Empath Absolution Assembly Log on 07/24/2015 10:44 PM CDT
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Date: Glythandu, 30 Nissa 416 (7/24/2015)

[22:10] Leucius says, "Alrighty folks lets get started."

[22:10] Leucius exclaims, "Greetings!"

[22:10] Leucius says, "The Lorethew Mentor Society welcomes you to today's Absolution Assembly."

[22:10] Leucius says, "As most of you know the Absolution spell enables members of your Guild to combat Undead. It has been newly re-discovered and there is controversy regarding it's use."

[22:10] Leucius says, "The Khalo do not approve of the spell and refuse to teach it. However many Empaths choose to use it anyway."

[22:11] Leucius says, "Today's assembly is being held to give members of your Guild a chance to share their thoughts on this spell. While there are clearly two sides to this we suspect there are also Empaths that hover somewhere in the middle. Perhaps in hearing how other of thier Guildmates think those folks can draw a more concise opinion of their own."

[22:11] Leucius says, "Now a few things before we start in."

[22:11] Leucius says, "The Lorethew Mentor Society is presenting this Assembly for the purpose of giving Empaths a talking point on Absolution. In presenting the Assembly we do not endorse any side of the issue."

[22:11] Leucius says, "While there may be differing opinions given here we ask that everyone respects each other and gives each Speaker time to make thier point uninterrupted."

[22:11] Leucius says, "I will call the Speakers in order, each will get to state their opinion fully before the next person gets called. If someone who has already spoken remembers some great nugget that they forgot they can whisper to me and I will place them into the back of the line."

[22:12] Leucius says, "Anyone interested in Speaking should whisper to me. I will take a few moments to gather the names, organize them and we will get started."

[22:12] Leucius says, "Thank you all for your time."

[22:12] Leucius asks, "Does anyone have any questions?"

[22:12] Leucius says, "I will take names then."

[22:12] Leucius says, "Please whisper to me."

[22:13] Leucius says, "Synamon wishes to speak. Color me shocked."

[22:13] Synamon says, "I don't know why you hate me."

[22:14] Nakori meekly says, "What colour IS shock..."

[22:14] Sophieann says, "Black and white, but only if it's near gargs."

[22:14] Leucius says, "Red it seems."

[22:14] Mieri says to Synamon, "Jelousy. Jelous over your footwear most likely."

[22:14] Synamon says, "Galoshes are the best."

[22:16] Leucius says, "Actually."

[22:17] Nakori meekly says, "They are just being... sticky-headed goobers."

[22:17] Leucius says, "Kerenelle here has a few questions about casting."

[22:17] Leucius says, "Perhaps that would be a better starter."

[22:17] Leucius says, "Then we can start the opinions."

[22:17] Leucius says, "Kerenelle, you have the floor."

[22:17] Leucius says, "Put it back when done please."

[22:17] Kerenelle asks, "Question one has to with the fact that discern says I should be able to cast at 390, yet practically speaking, 160 is about as high as I can go. Can anyone help me understand why that is?"

[22:19] Meiline asks, "Are you using a focus?"

[22:19] Sarkranis says, "Discern is always a best-case scenario. Injuries, magical feats, and other factors may affect how much you can practically manage."

[22:19] Kerenelle says, "I can only get to 160 with the focus."

[22:19] Kerenelle says, "Then I also wanted to know whether the Improvised Rituals feat should let me get away from having to use that bag they sell at Herilo's as my focus."

[22:20] Dewdrop says, "Thats pretty."

[22:20] Dianelle says, "I like both of those."

[22:20] Synamon asks, "You are using the statue foci?"

[22:20] Leucius says, "Anyone that has not chosen a banner yet please pick one."

[22:20] Synamon asks, "And do you have trouble with casting pop?"

[22:20] Kerenelle says, "No, I've been using the bag, but I have a life-attuned focus from last year's HE fest."

[22:20] Necile asks, "What do you mean by banner?"

[22:21] Leucius says, "The flags are the gift today."

[22:21] Kerenelle says, "I don't have POP yet, so I don't know."

[22:21] Necile asks, "Where?"

[22:22] Necile asks, "Two choices?"

