is REALLY full, I'll do HH and PS.

PS should be a standard. Helps everyone out.

I don't run too much as far as cyclics, but if I do, I'll run HYH mal offense. Helps keep them down from hitting me as well as others, and if I really need to I can infuse into it and tank the entire room.
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