Re: Rude Empaths on 05/21/2009 08:44 PM CDT
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as some one who has only played for a little over a year, i just want to point out that my empath is open and will happily fight and live or die. if you irritate her enough for her to be "rude" to you and kick you out of the guild, she will happily fight you if you feel it is neccessary.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/21/2009 09:18 PM CDT
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>>I want you to understand Szrael that this isn't about you or Reene. You both are more then adequately experienced in this game to understand how to play things through.

I'm not sure about that statement, at least one of the people you named have become quite avid reporters that seem to do so at the drop of a hanky and I'll give you a hint - it's not Szrael.


The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/21/2009 10:39 PM CDT
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OMGooses this made me belly-laugh:

<<People will naturally assume it's purely OOC griefing whenever something they don't like happens>>

Completely shameless. Completely.

Reene sometimes its purely ooc griefing nerdrage. You no that better than anyone. Is there any topic you won't post an opinion about? Even when you REALLY should just be silent on a particular issue?

Just wow.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 06:22 AM CDT
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This thread is amazing.

In the old days, empaths relaxed in the sitting room, healed in the infirmary, and boxes were popped in the main room. That's how it was designed. Mana for 99% of the DR empaths is better in the infirmary, and game mechanics prevent box popping in the infirmary.

Empaths started healing in the main room not because of better mana (Even the highest empaths at the time, could not see better mana in the main room.
), because it was an advantage to getting to patients first (which was the only way to circle back then). Though many hunters ran by empaths to the infirmary at first out of habit, eventually more decided to stop at the main room.. because, why face the scroll of the infirmary when there is a empath here ready to heal you. Back then, nearly all boxes generated wounds, poison and boomers from goblins, and razors from rock trolls so it made the main room even better for Empaths hungering for wounds. Poison gas clouds and AOE slivers happened, but it added something interesting to the game, it kept the people inside the room awake, and the speed at which people would jump to their feet into action and drag newbies west or out when a AOE box was popped is almost unthinkable in this day of main room zombies. Even back then when the average empath circle was probably one fifth of what it is now, healing everyone up after an AOE blunder was no problem. They were professional.

Even though some people (rightfully) can view popping in the main room as inconsiderate, it's not a mortal sin to pop a box there. Especially now when higher proportion of traps are harmless (mime's, fleas, bouncers, etc). Most of the afker students in there could use a little excitement anyhow.

And now.. dragging dead bodies into the empath guild for healing before a drag to the cleric's guild being taboo? Give me a break.

"All models are wrong, some are useful." -George C. Box
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 08:03 AM CDT
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>->ENFO13 post
that's how i understood it as well

my take on how it should work:
-for more serious injuries go to the infirmary(regardless of the mana we do have raise power to give it a boost) or even better the healarie
-i see the main room as more of a social hangout for box popping, classes and the not so severe injuries
-i don't see any reason to not have a corpse dragged in, corpses need healing as well, after healing if a cleric isn't present they should be dragged to the clerics guild

If life doesn't need intelligence,
Then why should intelligence need life?
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 08:22 AM CDT
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>>It seems to be treated the same as ACCUSE, is the thing. I think this is because the original intent of REMOVE was more in line with what ACCUSE does - it's a way of nonviolently dealing with people who are being conflictual and disruptive, in this case by removing them from your turf. However, as time went on, GMs realized that to moderate usage of REMOVE would be impossible and require more GM-hours than was wise or sane, so they decreed that you can REMOVE someone from your guild for any reason or no reason at all. While I do think this was a good decision, it does create consent issues that are not easy to address.<<

Seems spot on.

>>I'm afraid I don't really have a solution. I think a nonconflictual Empath (or Ranger or Cleric or whatever) should absolutely have the right to remove someone who is being legitimately disruptive from their guild without having to deal with a recourse - much the same way you can choose to deal with a pickpocket by ACCUSING them. However, in the cases where REMOVE is used frivolously, I do see and agree with the case for consent being granted. But how do you separate the two? I don't know how to go about writing a policy for that, and I think trying to do so would be a bigger pain than it's worth.<<

If GM moderation would take too many man hours and an adequate policy response would be too complex (and cost too many man hours to enforce), the best alternative is to have REMOVE (in all flavors) grant consent so that players can self-moderate.

If a REMOVEr faced potential death for using that option, you can be sure that in most cases:

1) The person removed did SOMETHING.

2) That something was annoying or disruptive enough that someone decided to vote with his/her skin to stop it.