[22:22] Leucius asks, "Has this helped at all?"

[22:22] Marssi says, "Red or white."

[22:22] Necile says, "Red."

[22:22] Kerenelle says, "Sort of. Guess I'll just have to play with it some more."

[22:22] Necile says, "Bow mars."

[22:23] Mysterys says, "I like red."

[22:23] Vynda says, "I prefer the white."

[22:23] Leucius says, "The untrained fellow here says it sounds like you need work more."

[22:23] Dianelle says, "Well. If I cannot have both, and I want both, I'll take white."

[22:23] Dewdrop says, "Look."

[22:23] Marssi asks, "Anyone else for red?"

[22:23] Kaelie asks Vynda, "Did I give you one?"

[22:23] Nakori meekly asks, "Can I have two?"

[22:23] Vynda says to Kaelie, "You did now."

[22:24] Kaelie asks Nakori, "Did you eat yours already?"

[22:24] Nakori meekly says, "It has teeth holes in it now."

[22:24] Nakori meekly says, "But I can fix those..."

[22:24] Leucius says, "Alrighty folks lets settle down."

[22:24] Tamarina softly says, "I didn't get one."

[22:24] Leucius says, "We've gained a few folks since I started."

[22:24] Dewdrop says, "I like the red ones i don't want to give up."

[22:24] Leucius asks, "Does everyone have a banner?"

[22:25] Dewdrop says, "Not i."

[22:25] Tamarina softly says, "No."

[22:25] Dekkin says, "White."

[22:25] Victoar says, "Red."

[22:25] Leucius says, "Currently on the speaking list I have Sarkranis, Nakori, Mieri and Synamon."

[22:25] Marssi asks, "Anyone else for red?"

[22:25] Doshol kindly says, "I don't either, white."

[22:26] Dewdrop says, "Me Marssi."

[22:26] Kaelie asks Marssi, "Can I have one of those for myself please?"

[22:26] Tamarina softly says, "Hello."

[22:26] Dewdrop says, "Many thanks."

[22:26] Leucius says, "She's shifty looking don't do it."

[22:26] Marssi says, "Oh, she is."

[22:26] Tamarina softly says, "Flag please."

[22:26] Marssi asks, "Red or white?"

[22:26] Synamon exclaims, "Marssi is not shifty!"

[22:26] Tamarina softly says, "White please."

[22:26] Leucius says, "I meant kaelie."

[22:27] Synamon says, "Kaelie isn't either."

[22:27] Leucius asks, "Or was that an Empath pun?"

[22:27] Kaelie says, "Almost made a hunter outta ya."

[22:27] Tamarina softly says, "Thank you."

[22:27] Leucius says, "Alrighty folks lets get the opinions started."

[22:28] Leucius says, "First up is Sarkranis."

[22:28] Sarkranis says, "Empathic shock is not a punishment for violating some moral code against violence. It's purely physiological, arising from your overstimulated senses. When the guildleader says do no harm, he doesn't mean that it's morally wrong. He's just advising you that it will have an adverse effect on your empathy. I want to maximize my potential, so I am all for working around my limitations in a controlled manner."

[22:28] Sarkranis says, "But whatever your thoughts on Empaths and violence, the undead are abominations, violations of the laws of nature. They should not be, and therefore there is nothing wrong with eradicating them. The undead have caused enough harm."

[22:30] Leucius says, "Oh."

[22:31] Leucius says, "And cue me when you are finished."

[22:31] Leucius says, "I am used to blowhards that go on and on."

[22:31] Leucius says, "Being one..."

[22:31] Sarkranis says, "Short and sweet."

[22:31] Leucius says, "Thank you Sarkranis."

[22:31] Leucius says, "Next up is Nakori."

[22:32] Vadok says, "Fantastic."

[22:32] Nakori meekly says, "Um, I did not really prepare for this! I just want to know... where the spell came from. I don't really know how spells come to be at all... if they are discovered, or designed, or both..."

[22:33] Nakori meekly asks, "It worries me a lot that no one knows. It is a good thing, to be able to hunt the undead... But without knowing the history of this spell, how do we know if it will do something else to us?"

