Guildhall redecoration on 09/10/2016 12:04 PM CDT
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I got to say that I really like the changes to the guildhall in Crossing. Very well done. The bonfire with Salvur was quite fun as well. He was in good form. The new courtyard in beautiful and I like having the shelf moved to the Infirmary.

I would like to ask though that the disarming/lockpicking ward be removed from the Infirmary though. It is an outdated ward that shouldn't still be in place there. Combat is allowed, but opening boxes isn't? Because of this, people have started gathering in the Courtyard instead. If this continues, would a bucket possibly be added to the Courtyard then to help with clutter? Oh, and could the snack tray please return to the sitting room? Thanks!
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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/10/2016 07:37 PM CDT
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I'm glad you like the changes!

That said, since I've seen this request a few times now, I am unwilling to remove the no-disarming wards from the infirmary for a whole bunch of reasons.

As to a bucket, the statue is a bucket! Give the lady all your garbage and the birds will take it away. This wasn't working right at first but should be fixed now. The snacks in the sitting room are still there, but I realized since they're not mentioned in the room's description anymore, this might be confusing, so I have unhidden the snacks so they show up in the "You also see" stuff.

Thank you for your feedback!

Nature, it seems, is the popular name
for milliards and milliards and milliards
of particles playing their infinite game
of billiards and billiards and billiards.
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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/10/2016 08:40 PM CDT
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Awesome. I didn't even think to try that statue. And to be honest, I didn't look hard for the snacks, just heard a few mention it.

I understand you have your reasons about the wards. Thank you for being candid. I am glad to not have combat wards though. I'd hate to see the Infirmary turn into a 'safe room' for people who cause drama to run and hide while continuing their drama.
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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/11/2016 11:50 PM CDT
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Love that there's no teleportation wards in the redecorated portions!

The ramp from the hospital to the healerie is buggy though:

[The Healerie, Entrance Hall]
Moss and lichen thickly blanket the walls and floor of the damp underground hall. At one end, long spiraling oaken stairs hug the side of the shaft that leads up to the main room of the distant Empath Guild. Near the middle, a walnut ramp goes up towards the Hospital Triage while an arch leads into other areas. Light reflected from aboveground through an intricate mirror system floods the area. You also see some large swinging doors leading into the Healerie.
Obvious exits: none.
>look ramp
This smoothly inclined ramp of beautifully stained dark walnut is the first in a series of ramps that extend up to the Triage area of the Hospital far above.
>go ramp
[Martyr Saedelthorp, Triage]
At first glance it is difficult to tell you are in the renowned healing arts' hospital of Martyr Saedelthorp. It looks more like a battlefield healer's station. Blood, gore, sweat and mud streak the tiled floor and the wooden benches. Groaning adventurers in various states of shock and consciousness await tending by concerned but fatigued healers. You gingerly step over a patient with a severed limb sprawled out on a canvas stretcher. You also see Martyr Saedelthorp, an inclined dark walnut ramp, a wide arch, a waiting list and the apprentice Kaiva.
Obvious exits: none.
>go ramp
Bonk! You smash your nose.
>tap ramp
You tap an inclined dark walnut ramp.

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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/12/2016 05:19 AM CDT
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Should be fixed! Thanks for making a note of that.

Nature, it seems, is the popular name
for milliards and milliards and milliards
of particles playing their infinite game
of billiards and billiards and billiards.
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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/12/2016 02:00 PM CDT
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A part of me is wondering + crossing fingers that the vela'tohr plant keeps track of player names and positive/negative interactions to create an affinity scale, and eventually when she grows up she would interact with those people accordingly.

Would be particularly amusing IC karmic justice when all those people deliberately trying to cut, pull, etc. general mean-ness to her get bit in the foot when the grown-up plant shoves them out the door while asking for healing.
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Re: Guildhall redecoration on 09/14/2016 01:16 AM CDT
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I'd think it also be interesting to perceive the plant with 'perc health', perhaps?
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