That should pretty well end frivolous use of the option.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 08:23 AM CDT
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>>-i don't see any reason to not have a corpse dragged in, corpses need healing as well, after healing if a cleric isn't present they should be dragged to the clerics guild

You must not have read my post, even if a cleric is present they should be dragged to the cleric guild. The holy mana in the empath guild is terrible

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 09:25 AM CDT
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>You must not have read my post, even if a cleric is present they should be dragged to the cleric guild. The holy mana in the empath guild is terrible

i know it is, it's said to be better in the healarie though, as to whether you can actually raise there ::shrugs::

If life doesn't need intelligence,
Then why should intelligence need life?
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 09:36 AM CDT
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>>i know it is, it's said to be better in the healarie though, as to whether you can actually raise there ::shrugs::

I'm not sure about the healarie but either way it makes more sense to just drag to the cleric guild. Empaths are always willing to come to the cleric guild to heal

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 09:46 AM CDT
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Only in cases where Empaths are abusing the REMOVE system in their guild should it even possibly grant consent, and as stated that would be too difficult to separate.

<< Think of it from the reasoning of for "every action, there is an equal reaction." I'm not saying to go outside and get yourself attempted to be killed. However, if you removed someone from your own guildhall, you were the one that removed that individual and should accept your actions that you've done. This doesn't just go for removal of someone from a guild, but any action done. You make an action and you should accept the consequences whether it is good, bad or mixed in perception of others. >>

With all due respect, I think you need to look at this from the Empath's perspective. If someone is being disruptive or added a level of danger in the EMPATH guild, they should take responsibility for their actions when an EMPATH attempts to do something about it. Just like with accusing a thief, removal settles the score, it does not open up further consent in some endless chain. Removal is not the action, its the reaction an Empath takes when another is disruptive. Many empaths are non-combative and non-confrontational, and this is our only avenue for keeping order in our own guild.

With that said, I had absolutely no idea the mana in the main room was so good at higher skills. Murithi has under 200 Power Perception and the infirmary still holds better mana for her. I agree with re-balancing the mana in the guild the make the infirmary better for both younger and older Empaths, and give the box pickers back their room if they really want it.

But until that happens, if its the best place for Empaths to heal then respect their wishes. It is their Guild after all. Go somewhere else if you don't like it. This might not even be possible due to wards, its just an example, but how would barbarians like it if a bunch of mages set up camp in their guild hall and practiced non-damaging AoE spells non stop? I would think at best they would be rather annoyed, and more likely furious. Same thing.

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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 10:30 AM CDT
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>>This might not even be possible due to wards, its just an example, but how would barbarians like it if a bunch of mages set up camp in their guild hall and practiced non-damaging AoE spells non stop? I would think at best they would be rather annoyed, and more likely furious. Same thing.

1. Can't cast magic in the Barb guild.

2. No mage in their right mind would dare do something like that. I'd have a feast if some came in and started acting stupid.

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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 11:37 AM CDT
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of course, thats because most guilds don't "guild-sit" any more, when's the last time when you saw more than 5 barbarians sitting around in their guildhall during a non-mentor event? paladins either for that matter. empaths still hang out because its also a "heal spot", but you're just as likely to find empaths at the willow walk, or in the ranger houseing area se part of xing.

It's a number, it gets bigger. That's the whole DR experience right there
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 11:51 AM CDT
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I have said before in the cleric boards and I will say it here again- as far as I am concerned anyone in a guild who is not a member of the guild is a guest. No non-guild member is entitled to be there. Let other guild members discipline frivolous use if necessary, but guild members should be able to eject non-guild members from their guild and the onus should be on the one ejected to demonstrate that they were not at fault.

If an empath ejects someone from his or her own guild hall, why should that provide consent? Ejection is intended for guildmembers to police their own guild, and that includes being able to eject those who can wipe the floor with them. Making ejection consent would result in ejection not being used for what it is intended- which is self policing.

Nobody is entitled to be in the empath guild hall but empaths. If folks can't behave themselves, empaths should be able to toss them without worrying about consent.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 12:04 PM CDT
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>>I have said before in the cleric boards and I will say it here again- as far as I am concerned anyone in a guild who is not a member of the guild is a guest. No non-guild member is entitled to be there. Let other guild members discipline frivolous use if necessary, but guild members should be able to eject non-guild members from their guild and the onus should be on the one ejected to demonstrate that they were not at fault.