[22:34] Nakori meekly says, "I admit... I have not even looked at a scroll of it... But I have heard things, very scary things, about how... necromancers use spells that are very similar to ours."

[22:35] Synamon says, "Um."

[22:35] Nakori meekly asks, "I do not want to decide that I will start using the spell, and then, having my empathic abilities dulled... be weakened and, um, maybe under some other effect that I don't notice, that allows a necromancer to, um, do something...?"

[22:36] Nakori meekly says, "I don't know... I just worry a lot, and I want other people to worry, and think. I think that is all..."

[22:36] Leucius says, "Thank you Nakori."

[22:36] Leucius says, "And as a reminder folks. We are looking for opinions, not Elanthias next great orator."

[22:37] Leucius says, "So don't worry on that front."

[22:37] Leucius says, "Next up will be Mieri."

[22:37] Mieri says, "Let's talk for a moment about limitations."

[22:38] Mieri says, "Without the oppertunity to reach beyond out limitations, we cannot grow. This counts for both the individual and the group as a whole."

[22:38] Mieri says, "Awhile back, as some of you may remember, that odd lady Asrea talked about the Guild imposing their own set of limitations on us."

[22:38] Mieri says, "What we can or can't do with the empathic abilities that we have."

[22:39] Mieri says, "Abilities that we develop and we continue to improve."

[22:39] Dianelle says, "Whisp leuc Thanks."

[22:39] Mieri says, "She had warned us at that time that if we did not stand up, there would be more to come of the same manner."

[22:39] Mieri says, "Lo and behold, she was right."

[22:39] Mieri says, "So now we have this spell, a spell which could potentially make us useful in other ways beyond being the backbone of some triage for some long forgotten war or conflict."

[22:40] Mieri says, "So what happens, well of coarse some try to limit us again on using it."

[22:40] Mieri says, "Telling us that it is wrong, or it goes against the goals of the guild."

[22:40] Mieri says, "That is their opinion, and their goals. We do not HAVE to share them."

[22:40] Mieri says, "Regardless if you use it, want to use it, don't care for it, whatever... You should take a stand against someone else trying to tell you what your limits are."

[22:41] Mieri says, "Look inside yourself, detirmine what you find to be worthwhile and reach for it."

[22:41] Mieri says, "Don't seek approval of anyone else."

[22:41] Tamarina yells, "No limits!"

[22:42] Leucius says, "Thank you Mieri."

[22:42] Leucius says, "Synamon is up next. Hopefully everyone is sitting."

[22:42] Marssi says, "She's very shy."

[22:42] Mieri says, "Sitting is a bother, that's why I have a cane."

[22:43] Synamon says, "I talk a lot. I yell and stomp my feet, and fight and die and make a general ass of myself."

[22:43] Sophieann says, "I need a drink to achieve all that."

[22:43] Synamon says, "This is a given after a rois in the room with me, and I know that it makes it hard to take me seriously at times."

[22:44] Synamon says, "They thing is, our guild has a very rich history, one that is bigger than most people care to aknowledge and we have abilities far greater than most of us realize."

[22:45] Synamon says, "If you have never looked at our history, your history, you need to. Because we are more than healers, we are warriors."

[22:45] Synamon says, "So it comes to an aility like absolution."

[22:46] Synamon says, "Not all of us will follow a combat path that we can find use in it, but we all deserve the ability to learn it if we choose to."

[22:47] Synamon says, "In spite of what my crass shouting may indicate, I don't care how another empath chooses to use their gifts, because it really is a gift."

[22:47] Synamon says, "But to be held down and boxed into a corner is not fair and should not be accepted."

[22:48] Tamarina softly exclaims, "That right!"

[22:48] Synamon says, "We can not allow ourselves to be limited by the ideals of leadership that chooses not to lead."

[22:48] Synamon says, "We aren't here to discuss rebellion, we are here about an ability, but the two go together."

[22:49] Synamon says, "Some of us will feel like the dampening of our abilities is not something we wish to risk."

[22:49] Synamon says, "And that is okay, but we deserve that to make that choice for ourselves."

[22:50] Synamon says, "Even the most peaceful healer deserves to be more than an empuff."

