The "new" raise on 01/06/2013 09:51 PM CST
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Ok, I was away from the lands for a few years (a common thread here). Of course, I come back and everything has changed, including Resurrection. Although I remember it being an intimidating quest BEFORE (back when you could get it at twentieth circle) but WOW I can't even see how it would be possible to even survive this quest nowadays at the circle which it's offered. I am more than ten circles beyond that and I can't even set foot into the Zaulfung without being immediately (literally, within like half a second) slaughtered by multiple Greater Shadow Hounds.

Even the one time I was able to race through without looking at anything, once I was pulled underground into Maelshyve's fortress I was quickly either drowned or one-hit-wondered by Cinder Beasts. This whole thing seems to me like it should be a quest for 80th circle.

I'm currently sitting, favors nearly depleted, in the Jackal's Heart at the center of the Temple, not entirely sure if I can even get back to town nonetheless through this ridiculously difficult quest.

If anybody is around this area and would like to exchange their assistance for my eternal gratitude, please let me know! Of if you have any helpful advice that can be doled on the board... I'm on AIM as spearenj

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Re: The "new" raise on 01/07/2013 01:20 AM CST
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I am way too far away to help but let me give you some advice.

Look at the maps from the temple to the tree that gets you out of the swamp. Unless your swimming is really, really sucky(Flavius has like 80 swimming) you can move through each room to get to the tree(just remembered- unless your strength is really low) fast enough so that the Hounds will not engage before you can get to the next room. I have done it many, many times- recently but also back when Hounds were to Flavius what they are to your character.

You can make it out. But try gwething just the same- might be hunters in the Zaulfang who will come to your aid.

Regarding the resurrection quest- I did it with help- I sincerely thought for a long time that I was going to wait until I was powerful enough to go through on my own and then one day I just changed my mind and had a powerful friend escort me through. I don't regret it for a moment. Its a good quest but it is not designed to be easily passed by those who are technically eligible.

Good luck.
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Re: The "new" raise on 01/07/2013 07:39 AM CST
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The quest is designed to be run solo by a 50-60 cleric. It's available before then for people who can get help. A cast of PFE will protect you from the claws. I'd second flavors post, Gweth for help, or put your IM here, and there a handful of people who will rush to help, sometimes. Some if them have run the entry stuff dozens of times for clerics, so are intimately familiar with what to do.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: The "new" raise on 01/07/2013 01:47 PM CST
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If you're still there when I get home from work in a couple hours I'll try to swing by and lend a hand.
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Re: The "new" raise on 01/08/2013 07:54 AM CST
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Sadly, I'm not high enough to help you if you can't help yourself. What is your Strength, Stamina and Agility? Swimming and Climbing ranks? I had to have constellation jewelry to cross the rope bridge at 75 ranks of climbing, and the same to swim the river at 75 ranks of swimming. That was with 22 STR, 23 AGI and 22 STA.

Tallis suggests strongly that you bring help, what she doesn't really specify is how much easier another Cleric or Paladin will make it. Still, if I hear your plea for help I'll do everything I can to assist you.

I believe the glass is half full; of lead, toxic chemicals and deadly parasitic microbes.
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Re: The "new" raise on 01/08/2013 08:40 AM CST
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one thing i did <primeside> before going on the quest was to get swim & climb to 100 ranks. that helped tremendously, i did have to run fast to avoid all the critters though, and died twice on my first attempt! :-)

<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
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