If an empath ejects someone from his or her own guild hall, why should that provide consent? Ejection is intended for guildmembers to police their own guild, and that includes being able to eject those who can wipe the floor with them. Making ejection consent would result in ejection not being used for what it is intended- which is self policing.

Nobody is entitled to be in the empath guild hall but empaths. If folks can't behave themselves, empaths should be able to toss them without worrying about consent.>>

Giving consent for being removed from a guild would end up being a lame deal where the big guns can come in and disrupt at their leisure while lower level empaths (and other guests) can either miserably deal with it or get pulverized. From observation, the ones that come in to do nothing but disrupt are also the type that generally like to keep pulverizing long after the consent is over. Getting killed is a bit much to ask of someone that just doesn't want disruptive and rude people disrespecting their guild.
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Re: Rude Empaths ::squish:: on 05/22/2009 02:31 PM CDT
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Squish goes the bug.

Board Monitor Tnegad

Please email questions or comments to, Senior Board Monitor Annwyl at, or Board Supervisor Cecco at Thank you.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:15 PM CDT
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>>Mana for 99% of the DR empaths is better in the infirmary, and game mechanics prevent box popping in the infirmary.

This is not true. My Empath isn't even 50th yet and the mana in the main room has been better for her for quite a while.

>>Empaths started healing in the main room

Likely because the high level Empaths (who taught the teaching classes of yore) could sense better mana there after being able to pull from other rooms. A teaching class used to be the main barrier to advancement for Empaths, and a good one was definitely something you'd endure crappier mana to get. Once some Empaths starting hanging out there, others followed, because patients stopped checking the infirmary after a good number of Empaths set up in the main room.

That notwithstanding, it makes no sense for people to be disarming bombs in a hospital. My character doesn't view box opening to be a mortal sin, but she finds it rude enough to throw someone out over, especially if they are quite rude when she asks them to stop.

>>And now.. dragging dead bodies into the empath guild for healing before a drag to the cleric's guild being taboo?

As far as I can tell this is just one Empath's point of view.

-- Player of Szrael --

You grip the oversized book hanging from your leather belt and survey the area with a hint of malice in your eyes.

With a violent cross-body motion, you draw your oversized book.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:33 PM CDT
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I agree with those that say ejection from the guildhall should not provide consent, and that the home guild should always reverse the right to remove guests they deem unruly.

However I do want to point out that the empath guild is not just a guild hall like the other guilds, but it doubles as a player-run hospital for the wounded. This isn't a problem if the guest is free of wounds and is just there to be disruptive, but it does allow for the possibility for a few empaths to remove wounded patients that they have personal issues with.

>> A teaching class used to be the main barrier to advancement for Empaths, and a good one was definitely something you'd endure crappier mana to get.

Empathy/Transference was the main barrier, and second to that, first aid. Juggling the gross amount of bleeders to keep first aid moving was in opposition to an empath's ability to heal the masses effectively-- but both were needed to advance. The introduction of leeches helped out a bit, but the FA was pretty horrible. Teaching requirements were also bad, but they could be gained while sitting in a room during the tending of patients and socializing.

Now Empathy is basically easy-mode from health walks, and First Aid is basically easy-mode from compendiums.

"All models are wrong, some are useful." -George C. Box
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:40 PM CDT
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Removing someone from the guild doesn't stop them from using either autoempath, or gwething for help.

Just putting that out there.


Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:45 PM CDT
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>>Removing someone from the guild doesn't stop them from using either autoempath, or gwething for help.

That's true and fair enough.

I guess I'm still hopelessly living in the dream world where autoempaths are an unfeasible alternative, and wounds need empaths and empaths need wounds.

"All models are wrong, some are useful." -George C. Box
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:49 PM CDT
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Poster ENFO13 has added another twist onto my already difficult what if scenario.

I think I'm going to have to shake it up and now say...

For one day if you could see the world through Krugler, Mordimer or ENFO13 glasses which would you choose.

I think I'm still going with Krugler.


The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 03:53 PM CDT
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Mordimer. In that case, Empaths would be the EZ mode guild and I guild irritate the masses by somehow being oblivious to that fact. Since his world/glasses imply Empaths are ass-kicking, that's definitely what I would choose.

-- Player of Szrael --

You grip the oversized book hanging from your leather belt and survey the area with a hint of malice in your eyes.

With a violent cross-body motion, you draw your oversized book.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 06:02 PM CDT
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I no krugler and mord.

