DIR LIST and shifting. on 09/09/2011 09:38 PM CDT
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Directions towards Taelbert's Inn: Out, GO wide arch, North, and you're there.

Type DIR STOP to stop these direction suggestions.
>dir stop
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.

I know hardly anyone uses it anymore but during shifting you can't stop it. Is this on purpose?
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Re: DIR LIST and shifting. on 09/09/2011 09:49 PM CDT
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I have a suspicion that a lot of these problems aren't exactly with shift, but with the immobilized status which exists outside the shift system. I will look into it.

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
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Re: DIR LIST and shifting. on 09/10/2011 12:22 AM CDT
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>>DR-Melete: I have a suspicion that a lot of these problems aren't exactly with shift, but with the immobilized status which exists outside the shift system. I will look into it.

Thanks, GM Melete. While you're looking at the shift system, can you look into whispering/OOCing while shifting?

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
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