Mass Ressurect...? on 06/09/2016 04:19 AM CDT
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I'm at work, alone.. all night.. while i play DR. So. I was reading some of the 3.2 magic changes and saw that mass rejuve is its own spell again. This sparked a thought for me. What if we had a quest for our 100 circle ability. Heck, even 150th would work for me. Where we could learn how to resurrect the masses. It could be based off of your theurgy skill and actually give us a reason to work it beyond 150th circle. Cause I mean, I don't :P. Thoughts on this?
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/09/2016 08:11 AM CDT
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Heh...when I picture mass rezz I envision the scene in "Game Of Thrones" where the Night King raised all the dead as he stared at Jon Snow.........

But that being said, if/when Clerics were to get a 100/150th circle ability I think I would prefer something we could use more often. While I have only returned to DR a year ago.....I think the most dead I've seen at one time is three bodies. (In a room with four or five rezzing Clerics.) I might be wrong but it seems mass deaths are a thing of the past.

Personally I think it would be cool if we had the ability to project our spirit/soul/whatever into a room and raise from afar. Wishful thinking on my part, I'm sure.

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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/09/2016 08:19 AM CDT
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Not to mention death is pretty toothless as it is these days. With as skilled as many clerics are, mass rez just makes it even more meaningless. Put mass rez in the hands of someone like Tenike and you could raise X amount people faster than you could kill them.

Not that I'm against the idea of mass rez, I just think that clerics would prefer to spend their spell slots on another ability unrelated to raising the dead, especially given that you gain virtually no experience from it. (and I wish the penalty of death had more impact)

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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/09/2016 09:05 AM CDT
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> But that being said, if/when Clerics were to get a 100/150th circle ability I think I would prefer something we could use more often.

100% this. Something like an MF buff you could cast on others before they go hunt or a cyclic AOE TM spell that you could plug into hex rather than malediction.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 05:52 AM CDT
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>Something like an MF buff you could cast on others before they go hunt

I like the idea, but not entirely MF. That would make us an overly sought after guild and kind of take away the uniqueness of being a cleric. I, obviously, quite enjoy the idea of mass rezz even though honestly... it would hardly be used. The only time would be during and invasion. I've always wanted a TM spell we could weave into HYH. And make it vs undead only since that is our niche. Casting it with harm horde would be an interesting mix. Maybe even a new spell..."Scope of the Thirteen"?? that could be cast at a specific diety and it would pulse the area with holy/elemental damage making it useful against all creatures. The elemental damage would come from what deity you cast at; Meraud could be electric damage as an example. Maybe even if cast general it would cycle randomly through the 13. Thoughts?
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 07:48 AM CDT
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> I like the idea, but not entirely MF. That would make us an overly sought after guild and kind of take away the uniqueness of being a cleric.

I get that, but the more I think about it the more I realize clerics are probably fine in this vein. Sanctify Pattern, Uncurse (even though curses should last longer, social outrage long), MPP, and bless already make them sought after in their niche.

> Maybe even a new spell..."Scope of the Thirteen"?? that could be cast at a specific diety and it would pulse the area with holy/elemental damage making it useful against all creatures. The elemental damage would come from what deity you cast at; Meraud could be electric damage as an example.

I really like that idea, but I worry about the number of spell slots it would consume due to the damage type variation.

Why not make a copy of HYH and rework it to support TM spells instead of debilitation spells? Make it a meta or a follow-up spell that cost 2-3 slots. Call it Faenell'a vengence for a tie in to the cyclic nature and type of spells it can support.
- FF (AOE Multistrike)
- HE (AOE DFA, include red spiral if you know it)
- CHS (Aoe ST spirit damage, includes drain)

OR just rework FOU to be a cyclic TM.

That's the niche I feel like clerics are missing. They're a combat oriented magical guild without a cyclic TM spell.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 11:51 AM CDT
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>> That's the niche I feel like clerics are missing. They're a combat oriented magical guild without a cyclic TM spell.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 11:56 AM CDT
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I missed a word there.

> They're a combat oriented magical guild without a cyclic AOE TM spell.

Fixed. Sorry for the confusion.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 10:07 PM CDT
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How about instead of a mass rezz we just get the current resurrection spell tweaked so that it doesn't end after you raise 1 person. It could stay on indefinitely, letting a cleric raise more than one person without having to recast the spell. This could work like a mass rezz because the more skill a cleric has the more he is able to accomplish with his mana pool.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/10/2016 10:21 PM CDT
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>Maybe even a new spell..."Scope of the Thirteen"?? that could be cast at a specific diety and it would pulse the area with holy/elemental damage making it useful against all creatures. The elemental damage would come from what deity you cast at; Meraud could be electric damage as an example. Maybe even if cast general it would cycle randomly through the 13. Thoughts?

why not just set it to be linked to the deity you're aligned to? It would add more to the purpose for our align skill. Or make it a single diety spell like kertigen and call it Kertigens Cospiracy (it's what you can call a group of ravens) and have it be a swarm of holy spectral ravens that fly around the cleric doing holy/impact damage to evertying they hit in the area
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 07:13 AM CDT
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Honestly, at a certain point even in invasion Triage a single cleric can resurrect people as fast as the Empaths get them healed, assuming there are 1-3 empaths. Even if I have to dump 300 mana into finding some tool's soul who doesn't keep their favors up, it can still be done without ever being concerned about mana.
...I also raise in triage by who's soul I find first/first healed. Resurrection is fine the way it is, in my practiced opinion.