[22:50] Synamon says, "So I will Absolution the undead in the face routinely with great malice, but you don't have to. Just don't limit yourself, or me."

[22:51] Synamon says to Leucius, "All done, thanks."

[22:51] Nakori meekly says, "I have a question..."

[22:51] Dewdrop says, "Very well said."

[22:51] Leucius says, "We can take a question."

[22:51] Leucius says, "Go ahead."

[22:52] Tamarina softly says, "That was just wonderfully said."

[22:52] Leucius says, "Also we are down to three Speakers, anyone wishing to speak still please whisper my way."

[22:53] Nakori meekly asks, "Well, I asked Salvur about the spell, and he did not even know what I was talking about. ARE the guild leaders trying to stop us from using it? I have not been to other guilds to ask... or even heard about them trying to stop anyone. Maybe they have not left the guild halls long enough to find a scroll for themselves, so they don't know it, and that's why they don't teach it?"

[22:53] Synamon says, "The moda have said they will refuse to teach it."

[22:53] Sarkranis says, "No, they are not trying to stop us -- unlike with shifting -- but they are still not teaching it or encouraging others to use it."

[22:53] Nakori meekly says, "Very strange."

[22:54] Marssi says, "They kind of do that. They keep quiet about things, and hope that we will stay in line and be good healers."

[22:54] Mieri says, "It is foolish to think that just because they are in charge of a guildhall, that they do not know what is going on in the world around them."

[22:54] Nakori meekly says, "That is not very smart of them."

[22:54] Sarkranis says, "Our guildleaders have a history of feigning ignorance about our abilities when curious Empaths come knocking."

[22:55] Tamarina softly exclaims, "KNock harder!"

[22:55] Synamon says, "Eksharo stated on numerous occasion we need to shut up and be good empuffs."

[22:55] Leucius asks, "Does that help Nakori?"

[22:55] Synamon says, "And when we bang harder on the door, they tend to notice but limit us further."

[22:55] Leucius says, "Alrighty, lets go to our next Speaker then."

[22:56] Nakori meekly says, "I hope someone hit him with a big stick. I do not like people telling me to be quiet."

[22:56] Mieri says, "Manipulation is a perfect example of something that we SHOULD know but they don't teach us."

[22:56] Leucius says, "Dianelle is up next."

[22:56] Dianelle says, "First off, Asrea is a hero, plain and simple."

[22:56] Dianelle says, "I took the white standard, but not in opposition of the red. I took the white because I've never hunted and it would be silly of me to suddenly pretend to be a hunter, as much as I want to see the undead cease to exist. That said, I absolutely support my fellow empaths that do this."

[22:57] Dianelle says, "I believe there is a way to hunt and keep our senses. We just don't know how yet. We as empaths are dangerous people, or could be if our guild did not make a point of keeping us ignorant. This may seen by some as a good thing but I don't like it and I will never just willingly accept it."

[22:57] Dianelle says, "I agree with Synamon, but we are more than this, having to make a choice. And if you need healing while your senses are dulled from any choice, I would like to think your fellow empaths are there for you."

[22:57] Dianelle says, "That's all I wanted to say."

[22:58] Leucius says, "Thank you Dianelle."

[22:58] Leucius says, "Next up is Kaelie."

[22:58] Tamarina softly exclaims, "Yes!"

[22:58] Kaelie exclaims, "Greetings all my fellow Empaths!"

[22:58] Kaelie says, "Not often we get to come together to talk like this."

[23:00] Kaelie says, "My thought on the spell is that I've used it. I have no issue against it. I feel as most that hunt do. The undead are an abomination and if I can help, especially when the town is under siege in invasions, my part will gladly get played."

[23:01] Kaelie says, "I think, like many of us, my issue is why I had to travel to Ilithi, Shard to obtain it. I feel like that is the place they put things that they want to "control"..."

[23:01] Dianelle says, "Oh, is that why I live there."

[23:03] Kaelie says, "I'm like Synamon in my thoughts, maybe not as outspoken, but certainly how I feel. Our leaders shroud our history from us in branches and hidden areas that sometimes I feel none know truly what all our capabilities can equal."

[23:03] Kaelie says, "I'd like to know. The thought of accidently stumbling on one and harming someone without intention is ... particularly a worry as we grow stronger."

