A Funny Joke I Heard on 03/09/2005 11:26 AM CST
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Completely off-topic and out of no where, but I found it funny.

So, there was a fair captain who sailed a fine ship. And it was tradition that when he went into combat against other ships, he would wear a certain article of clothing...

"Ship spotted off the starboard bow, sir!" the sailor called from the Crow's Nest.

The Captain nodded and called out to his mate, "Fetch me my red doublet!"

You see, he wore the doublet so if he was shot in the midst of the skirmish, the enemy wouldn't be able to see him bleed and it soon became somewhat of a battlecry for his crew.

Many months later a similar thing happened...

"English fleet sighted, sir -- I count 6 ships!" the sailor called down from the Crow's Nest.

The mate turned to the captain and ask, "Shall I fetch your red doublet, sir?"

"No," said the Captain, "Bring me my brown trousers."

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Re: A Funny Joke I Heard on 03/09/2005 06:01 PM CST
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Great joke! I'm gonna tell my hubby tonight.

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