Why exactly does anyone feel we need a AOE Cyclic TM spell? FoU/HH is more than sexy for learning purposes in PvE and in PvP, I'm usually reserving my cyclic for either Ghost Shroud or HYH with CoZ.

Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 08:47 AM CDT
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> Why exactly does anyone feel we need a AOE Cyclic TM spell? FoU/HH is more than sexy for learning purposes in PvE and in PvP, I'm usually reserving my cyclic for either Ghost Shroud or HYH with CoZ.

Because it's useful. Cyclic TMs kill things quickly. Cyclic TMs with a straight cast AOE TM (FOU) kills things faster. Killing things faster results in more points (quests), more chance at treasure (quest + open world), and more coin (generally open world).

Add to this the mana efficiency of cyclics (by necessity), and you have a cheap way to learn TM. Magic 3.2 may fix this, or it may not; however, I don't see why anyone who plays a cleric would be opposed to filling a gap in the current spellbooks.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 12:46 PM CDT
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>>I don't see why anyone who plays a cleric would be opposed to filling a gap in the current spellbooks.

Because it's not really needed? Or wouldn't really be used? Clerics are far from lacking in TM options, and some of their best debil options come in the form of a cyclic. If I have to choose between cyclic debil and cyclic damage I'll always pick the debil option and stack it with single-cast TM and weapons. In my experience keeping a mob constantly debilitated and using TM/weapons to cause damage is better over time than just using pure damage, or trying to keep your opponent debilitated with single-cast spells.

Also, Clerics have the best toolset of any guild in the game. They really aren't suffering because they don't have a cyclic AoE TM.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 03:00 PM CDT
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Cyclic AoE TM for clerics:
Would it be cool? Probably. There's a lot of areas for interesting (though probably niche) development of new and different TM (AoE Cyclic or not).
Would I call it necessary? No, I wouldn't. As has been stated, we've got TM fairly well already covered, single and AoE both.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 04:27 PM CDT
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> If I have to choose between cyclic debil and cyclic damage I'll always pick the debil option and stack it with single-cast TM and weapons.

It depends on what I'm doing, but I generally think cyclic damaging is better than cyclic debilitation. Wounds are themselves a debilitation, and it keeps swarms down to something that's easy to manage.

> or trying to keep your opponent debilitated with single-cast spells.

I'm talking PVE, not PVP. That would change things, I'm sure.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/12/2016 05:58 PM CDT
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As someone who has a character with both cyclic AoE TM and cyclic AoE Debil (Bard)... while I absolutely love PYRE + WILL (and ABAN which is a TM/Debil combo, although I only have TEST experience with that one) for their sheer ability to kill rooms dead, I don't use them as often as I do the debil option in PvE. The former ones leave me with far fewer enemies than I need to train other combat skills effectively, while the latter still keeps kill rates high by weakening the targets but not so high that I run out of targets. Cyclic AoE TM are great in invasions and for farming, but for general PvE situations debilitation wins out for the cyclic slot.

To compare, as someone who has a character with only non-cyclic AoE TM, cylic non-AoE TM, and non-cyclic AoE and non-AoE Debil (Moon Mage)... These spells are just fine at taking out rooms, and the only real difference is how active I need to be to do it. SLS + TKS burns through mobs very quickly.

<< cleric ... filling a gap in the current spellbooks.

I admit I laughed at this one. Clerics are at the absolute bottom of the list of guilds needing gaps filled in its spellbooks.

<<In my experience keeping a mob constantly debilitated and using TM/weapons to cause damage is better over time than just using pure damage, or trying to keep your opponent debilitated with single-cast spells.
<<I'm talking PVE, not PVP. That would change things, I'm sure.

So are they.

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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/13/2016 09:57 AM CDT
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I don't think clerics need a cyclic aoe tm per se. Though, an aoe tm spell that does a different type of damage, such as cold damage, would be agreeable for me.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/13/2016 10:34 AM CDT
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> I don't think clerics need a cyclic aoe tm per se. Though, an aoe tm spell that does a different type of damage, such as cold damage, would be agreeable for me.

What if we met in the middle by expanding Horn of the Unicorn to let it become an AOE? (Cold + Puncture).

