Trouble with Commune on 01/20/2013 12:21 PM CST
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I do not know if this is something I am doing wrongly or if there is a minor problem so I will describe what I am trying to do and what problems I am encountering:

I have done quests up to and including Infusion prior to 3.0 being released. I understand from reading the release notes that we have to redo Tamsine, Eluned 1 and Meraud.

I attempted placing a flower on the rock and offering the flowerold I do not have the know but nothing happens.

I checked with Esuin and he thinks I should be doing Eluned 1 which makes sense when considering offering the flower does nothing.

But, when I put water in my vial from the trough,bless it and sprinkle the water, I am told I do not have the knowledge to do this commune.

Im stuck and need advise please :)

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Re: Trouble with Commune on 01/20/2013 12:25 PM CST
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>I checked with Esuin and he thinks I should be doing Eluned 1 which makes sense when considering offering the flower does nothing.

Eluned 1 is the water commune. Flowers are the Tamsine commune. So head to north of Kaerna, do the deed there, and go back to Esuin. He'll only assign one quest at a time.

Basically? You're doing the wrong quest, is all.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: Trouble with Commune on 01/20/2013 12:26 PM CST
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Do what Esuin instructs. Go do the Eluned quest, then return and ask again. He should tell you to go do the Tamsine at that point. Then it should work. Meraud should be next (Although I had to do my Circle 35 rose quest before he would give me Merauds). I think doing it out of order isn't working.

I believe the glass is half full; of lead, toxic chemicals and deadly parasitic microbes.
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Re: Trouble with Commune on 01/20/2013 12:26 PM CST
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Ok I will try that, thanks
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