World view? MORDIMER hands down.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 06:40 PM CDT
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In regards to the ACCUSE analogy, I disagree with how that comes into play with REMOVE. For ACCUSE to work, someone needs to attempt to steal from you and (I believe) you need to catch them in the attempt. In that instance, you have the action of the person STEALing and being physically caught by the stealee/victim. If the thief were only to say, "Hello, good sir! I shall now proceed to steal from you. Cherrio!" At that point, you cannot successfully ACCUSE that would be thief. He didn't do anything.

Bringing it back to how it plays into this scenario with REMOVE. A character as stupid as Kenoselaris (who technically, has always been stupid from what I have witnessed) or whoever that other idiot that was bothering Szrael and Mikiri can say whatever they want and legitimately be expected to be removed from the Empath guild. That's the same thing as the would be thief who is just as stupid by SAYing things, but not really taking any ACTION. The action is technically started by the REMOV(al).

Now, the Empath guild is moving towards a guild where guild members are not meant to be coddled. Some empath members will accept this and others will not. Already witnessed in this thread and I do appreciate your honesty and input.

Policy is really simple - if you don't want to get burnt, stay out of the fire.

I'm not looking to stir the pot or to even change how REMOVE functions. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen - cool. Since we were debating for what seemed like 30 minutes yesterday, I wanted to point out the inconsistency of this particular verb with how everything else is handled in this game of an "action results in reaction" as it relates to consent.

- Simon
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 06:59 PM CDT
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The difference is mechanical hooks. The system tracks it if I'm stolen from with the STEAL verb. If someone steals an item from me, they've still stolen from me, but I can't ACCUSE because the system doesn't track that.

I think you know enough to know it's more nuanced than you're saying.

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 07:17 PM CDT
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Being in the Empath guild is a privilege. The revoking of a privilege doesn't and shouldn't grant consent, in my opinion, especially in the case of the Empath guild where it requires multiple Empaths to remove someone. The Empaths there should be able to kick people out without worrying that they'll get jumped. This also opens up exciting new griefing opportunities where people can go and harass people in the guildhalls, get kicked out, and then use that consent to kill the person.

Now, if you wanted to institute an additional mechanic that a single empath could use, which did grant consent, and (like gwethsmashers) could be used on anyone for any or no reason...I'd be all over that like white on rice.

But I do think that Empaths, and basically anyone, should be able to keep their guildhall safe and pleasant. Futhermore, if removing someone granted consent, the removing Empaths would then be required to leave their guild when all they wanted to do was hang out in it in the first place, which is basically the opposite of what the mechanic is meant to achieve.

-- Player of Szrael --

You grip the oversized book hanging from your leather belt and survey the area with a hint of malice in your eyes.

With a violent cross-body motion, you draw your oversized book.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 07:25 PM CDT
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I agree on the aspect where it's difficult to track the mechanics from what Reene pointed.

<<This also opens up exciting new griefing opportunities where people can go and harass people in the guildhalls, get kicked out, and then use that consent to kill the person.>>

I don't buy that. Griefing opportunities can happen no matter what type of mechanics or non-mechanics are in place. What is to stop a person from removing someone from the guild repeatedly in a long period of time? Things can happen both ways.

<<Being in the Empath guild is a privilege.>>

Yep, I agree.

- Simon
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 07:44 PM CDT
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>>Griefing opportunities can happen no matter what type of mechanics or non-mechanics are in place

People came into the Empath guild to open boxes a few nights ago specifically because Mikiri was gwething about trying to stop the box-opening in the Empath guild. That seems like a pretty deliberate attempt to start trouble to me.

-- Player of Szrael --

You grip the oversized book hanging from your leather belt and survey the area with a hint of malice in your eyes.

With a violent cross-body motion, you draw your oversized book.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/22/2009 10:54 PM CDT
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Just have the Gor'Togs that remove people from the guild kill the people instead. Everyone will be happy and have it grant consent too. Win win for all.
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/23/2009 08:11 AM CDT
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>>Removing someone from the guild doesn't stop them from using either autoempath, or gwething for help.>>

in the case of the former, if someone has disease,the autoempaths don't do anything.

It's a number, it gets bigger. That's the whole DR experience right there
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Re: Rude Empaths on 05/23/2009 10:53 AM CDT
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>>in the case of the former, if someone has disease,the autoempaths don't do anything.