1. New spell, stampede of the unicorns (SOTU). Pre-req of Horn. AOE version of horn. Pulses.
2. You can put stampede in the orb to have it pulse indefinitely, or it could just make it so you can use horn with HYH for an AOE effect.
3. OR, if you want to keep the anti-undead theme, allow HH to be put into an orb to pulse periodically.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/13/2016 10:44 AM CDT
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>>1. New spell, stampede of the unicorns (SOTU). Pre-req of Horn. AOE version of horn. Pulses.
>>2. You can put stampede in the orb to have it pulse indefinitely, or it could just make it so you can use horn with HYH for an >>AOE effect.
>>3. OR, if you want to keep the anti-undead theme, allow HH to be put into an orb to pulse periodically.

1. That's generally what I was thinking of when I said cold damage.

2. Not if it involved HYH, main reason not wanting a cyclic. Feel that our debilitation is or strong point and wouldn't want to give it up.

3. HH is too niche so fine how it is, no foreseeable plan to ever get that spell. Besides, already has the nice effect of hitting three times on a melee (sadly only undead/necro) target.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/13/2016 11:34 AM CDT
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> 2. Not if it involved HYH, main reason not wanting a cyclic. Feel that our debilitation is or strong point and wouldn't want to give it up.

> 3. HH is too niche so fine how it is, no foreseeable plan to ever get that spell. Besides, already has the nice effect of hitting three times on a melee (sadly only undead/necro) target.

#2 and #3 were an attempt to placate everyone with a back-door cyclic. #2 would be a straight cast AOE, that you could plug into HYH if you wanted to (not required) once you know the straight cast spell. #3 was another back-door attempt that would hopefully be easier to implement than a new spell. Just trigger the pulse anytime the orb sucks up mana.

Again, this is all daydreaming at this point. Assuming there was going to be a change, I'd guess the approval process and dev time would take years to complete, and completely change by time it made it into the game.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/13/2016 05:05 PM CDT
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Thinking about this from an in-game/character perspective, resurrection is the process of reuniting a soul that has been severed from the body through death. I'm not sure mass resurrection would give you much of an advantage without a mass soul bond. That is, once you've located everyone in the void, you would still need to bind each soul to their corpse before raising them all at once.

The sound of mass resurrection does have a coolness/badass factor, but probably not enough to warrant using spell slots. As Shaidval pointed out already, a mid-level cleric can resurrect corpses faster than multiple empaths can heal them.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 03:05 PM CDT
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> Even if I have to dump 300 mana into finding some tool's soul who doesn't keep their favors up, it can still be done without ever being concerned about mana.
> ...I also raise in triage by who's soul I find first/first healed. Resurrection is fine the way it is, in my practiced opinion.

This is my favorite method of lecturing people with 2 favors but triple digit circles. You want to move around again, you either depart on your time or let me raise everyone else around ya first.

In terms of RP, I wouldn't use a mass rezz. Resurrection isn't something my character takes lightly, and performing it en masse would devalue it. In terms of RP only, that is.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 04:04 PM CDT
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Is the recommendation still 1 favor/10 circles, or I should be aiming higher?
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 04:23 PM CDT
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I'm not a cleric but I always recommend 15 favors as a base minimum + 1 additional favor for every 5 circles beyond 15th circle.

This is more than most people strictly need but it makes resurrection dramatically easier for lower circle raising clerics. If you end up getting chain killed through bad luck, lag, invasions or pvp you have the freedom to depart full without the stress of counting favors or leaving a grave. If you're a magic user you enjoy a layer of protection for invoked scrolls.

If you have few favors (outside of rp considerations) all that says is you don't consider a cleric's time particularly valuable.

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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 04:29 PM CDT
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>15 favors as a base minimum + 1 additional favor for every 5 circles beyond 15th circle

Wow - Ok, I guess I'll need to devote a full play session to favor accrual. Probably overdue anyway. Thanks for the response and formula.
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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 04:55 PM CDT
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Naw, easier to just grab 2 orbs, take them into combat and lock up, hug 1 orb. Lock up again, hug the other orb and if you hug each one once each hunting trip you have more than enough favors in a month.

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Re: Mass Ressurect...? on 06/17/2016 06:00 PM CDT
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<<Is the recommendation still 1 favor/10 circles, or I should be aiming higher?

My personal go to number for a minimum is 30. This is the point (according to GMs, iirc) that you have reached the best chance of retaining invoked scrolls upon death, or at least the returns from gaining more favours is negligible for it. 50 is also a good number if you want to get an immortal post title.

One thing not mentioned is that I find it best to get all of your favours from the same immortal. Aside from just being simpler to script/remember, it is required for religion titles including the immortal post title. I pretty sure it doesn't have an effect on retaining scrolls, but you never know. The game only tracks two values anyway (last immortal and number consecutive of that immortal) so there's no point to doing more than one immortal except as rp at the sacrifice of mechanics.

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