[23:04] Kaelie says, "At any rate, I have and will continue to occasionally Abosolve myself in defense of the people I care for mostly."

[23:04] Leucius says, "Thank you Kaelie."

[23:04] Kaelie says, "Cheers Empaths."

[23:05] Leucius says, "Next up is Mysterys."

[23:05] Mysterys says, "People thing that it is easy being an empath and as we all know it is not. When I joined the guild I decided that I did not want to be grouped into the type that sits on her duff, begging for wounds and giggling and looking cute. Not, that I am not cute, and not that every empath does those things. I know there are many that do not."

[23:06] Mysterys says, "I was able to cast Aboslution just a few days ago and yes I liked it, I liked the feeling of being able to kill something undead, that roams around with no living life force, instead of standing with my husband and just dancing or manipulating things into fighting."

[23:07] Mysterys says, "It makes me feel good to be able to be in the field in an invasion and heal. I have seen others of you out there doing the same. So in my opinion the spell is worthwhile and while it may cause backlash in the end, there are many spells that do that to many guilds, but it is worthwhile and I feel it should be in our control to be able to use it if we wish."

[23:07] Leucius says, "Thank you Mysterys."

[23:08] Mysterys says, "Of course."

[23:08] Leucius says, "Next up is Kerenelle."

[23:08] Kerenelle says, "What I have to say is really for the benefit of those of you who may be on the fence about Absolution."

[23:08] Kerenelle says, "One of the things I really like about it is that for those who aspire to be battle empaths, there is a gap in the construct hunting ladder between about 50 and 100 lessons in your weapon skill."

[23:08] Kerenelle says, "When I was training my primary weapon, polearms, I had to cross that gap solely by listening to classes. Absolution narrows that gap to about 10 ranks between 75 and 85 lessons, but I have found that I can hunt with my skills about 10 lessons below the a creature s minimum. It s not pretty, and sometimes I get badly beat up, but I can and do kill things."

[23:09] Kerenelle says, "So understand how Absolution can help with battle empath training, so that you can make an informed decision."

[23:09] Kerenelle says, "That s really all I had to say."

[23:09] Leucius says, "Thank you Kerenelle."

[23:09] Sarkranis says, "Not many constructs are skinnable either."

[23:09] Leucius says, "If Marssi is still here she is next."

[23:09] Marssi exclaims, "I am!"

[23:10] Leucius says, "Oh right."

[23:10] Marssi exclaims, "Hi. I'm glad so many of you attended this! It's neat to have so many empaths together that care about something!"

[23:11] Marssi says, "I think it is pretty obvious that undead creatures do not wish to be in such a state. They are not meant to be. They are made that way by vile means, and it goes against what I feel empaths are. I hated seeing these beings attacking people, and being unable to do anything about it. I love that the spell gives me an option to do something."

[23:11] Marssi says, "While is can be weird to have our talents dulled, I think it is a kindness to kill, sometimes. When I am around germish'din, they seem to have nothing but pain and hatred. It is not an existence most would want to have. When I kill them, they seem relieved to be able to finally die. To me, that is being empathic towards the creature, and is part of being an empath."

[23:12] Marssi says, "I have no problems with any empath who chooses to not take up any weapons ever. I love our guild because there is room to be what you want."

[23:12] Marssi says, "Our guild leadership doesn't want there to be much in the way of options, but they are there. If someone wishes to do nothing but heal, that is honorable. Some of us wish to do more, and that is also honorable. I just hope we can all join together to encourage each other to be grow in the way we'd like, without putting obstacles in the way of our own guild."

[23:13] Marssi says, "And while there is a lot about it all, I guess that is it for me."

[23:13] Leucius says, "Thank you Marssi."

[23:14] Leucius says, "And Marssi there was our last schedualed Speaker. If anyone would like to say anything else please whisper my way again."

[23:15] Leucius says, "Nakori has a question."

[23:15] Leucius says, "Question away."

[23:15] Nakori meekly says, "Yes, um... What is it like? Using the spell...? What does it feel like, to... have your senses dulled? Do you ever feel anything else strange going on? Like how, sometimes, moon mages have strange feelings when they do their predictions and things..."