Diseased people should avoid pissing off empaths in their guild then, hmm?
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Rude Empaths - Mlarn on 06/08/2009 12:11 PM CDT
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>>According to him, he asked if a healer was available, and was told by an Empath, "1 Gold Kronar". So, he didn't have a gold to pay on him. So he asked again (He said s/he pointed at him then, which he didn't understand), and another Empath told him, "At least 1 Gold Dokora", so he asked a few more times, during which he was being laughed at and tormented.

Here's the log. I don't think anyone really said anything to him much (unless it was in whispers) until he went off and started calling people names rather abruptly.

Mlarn just arrived.
Hummel just touched Mlarn.
Hummel ponders.
Hummel says to Mlarn, "1 gold to heal you."
Mlarn smirks at Hummel.
Hummel gazes at Mlarn.
Mlarn asks, "Could I have healing when someone is able?"
Hummel shrugs.
Hummel takes a seat.
You see Mlarn of Elanthia, a Human Paladin.
Mlarn has blue eyes. His dark brown hair is short and wavy, and is worn loose. He has tanned skin.
He is fairly young for a Human.
He has some light stubble on his face.
He has faint scuffing to the neck, faint scuffing to the right arm, faint scuffing to the left arm, minor swelling and bruising around the right leg compounded by cuts and bruises about the right leg, minor swelling and bruising around the left leg compounded by cuts and bruises about the left leg, faint scuffing to the right hand, tiny scratches to the left hand, cuts and bruises about the chest area, tiny scratches to the abdomen, faint scuffing to the back, faint scuffing to the left eye.
He is wearing a kite shield, a branch-framed canvas backpack, some faded pants, some half plate, some scale greaves, a scale aventail and a leather sheath.
You say to Mlarn, "I'll do it for 14 silver."
You say, "Dokoras."
Hummel whispers to your group, "OOC: Mlarn whispers, "I'll pay you a gold...if you pay me two for the skills you learn by healing me? Deal? But you'll have to pay me first"
Hummel says to Mlarn, "I can't afford to do that I'm sorry."
Hummel frowns at Mlarn.
Mlarn asks, "Could I have healing when someone is able?"
You say to Mlarn, "Alright, 1 gold dokora then."
You frown at Mlarn.
You say to Mlarn, "I can go as low as one gold kronar but that's really pushing it."
You say, "My final offer."
Mlarn asks, "Could I have healing when someone is able?"
(Moments pass.)
Mlarn says, "If your slimy arse was an empath...I'd still tell you no. Just like I told the doggy one."
Raising your voice, you notify the guild of Mlarn's violation of guild hospitality. A polite young woman enters the room, whispers something to Mlarn, and leaves.
You say, "I am an Empath."
With amazing speed, Caelumia strikes Mlarn in the throat with the edge of her flattened palm. Mlarn clutches his throat, wheezing pathetically.
Caelumia says to Mlarn, "Hi. I'm the enforcer."
Raising his voice, Hummel reports Mlarn for violating guild hospitality. Two large Gor'Togs enter, grasp Mlarn by the arms and escort him from the guildhall.

I don't think anyone was making fun of him unless it was in whispers, which I wasn't privy to.


-- Player of Szrael --

You grip the oversized book hanging from your leather belt and survey the area with a hint of malice in your eyes.

With a violent cross-body motion, you draw your oversized book.
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Re: Rude Empaths - Mlarn on 06/08/2009 12:56 PM CDT
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This is the kind of thing that's really sad.

My Empath is still under 25th (hopefully not for long!) and there have been a few people who were incredibly harassing toward her (I have her circle shown in her profile, though I don't know if they check) because she charges.

I also have a lot of people who now will continually come to her. She generally heals very quickly, and gets tipped well besides her fee for the most part.

But then there are the people who take offense, to the point where one day two other uninvolved Empaths actually kicked someone out due to how bad it was.

I have no real recourse for this, especially being so little. I can't kick people out. My combat skills aren't amazing. I have no avenger.

At the same time, I haven't had this much fun in DR in a long time. She's a blast to RP with, and there are slowly more and more people who are coming around to the idea of paying for healing up front. She'll make deals, take alternative payment, there was even one guy who gave her a 10 second test to heal him, and if she passed he'd pay, if not he wouldn't.

People are just viewing this as "Wow look at those greedy Empaths" when really it has absolutely nothing to do with money. It's something new, something different, and I'm really glad it's happening. Even with those who get mad and seem to take it personally (and don't know when to stop).

I fully expect her to be killed at some point, though I figure it will be due kicking someone out (with help), and not the fact that she charges.
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