[23:16] Mysterys says, "I didn't feel anything else strange, but I was stabbing reavers."

[23:16] Sarkranis says, "You have less stamina, but mostly you just don't feel quite as attuned to all life around you."

[23:16] Sarkranis says, "Like having a stuffy nose."

[23:16] Synamon says, "Colors are dimmer, and the essences of people are a little duller, but it is temporary, and you can release the spell any time."

[23:17] Mysterys says, "Of course then I accidentally stabbed a hound and that didn't turn out well."

[23:17] Kaelie says, "It's a little awkward at first. It's like having a piece of you tucked away for safe keeping."

[23:17] Leucius says, "Hate those stuffy noses."

[23:17] Mysterys says, "But you also know when that feeling is leaving you."

[23:17] Mysterys says, "Or so it seemed."

[23:17] Kerenelle says, "I stabbed a ghoul crow because I thought it was undead, but I got empathic shock."

[23:17] Mysterys says, "I did that to a squirrel."

[23:18] Sarkranis says, "If there were a spell that let me go in and out of total insensitivity at will, I would use it."

[23:18] Synamon says, "I did that to favre."

[23:18] Sarkranis says, "Some things are just cursed."

[23:18] Mysterys says, "That's ok though."

[23:18] Synamon says, "He was shambling."

[23:19] Leucius says, "Alrighty it sounds like we are done. I would like to thank you all for coming. Also for conducting yourselves as proffesionally as you have."

[23:19] Kaelie says, "I realize the hour is late for some. I'll remind you that next Thursday we have a Empath Mentor meeting also in our Guild. I'd like to continue some of these thoughts AND get our Guild members more highly motivated in learning."

[23:19] Nakori meekly asks, "So... no one thinks that the spell was maybe designed by a necromancer to plant a seed of curse in us so that they can turn us into even more horrible undead things?"

[23:19] Leucius says, "It's been impressive."

[23:19] Marssi says, "I do not think that is the case at all."

[23:19] Sarkranis says to Nakori, "If it were, I don't think they'd be selling it in Shard."

[23:19] Nakori meekly says, "I suppose we will see..."

[23:20] Kaelie says to Nakori, "No, but I think it's a very strange thing that it appeared in Shard still."

[23:20] Daenah says, "Thank you for hosting this assembly."

[23:20] Dewdrop says, "Look."

[23:20] Leucius says, "One can reserve thier right to worry."

[23:20] Nakori meekly exclaims to Sarkranis, "They are tricky, necromancers. It is just the right kind of thing, to let us kill undead. That way no one suspects them!"

[23:20] Marssi says, "It is always an option to worry and wait and see."

[23:20] Leucius says, "Feel free to chat freely now."

[23:20] Sarkranis says, "Shard is the place of least resistance. When too much pressure is exerted in Zoluren and Therengia, what was suppressed shows up in Shard."

[23:21] Kerenelle says to Kaelie, "It's been my experience that people in Ilithi are in general less uptight about controversial magical abilities than people elsewhere are."

[23:21] Kaelie says to Sarkranis, "Which is rather why I like Nakoris question. It didn't just get in that shop by accident."

[23:21] Synamon says to Nakori, "There are parallels between necromancy and empaths that are hard to deny, but honestly, this ability allows us to smite the undead creatures necromancers create."

[23:21] Nakori meekly says, "And that is why not as much bad things happen there, I think. The people who want to cause troubles will go north to where they can upset more people."

[23:21] Sarkranis says, "But even Shard doesn't sell necromantic spell scrolls out in the open like that."

[23:22] Mieri says, "That's why I live in Fang Cove, I get to do whatever I want and nobody is there to tell me any different."

[23:22] Synamon says, "K'miriel has always been more open minded and willing to support advances in the guild. I always kind of wonder how long it will be before they ship her off to the wilderness."

[23:22] Nakori meekly exclaims, "Ooh, and you can visit the ferrets in the pet shop whenever you like!"

[23:22] Sarkranis says, "Well, they did get rid of Eksharo."

[23:23] Kaelie says to Sarkranis, "And his where abouts still unknown or health."

[23:23] Sarkranis says, "Health did not seem good last I heard."

[23:23] Synamon says, "Eksharo is a liar and a creep, he is not a big loss to us, but an excellent example of what happens when you serve your purpose to the guild."

[23:23] Kaelie says to Sarkranis, "That was the last I had heard as well."

[23:24] Sarkranis says, "To be fair, who knows what happened to his mind during that ritual."

[23:24] Kaelie says, "That ritual may have done things to his mind that would curl our toes."

[23:24] Leucius asks, "You guys can't fix curled toes?"

[23:24] Dianelle says, "And until they show Asrea some respect for being used for that ritual, I have none for him."

[23:25] Leucius says, "Huh."

[23:25] Synamon says, "We can fix everything."

[23:25] Nakori meekly says, "Not everything."

[23:25] Dianelle says, "We can't fix stupid."

[23:25] Nakori meekly says, "Or broken hearts."

[23:25] Kaelie says, "But we can educate the new Empaths."

[23:25] Sarkranis says, "It's not as if the guild is ever going to come forward to the public and say, 'Hey, we weaponized empathy, but don't worry, it's totally not like what Jomay did.'."

[23:25] Kaelie says, "Some who are more than willing to just blindly heal and not understand how much many of us have seen. Or had to endure through."

[23:26] Synamon says, "Clean ups and touch ups..."

[23:26] Nakori meekly says, "It will be a very bad time for us when we figure out how to transfer wounds the other way."

[23:26] Synamon says, "If you asked a barbarian to clean you, you'd be drowned in a well."

[23:26] Sarkranis says, "At least they have not pushed Zoluren and Therengia into banning the spell outright. That's progress, albeit small."

[23:27] Kaelie says to Nakori, "I've said that to a few. If I could put wounds back on you with a touch you'd be dead where you stand."

[23:27] Sarkranis says to Nakori, "OK, but how about if I could just 'handicap' someone with empathy for a little while.

[23:27] Kerenelle says to Kaelie, "Now there's an idea for an empathic hunting spell."

[23:27] Synamon says, "The baron is too busy stalling a wedding to notice us."

[23:27] Kaelie asks, "Has everyone gotten a standard that wanted one?"

[23:28] Sarkranis says, "If you strike me down, it will hurt you more than it will hurt me."

[23:28] Leucius says, "Sonjaa carries a scroll that when you look at it has a lil map and directions to the bathhouse. She used to show that to anyone asking her for a cleanup."

[23:28] Synamon says, "I love her so much."

[23:29] Nakori meekly says, "But I like saying 'Clean as a weasel!'."

[23:30] Leucius says, "Well done folks."

[23:30] Azaylea says, "Thank you to the Mentors for hosting this assembly."

[23:30] Leucius says, "Do enjoy your day and thank you for the time again."

[23:30] Kerenelle says, "Yes, thank you Mentors."

[23:31] Mieri says, "I suppose I should get back to Fang Cove. I already tire of this city."

[23:31] Leucius asks, "Um sorry?"

[23:32] Kaelie says, "Thanks again to all coming in."

"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Vote for DragonRealms on Top MUD Sites: http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-DragonRealms.html
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Re: Empath Absolution Assembly Log on 07/25/2015 12:14 AM CDT
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Thanks for posting the log! Would someone care to document both the white and sanguine standards on elanthipedia?

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Re: Empath Absolution Assembly Log on 07/25/2015 12:41 AM CDT
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>>Flint-Tipped: Would someone care to document both the white and sanguine standards on elanthipedia?

I got the red one.


"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Vote for DragonRealms on Top MUD Sites: http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-DragonRealms.html
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Re: Empath Absolution Assembly Log on 07/25/2015 05:45 PM CDT
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I swear I appear illiterate with my craptastic typing skills... lol

Thank you for posting this, and it is so great to have things like this put together. We really need so much more of it!
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Re: Empath Absolution Assembly Log on 07/25/2015 09:46 PM CDT
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The white healer's standard is up now as well. Open, Close, Raise, Shake, Turn, Wave commands work and clench and taunt are fun to use with it as well. Has anyone found any other commands that interact with them? I don't own a standard so I was being a borrower.


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